Clare walked down the hallway feeling a bit light-headed, 'what just happened?' She thought her eyebrows pulling together slightly. 'Owen, Really Clare?' She shook the thoughts from her head, she was with Eli. Eli and her were perfect for each other... Right? She kept walking trying to keep Owen out of her head,
why was she all of a sudden considering him? She was tempted to get to know him- when they talked he seemed kind of..

She bit her lip and looked around not realising that she had been walking aimlessly around the halls for the past couple of minutes. She sighed heavily and sat down on a nearby bench noticing everyone was already in class, "No point in going now." She muttered to herself. "No point going where?" Asked a familiar voice "Planning on Skipping, Edwards?". She turned and saw Eli standing to her left smirking, she had been so lost in thought she hadn't even noticed him walk up. He sat down next to her, leaning in pressing his lips to hers. She jumped back surprised standing up, he looked at her with a confused expression followed by it slowly turning to dissapointment. She opened her mouth to speak, quickly shutting it again not wanting to say something stupid. He stood up slowly eyeing her- "I.. got to get back to class." He said running a hand through his dark hair. "Ill see you around Clare.." She stood there looking like an idiot her mouth slightly open. She groaned and sat back down as he disapeared around the corner. What was happening to her? She liked Eli yesterday... Why was she not feeling it as much today? She stood up walking towards the doors that led out of the building, might as well skip the rest of the day as well. She needed to unscramble her thoughts, maybe go to the dot? Nobody would find her there. She pushed through the doors to be immediatly stopped by a hand blocking her way past the steps. "Where do you think you're going, Miss. Edwards?" Mr. Simpson asked his arms now folded across his chest. She looked down embarrased, 'busted'... She thought sighing and looking back up at him. "Detention?" She asked pressing her lips together. "1 hour, after school." He said tapping his foot on the pavement. "Now get to class." He said opening the door for her- "You're already late enough." She walked back into the school dragging her feet a bit as he followed behind her. Was it really nessasarry that he asscorted her to her class? That's just plain embarrasing.

The rest of the day dragged on and it felt like the bell was never going to ring, even if it did she still had an hour long detention to get to. Today was not a very good day for her... The bell rang and students started rushing out of the classroom.
She stood up walking towards the room detention was held in.

When she finally made it there, it was empty. She sat down near the back of the classroom resting her head on the desk, it was then when she realised how tired she was, she slowly started drifting to sleep when he was interupted by yelling and a door slamming, her head shot up and she looked around the room noticing an angry looking Owen sitting at a desk across the classroom. She just stared at him a little shocked until he noticed her staring. "Hey there, We meet again." He said smoothly, butterflies swarmed in her stomache and she nodded fixing her now messy curls. "You wanna ditch this place?" He asked walking towards the door hand on the handle. She shrugged standing up, "Why not." She replied with a small smile- what had gotten into her lately?