Terra let out a sigh of relief. She had spoken to the Onion Knight an hour before, and he seemed to accept her again… mostly. But, she would take what she could get. She was not a picky person after all. However, there was someone still on her mind. The man with the spiky hair. She had yet to apologize to him properly.


Cloud crouched down on the ground, bleeding from his side, holding his freshly obtained crystal in his hand. He had done it. Not only had he found his crystal, he had found a reason to fight. However, he was still bleeding heavily. He didn't know what to do. If he stayed here, he couldn't get help. However, if he got up and moved, he would bleed heavier. He found himself slowly growing tired. "I can't fall asleep!' he scolded himself. "I might never wake up if I fall asleep now!"

But he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He collapsed and fell asleep. "This isn't so bad," he thought to himself.


"Terra, are you okay?" the Onion Knight asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she asked.

"Well, you seem… distracted. Are you sure nothing's bothering you?" he asked, getting up from his kneeling position in front of her.

Terra stood up as well. "I… I don't mean to sound rude… in fact, I'd love to be with you! But I have to go speak with someone. Someone else I hurt while I was… I don't know," she answered hesitantly.

The Onion Knight smiled. "It's okay. Just remember I'm waiting for you, okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'll remember," she answered. Smiling before flying off.

The Onion Knight stared after her for awhile. "See you… Terra," he whispered.


Cloud had had enough of sleeping. He wanted to get up, but he was so tired. "I… have to… go… get out of here…." He barely managed to choke out. The wound in his side was much worse than it looked. He was still sitting in the mini- Lifestream. "I'm going to die here…" he thought to himself. "This is it…"

But right as this thought crossed his mind, he heard the gasp of the young girl who kicked him before. "Great. It's the girl with the PMS again," he thought dryly.

"What do you want!" he asked when he heard her land and begin to approach him.

"I'm sorry… I came to apologize to you properly," she said.

"Apology accepted. Now go away. You interrupted my death," he said moodily.

"I can help with that if you want," she said shyly.

"Yeah, what can you do?" he snapped. She walked up to him and muttered something incoherent, and then the wound in his side healed and he was fine.

"How…?" he asked, looking at his side.

"That's my secret," she said slyly.

"Well, I have to repay you," he said.

"Oh, no you don't!" she said. "That was my apology to you for my rude behavior a few days ago," she stammered out.

"No… please… let me help…" he said. He leaned in towards her and lightly grabbed her forearm.

His lips were suddenly inches from hers. "I…" she stammered. "But I've never… I've never done…"

"Then follow my lead," he said softly, his voice cloudy with lust.

"O-okay," she stammered. He pressed his lips to hers and moved them slowly. She tried to follow the best she could, and she had to admit, it didn't feel that bad.

"I'm… I'm doing this right, right?" she asked after they parted.

"Yeah… perfect," Cloud spoke, and pushed his lips onto hers, pressing his tongue into her already open mouth. She gasped, which was soon replaced with a moan when she felt his tongue press against her own.

She then felt him put a hand under her skirt and begin to slightly massage her genitals. She moaned as she felt herself get wetter and wetter. He then pushed a finger in, which caused her to gasp and shut her eyes tightly. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"That hurts," she whimpered.

"Don't worry. I'll go slowly," he said reassuringly. And he did go slowly. He moved it out slow, and moved it back in slow.

Soon, he picked up the pace, and then slipped in a second finger. She gasped again. "Does it hurt again?" he asked.

"Feels good," she gasped. She soon began rocking against his finger, and because of their position, she was unconsciously grinding again him as well.

"Hey, can I…?" he began, not wanting to say it in fear that she would run away if he did.

"Yes! Now!" she screamed, already working at the zipper.

He chuckled. "Impatient, huh?" he asked. But then he looked in her eyes. He was no longer courting the girl to thank her. She left when the second finger was plunged into her. He was now courting the beast inside, simply to fuel its sexual and physical desires.

She pushed him to the ground and revealed his length to her. She then pulled away her panties and plunged down on him. They both screamed in pure ecstasy.

Cloud decided that seeing this girl ride him was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen. Forget Tifa. This, right here, was heaven.

It seemed like an eternity but was really only a few minutes. They both reached their climax at the same time (in fact, he could've sworn the beast had timed it) and then she collapsed on top of him. After some deep breaths, she climbed off of him and sat down. "I apologize. My behavior was absolutely out of line," she said, still gasping for breath but still sounding anxious and panicky, like she was afraid he would push her away any moment now.

"It's okay. It is technically my fault," he said sheepishly.

"I suppose," she mused. "Oh no!" she gasped.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"The Onion Knight! Oh, I just left him like that! He's gonna hate me now for sure! I have to go apologize!' she said.

"What about me? I don't get an apology for such a hasty exit from you?" he asked.

"Oh, you do," she said, winking before flying away.

Cloud smirked as she flew away. He sighed as he asked himself, "Does she know you can see though white panties when they're wet?"

A/N: OMGOSH! I am so sorry for the HUGE delay. I got caught up with life, and I got into something new (Ouran High School Host Club, actually) and I had huge writer's block! Please forgive me! I owe you all a prompt! Well, go ahead and request. First come, first serve though. Anyways, review, request, and don't flame. 'Cause I promise, if you do, I will call you out. Anyways, much love!
