Eliot ended his call, with Nate wishing him the best of luck and headed down the hall to his bedroom.

"Parker, breakfast is ready." He told her through the master bathroom door.

"M'kay." She replied sniffling- which Eliot did not miss.

"Parker, darlin' why don't you come out," he suggested softly.

He heard the lock click as she unlocked the door. What he saw next tore him apart. She opened the door to face a concerned Eliot waiting patiently for her. Her piercing blue eyes were puffy and red; remnants of her tears trailing down her flushed cheeks still visible. He looked at her intently tugging her by the wrist, over towards his bed. He sat down on the bed and she followed suit. He took her hands in his squeezing them gently.

"Bab- Parker darlin', what's the matter? Why ya cryin'?" He asked gently.

"I called Sophie and told her what happened and asked what to do. We talked and then she said that you all care about me and that I'm family." She said fresh tears streaming down her face.

"It's true, you are family. The whole team- Hardison, Nate, Sophie, me, and you; we're all family. That's never gonna change." He assured her.

She nodded choking on a silent sob and he pulled her onto his lap. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead. She nuzzled into his chest with his strong warm arms enveloping her.

"You wanna go eat?" he asked whispering softly into her hair.

"Can we just sit- like this, for a while?" she requested hopefully.

"Sure," he replied smiling as he scooted them both back- she still on his lap, to lean against the headboard.

"Eliot," Parker asked after a moment's silence.

"Yeah?" He answered back; looking at her intently.

"Did you mean it?" she asked doubtfully.

"Mean what darlin'?" He asked; his eyes curious.

"When you said…you want…me?" she clarified uncertainly; looking as if she were terrified to hear his answer.

"More than ya could possibly imagine sweetheart." He said in his Eliot Spencer drawl.

Her eyes widened, her eyebrows perking at his affirmation.

"How much?" she asked genuinely oblivious.

"C'mere, lemme show ya." He breathed huskily in her ear.

She gasped out loud as he pulled her atop of him fully, holding her firmly by her hip with one hand, the other, snaked in her hair as he pulled her in for a long and heated passionate kiss. Finally, when air desperately became needed, he reluctantly broke the kiss. She looked at him awestruck as he caressed her face with his hand.

"God, you're beautiful Parker. The most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on." He breathed enchanted.

"You must walk around with your eyes shut all day." She scoffed, brushing off the foreign compliment.

He frowned. "Why would you say that, Parker? Do you not realize how utterly breathtaking you are? Has no one ever told you that?" He asked incredulously.

"No," she whispered softly.

It tore his heart up to hear that. He was determined to spend the remainder of his life showing her just how truly beautiful she is.

He hooked his index-finger under her chin, pulling her in so her lips were mere centimeters from his; his other hand had snaked behind her up to where it now rested at the back of her head; his hand entangled gently in her hair. "Well trust me, you are." He assured her pulling her impossibly closer. He brushed his lips against hers; smiling when he felt her tummy grumble against him.

"Come on darlin'. Time to eat breakfast." He said rolling them over so that he was on top. She giggled until he kissed her again chastely. Before she could deepen the kiss, Eliot had already gotten off the bed and was pulling her up to join him. She made a noise of protest at his abrupt stop. He looked at her chuckling when he saw she was pouting.

"Food first. Then play. 'Cause you're gonna need your energy." He winked at her smiling when she gasped in realization of what he meant. "Trust me sweetheart, you're gonna need it. Now, whaddya say we go get us somethin' to eat?" She nodded excitedly as he tugged on her wrist, towing her down the hall to the kitchen.

When they made it to the kitchen Eliot realized that the pancakes he had made for their breakfast was cold. He frowned.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to make somethin' else darlin'." He told Parker.

"Sorry." She mumbled looking at the floor.

"It's no big deal. I'll just give it to the neighbor's dog later. It's okay." He reassured her.

"Okay." She smiled.

Eliot looked at the clock and realized it was almost noon.

"Hey, it's almost lunchtime. Whaddya say we go pick up some stuff at the grocery store and I'll make us some lunch?" He suggested.

Her eyes lit up and she shook her head excitedly. "Yay!"

"I didn't mean steal anything Parker. I meant buy." He clarified realizing he should have worded his previous statement differently.

"I know!" Parker said indignantly; sticking out her tongue though her eyes were playful.

Soooo, what do you think? I'd love to hear if you have any suggestions or requests.

Thanks, Kayte