Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Disney in this story, but it'd be really great if I did ;)

AN: Hey, again! I am so, so, so, so sorry for the delay- I'm a huge procrastinator in practically everything I do. Thank you all so very much for the alerts, favorites, and reviews. For those of you that reviewed, you already know what was coming for this chapter ;D By the way, ya'll might want to re-read a bit because this goes back two chapters starting right at the ending of the third chapter in Sonny's pov. Oh and as a treat for such a long wait this is an uber long chapter. And on that note….Enjoy! :)

Tatimac: Aww thank you, Sonny and Alex make it deadly cute by being so freakin' deadly cute. And yes they totally are the perfect couple :) I hope this makes up for it.

Mell23: :D Thank you! Alex is definitely a softy and Sonny is really cute. Sorry for the wait.

Ame-Aky: I'm really sorry about the long breaks, seriously I am but thank you so much for sticking with me :) You're awesome and I love your english.

greatpretender27: Here's hoping for the both of us and Alex, thanks for the reviews :]

Ad3n: Thanks, here's more :)

chichitehahh: Thank you for the review and understanding, here's what you asked for :)

amberpetriece: Here you go ;)

xxLady Of The Darnknessxx: thanks for the review :]

PurpleNinjauh: Lol, thanks :)

nvrshoutnvr: Haha, you're awesome. Thanks for reviewing, I hope you still like where it heads :]

ms-rappy-sleeper: Thank you so very much, honestly it meant a lot you saying that :)

wsupAnonnymous: Haha you're awesome. Indeed ;)

disneylover21: Hehe thanks [:

NickiMinajlover: She is :D

AN 2: Okay, throw all the stones you want at me; I am terribly sorry about the extreme gap. I was trying really hard to finish this chapter and give you all a super, well not really super but, a pretty long update but alas to lessen the wait I'm splitting it. And plus this way I already have some of the next part done. It's actually three chapters in one but it was taking too long for me to actually finish all three together so do enjoy the first part. And thank you all so much for actually sticking with this even though I'm a butt procrastinator :P

Sonny's P.O.V.

I moved closer to the door and could hear Steven's voice say "Take care of her" but I quickly spun back around to the sinks upon seeing the girl- or rather Alex- turning my way. I tried to make myself look nonchalant as grabbed a paper towel to wipe my hands. I faintly heard that heart whelming voice say something that made my heart completely melt.

"I will."

I was attempting to make myself look even more presentable again after my little fit earlier.

My eyes weren't too puffy and red anymore and my make-up was fixed. I don't know why I felt this strange need to impress the girl or why I even confided in her like I did. Heck I don't even know her na- oh wait yes I do, it's Alex. Alex, an old friend…I like the sound of that- friend. And this friend promised to take care of me even though she hardly knows me. I turn my attention back to her and I can't help the smile on my face as Alex walks toward me. She's looking down as if in deep thought and I just find it so darn cute with those scrunched eyebrows, narrowed eyes and oh so luscious pursed lips.

"Hey" I whispered, still smiling.

Alex gives me a small smile- of which my heart flutters- and an almost raspy sounding "Hi."

I giggle because I feel like such a freaking girl with all these emotiony feelings and I know this feeling I'm having- but I subconsciously ignore it as I almost always have. I can see Alex's brain working again- it's like her eyes are little windows as to what goes on in her head. She just seems so different than anyone else I've ever met.

"Listen, why don't we just start over. I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I misjudged you. What do you say?"

Honestly that's exactly what I was feeling. I know she didn't mean what she said earlier and I don't really blame Alex all that much, celebrities can be misjudged easily. And for some reason I want to show this girl who I am, the real me. I grin and extend my hand to her.

"Sounds great, I'm Sonny." At first Alex gave me this funny look with a raised eyebrow- which for who knows what reason, I find sexy as heck- and then she takes my hand.

"I'm Alex." Our hands connected, and as lame and cliché as it sounds, there were these little tingles that started to spread through my hand and up my arm. I feel as though the universe just threw me some 'life changing curveball for the better to save me from myself' sort of thing.

"Nice to meet you Alex." I smile softly because for once it my life it actually felt genuinely nice to meet someone.

"Yeah, well you ain't so bad yourself either." I laugh a little to further lighten the mood and plus it is kinda funny since only minutes ago this girl was insulting me. I start to realize what actually just happened. I'm a little curious as to what else she said to Steven.

"Thanks, did you manage to talk to Steven?" Alex's expression visibly falters and I can tell she had no idea I heard most of the conversation- at least the part that mattered.

"Umm about that… yes I did speak to him and told him what you had me say. I also said I was an old friend to keep him less suspicious of me, I hope you don't mind?" Aww she sounds really concerned and I find her undeniably the cutest thing on Earth right now.

"Of course not, I told you to say that. Anything else? Is he still at the door?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"Well, I kinda sorta told him to leave with Tawni and everyone else. And to umm just not worry because I'd get you wherever you needed. I mean it's the least I could do after treating you so bad. Sorry if that's not what you wanted, but I figured you may want, and need, to relax away from the celebrity life." Can she get any cuter, I almost couldn't concentrate on her ramble between staring at her lips and thinking how cute she was. But I caught it anyways and I could tell that for some unknown reason to me, Alex sincerely wanted to fix what occurred earlier- and I wasn't against the idea either.

"Alex, hun, it's okay I don't mind." I really really don't mind. In fact, I'm liking that idea way more than I should.

"Really? Because usually when some random person from a bathroom sends off the guards and offers to take care of you it's considered stalker-like, strange behavior with means to harm. Why don't you mind?" Ok that's true I'll give her that and normally that would be the case but I don't know…I don't find being in a secluded bathroom with the hottest girl ever a bad thing.

"Truthfully, I feel like I can trust you. I trust that you'll take care of me." I unconsciously give her my 'flirty' crooked smile. I don't know why it's so easy to trust this girl but then again I don't know why it was so easy for her to say what she said earlier to Steven.

"Even if I hate you? You hardly know me." At that moment, I decided I was going to get to know Alex as much as I could. Because I don't know her, but I want to- I really want to.

"You just said that you didn't and besides I do know you, you're an old friend remember? And you promised to take care of me." I smile, knowing that I was now revealing that I overheard what she said to Steven earlier.

"Uhh," Alex clears her throat and it doesn't go unnoticed that she's looking at my mouth but I mistake it for confusion on her part as to why I said that. "Umm, I didn't exactly say that but- wait you heard?"

"Not really, just that last bit, sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I'm glad I did. I know that I can trust you now." That was the whole truth. In just hearing those few words not meant for me to hear, I knew all I needed to know about Alex being trustworthy to me right now.

"Oh then I guess it's okay, so… umm what do you want to do?" I brighten at that, happy to know that Alex actually wants to stick around with me.

"Well I was thinking you could maybe show me around New York, that is if you wanted. We don't have to anything really I could just go back to my hotel and rest there." I didn't mean to ramble but I stared to sound eager- in my mind- and I don't want to impose on her if Alex isn't interested.

"Really? That's exactly what I was thinking too! But if you want to head back to your hotel and relax that's cool too." I guess she really doesn't mind hanging out with me. This happened really fast, I can't believe Steven was actually chill enough to let me stay. I should at least update him of my plans, but I'm most definitely spending my day with Alex.

"No, I'm good. I'll call Steven and let him know. But um how are we- err rather I- going to get around, especially without being noticed?" I started to get excited about the idea totally forgetting who I am to the public eye- which is a bummer when I just want to go about a normal life but also nice because I absolutely love and adore my fans.

"I have a car, so we'll use that. However, as for you we're gonna have to get you some shades and stick to the less populated areas." Alex started to get this kind of evil-ish sexy look on her face and I couldn't help but ask why.

"What are you smiling at?" Her expression was amusing me- in a good way, a very good way.

"Oh nothing, just I have some aviators in the mustang you can use and I think I know just the places that I can take you." She really seemed to have this all figured out, but that was only outside of the store.

"That's great, umm how do we leave?" Alex pursed her lips again, clearly thinking.

"My friend Harper works here, I'll just ask her to make sure the coast is clear so we can head out. The crowd probably left already anyways since they think you're gone. Why don't you call Steven now while I text my friend." I didn't really have time to say anything because she quickly turned to her phone, as I did to mine, and we went to work on our plan.

I only moved slightly to the side, leaning my back against the sink counter. I quickly dialed Steven.

Steven isn't just my manager/bodyguard; he's also like a step-dad to me. He and my mom dated back in Wisconsin and got as far as an engagement but put it all on hold when I was chosen to join 'So Random' and since then their relationship has sorta been on pause.

Ring… I sigh and look down at my boot clad feet.

Steven may not be my legal step-dad yet but he sure takes the role seriously. It all started back in middle school when I began to get bullied, he had been with my mom a bit more than casually for almost a year. When he found out I was being severely bullied, he became more to both my mom and I stepping in and trying to take the role of a father.

Ring… I unconsciously bring my left hand up and begin to run my thumb over the much regretted scars on my right wrist.

For the most part the bullying was stopped but not completely until I entered high school and became a different person- physically and mentally. When these changes began, Steven started to become more protective about boys- things a typical dad would be concerned about. I really do love him like my own dad but sometimes he can be a bit overbearing- like a real father I guess.

Ring… I begin to fiddle with the ring on my left thumb.

I know it's for my own well being, but since the end of the first season of 'So Random' the fans have become more enthusiastic. Maybe it's the fact that we're in this big city, but these past two days all I've gotten from Steven has been nothing but a constant vigil and over-over protection.

Ring… I stare at the tattoo on my left wrist that will always remind me to stay who I am.

I am still extremely surprised that Steven left me alone with Alex, but I did use our special code for 'I'm ok but I need a little girl time.' I glad he respected that, but even so- in order to avoid any unnecessary, and unwanted, worrying from him the least I could do is grant him this one call letting him know that I'm safe and in good hands.

Hi this is Steven here. You've reached my personal cell, sorry I couldn't get to the phone. Just leave your name please and maybe even a short message if you will. If I want to get back to you, I'll have your number. Danks

I roll my eyes lightly at Steven's message- he really is a cool person but with him not answering now, I'll have to talk to him later when he decides to call back. I sigh on go on to leave him a message.

"Hey Steven, its Sonny. I just wanted to let you know I'll be hanging out with my friend today- and no worries we'll be fine. I'm safe and I just really need the break. Thanks, I'll talk to you later."

I end the call and send a quick text just in case. My attention darts to Alex. I start to move forward, closing the distance between us.

For five years now, I've denied any attraction I hold for girls- its just easier that way. Only once did I cave, back in Wisconsin- it was my best friend. I would always act on my feelings and follow my heart- I was naïve. One day I kissed her just because I really wanted to, I had wanted to for a year but I didn't know any different. She pushed me away, called me a freak, I apologized, said it was nothing and it was never spoken of again. Our friendship was never really the same after the 'incident' as I call it, and the last time we really spoke was when she came to 'So Random.'

There was no denying that the shiny raven-haired, perfectly golden bronze-skinned, slightly shorter girl in front of me is absolutely attractive. In fact, I don't think I've ever been more attracted to a person in my life- or even seen a more attractive beauty.

I didn't notice that my body seemed to move on its on accord and I seemingly gravitated closer and closer with each ghosted step until I found myself directly in front of said beauty.

I was giving Alex- I smiled; I really like that name- a once over taking my sweet time seeing as her attention was still on texting. My mind couldn't help but flash back to seeing that wonderfully tonned, tanned abdomen; not to mention her sexy black lacy bra. I felt something stir in me.

Before my mind could wonder any further, I was quickly brought of out my daze at the sound of laughter- her glorious laughter.

Clearing my apparent sap moment, I shook my head slightly just as Alex looked back to me.

Seriously what's with me and this girl?