Hay readers how's it going? So I have to let you guys know that if you have been reading my story and keeping up with me even though I kind of abandoned this story more than once that the last chapter 21 has been replaced with a new one. So if you haven't already go back and read it before reading this chapter. Also I have reread my whole story and decided that I was going to redo the whole thing, not right now but I will be doing it, taking out some parts and adding new ones and even changing it up a bit. But I will finish it first as I am really close to ending it. So if you want you can read it when I repost it or you can be satisfied with this one I know I'm not but anyways if you are interested in rereading when done hit me up in pm and I will send you a pm back when it's done. Until then enjoy the story.


Kagome sat in her chair staring at herself in the mirror. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and she was wondering whether or not she should let it down. Oh what does it matter it's not like this is a date or anything just two people getting to know each other as friends. She gave up with her hair and went to put her clothes on. A navy blue long sleeved top and black jeans, she topped it off with a black and blue scarf and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" a low deep voice came from behind her

"Sesshomaru!" she said turning to look at him "I didn't know you were here, you scared me"

Pulling her close to his person he whispered "Fear can be a good thing sometimes. Like me to show you."

She smiled shyly and pulled away using her shoulder to push him. "Um I'm kinda in a hurry so if you don't mind I have to go I'll be back soon we can… talk than."

She smiled leaning in and gave him a kiss on the check before opening the door and running out hoping that he wouldn't try and stop her.


"Inuyasha" His name came out low almost a whisper but he could hear it clear. The young boy looked over his shoulder confused than back to the girl. "Excuse me?" Kagome was pulled out of her day dream and smiled at him. "I'm sorry Joe I… it's just that you look like someone I know, someone I haven't seen in a long time.

He took a sip of his coffee. "Ah, an ex-boyfriend" it was more a statement than a question. Kagome looked down into her cup and then back up to the boy. "Kind of… Inuyasha is someone that I care for a lot and although he doesn't say it he cares for me too, we just never tried to be anything more than friends."

"So if you guys are so close why haven't you seen him in a long time?" he asked more curious than anything else.

"Well you see" she started to fidget with her fingers "he got into some trouble and somehow I ended up in the middle of it all. Long story short, do to some unfortunate events I can't see him. But I, we haven't stopped trying."

He took another sip of his coffee. "So you seen him since?"

She shook her head "No, I talked to him a while back."

"So you called him?"

"…Yeah." She shook her head again "You don't know how hard it was to talk to him where he's at, it took a lot."

Joe leaned back and crossed his lags. "Hmm, Inuyasha, that's a strange name. In fact if you translate that to English it means 'dog-demon' some would even argue that Yasha means 'friendly spirit' or 'forest spirit'. I know a story about a grate fight involving the forest spirit and the destroyer of the circle of life, a legend about two brothers. One born of a human woman and the other of a demon woman. The legend says that the two brothers never really got along and was always fighting but this fight was different."

"How so?" he had her full attention now and she lean in.

"Well this fight was over a woman known only as the 'Lost Girl'." He smiled "Funny that's what your name means"

She smiled at him "Um so what happens at the end?"

Joe frowned "The brothers were fighting hard and was at their limits, as the last blow from both brothers was made the young girl cried out. It was said that the young woman cared deeply for both brothers and tried her best to stop them but when they didn't listen she did the unthinkable. Her cry could he heard from the nearby village and the people knew that they would be praying over a grave."

Kagome took a deep breath "That's it? It doesn't menschen what was said or what she did?" he simple shook his head no. She sat back in her chair and thought about it. This story; it has to be about Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. But then when does it take place?

"Kagome, you're doing it again." He said as she stared into her cup.

She looked up at him "Sorry I was just thinking about the story. Why do you think they would leave out the names of all three people? And what about the death? I mean you can't just not say who dies why would they leave all of this out?"

Joe laughed "that's the problem with legends they are never clear. You just have to make your own ending."

"Yeah I guess"

Joe looked down at his phone "Wow look at the time I have work in an hour I have to get going." He pulled out his wallet and placed a twenty on the table. "Thanks for the company I enjoyed it. Maybe next time we can take a walk and talk more about legends, I know a bunch. Anyways give me a call sometime bye." He walked off.


"Sesshomaru?" he looked at her. She was laying in her bed and he couldn't help but think that for a human she was beautiful "would you kill Inuyasha?"

He smiled "Is that a request?"

"No." she said with a stern voice

"Then why do you ask?"

She was laying in her bed looking at her stuff animal hanging on the wall. That was a gift from Inuyasha, she had dragged him out to the carnival and he managed to get enough money to play a rope claiming game and won it for her.

"I mean you had plenty of opportunities to kill him yet you didn't. Why?"

He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Sitting next to her on her bed he spoke. "Simply because I would be broad. Inuyasha does not fit well with me, I hate him, but this Sesshomaru gets excited when fighting him. This Sesshomaru looks forward to the challenge"

"So in other words he's a punching bag"

He didn't know what that was but he took a guess from its name. "Precisely"

"That's not very nice"

"This Sesshomaru is not very nice. I may be tolerant but not nice"

She smiled "whatever I'm going to sleep we can finish talking in the morning." She rolled over and closed her eyes she could feel him lay down next to her.