Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the characters. The plot/storyline is copyright to me aaaaand...that's pretty much it... :(

Chapter 1: Taste This

"Her heartbeat increased dramatically as she approached the cliff, the salty smell of the ocean strong in her nose. Despite the sting, she inhaled deeply, hoping the scent would calm her down. She closed her eyes as she took a deliberate step forward—"

The front door burst open—no knock, not even the sounds of keys rattling—so suddenly, that my laptop fell out of my lap and came crashing to the floor. I swore loudly as a body fell to the floor.

"Goddamn it, Emmett!" I screamed at the person lying on the floor, no intention of getting up. I stood up and walked to a smashed Emmett, laughing on the floor.

"I saw a Toyota Toaster! It was so pretty…" Emmett said in a day-dreamy voice, reaching towards nothing—just aimlessly clawing the air in a daze.

"Don't tell me you're drunk again," I said, smacking my forehead out of his stupidity. "You know what happened last time." I cringed involuntarily as I flashbacked to last year's Christmas party. Let's just say that I had to replace half the furniture and repaint the walls.

Emmett attempted twice to stand steadily, failing the first time. He took two steps to the coat rack near the front door and ran into it, the delicate metal frame wobbling in place. Emmett steadied it, looking at it for a second. "Sorry, ma'am," he mumbled to it drunkenly, swaying towards the stairs.

"I need to call Jasper," I said, sighing. "He really isn't watching you at all, is he?"

"Negative, ma'am!" Emmett bellowed as he reached the bottom of the stairs, doing a military salute to me. I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Okay, here's the deal, Em. Either you need to stop the Friday night drinking, or at least take me with you so I can watch you." This would work for a lot of reasons. I wasn't really that much of a drinker—I couldn't hold it well to begin with. Emmett will, however, listen to me when I'm with him. He was like a dog with a collar. If you had a leash, he'll listen to you. If you didn't, he'll go on his own.

He pouted like a small child being denied their candy. "Come on. You're so boring when we go out to a bar. You never sing karaoke with me." He stuck out his bottom lip.

I sighed loudly again. I disliked singing. Okay, I hated it. I sounded like a dying duck when I sang anything—but I was willing to make an exception if it meant Emmett would cut down the drinking. "Fine," I said half-heartedly, crossing my arms.

"YAY!" He yelled, jumping down the five stairs that he had climbed and somehow landing perfectly to the ground. He hugged me in his vice-grip, swinging me around in his arms.

"Emmett…choking, not breathing…" I managed to say.

"I so sowweh," he said, again, like a child. He put me down on my feet.

When I regained my balance, I looked up at him (and I mean looked up—Emmett was a really tall guy. The kind of figure he has says 'Don't fuck with me'), crossing my arms again. "Who were you with besides Jasper?"

"Edward and Jane," he slurred. "Alice came right before I left."

"Uh huh…" No wonder he got this bad. Jane was a wizard at mixing drinks—she always had the right mixtures to always get you drunk off the first shot.

"Well, if you don't mind, I wanna go to bed," he slurred again, his bloodshot eyes drooping. "Goodnight, my lovely," he said, pecking me on the cheek before literally skipping towards the stairs. I wiped off the sloppy kiss and rebooted my computer back up, hoping that I didn't lose anything.

My cell phone rang a few minutes later—it was Alice, just the person I wanted to talk to.

"Hey Ali," I said.

"Bella, you need to come down here," Alice said, panic in her voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Bar fight," she said. "Jane got smashed in the head with a bar stool and got taken to the hospital and Jasper needs seven stitches in his head."

"Goddamn it, I'll be there in a minute," I said, shutting my phone. This wasn't new—Jane had a lot of problems with people who worked and came into that bar regularly. I didn't even know why she came there anymore.

"I'll be back," I yelled up the stairs, hoping Emmett wasn't asleep yet. I heard a loud groan, and that was my signal to get out of there. I reached the hospital in about ten minutes, seeing Alice's yellow Porsche in the Emergency Room parking lot. I parked two stalls away, and then ran into the waiting room where a petite Alice stood, worry painted all over her face. I hugged her tightly, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"They think she has a concussion," Alice whispered to me after I had signed in at the front desk. We sat at a table in the cafeteria, hot styrofoam cups of coffee in our hands. "Her head was bleeding everywhere…nobody even bothered to help her…"

"She'll be all right," I reassured her. "You know how big of a fighter she is. It's her passion."

"You're right," she said, a small half-smile playing around her lips.

"Hey, now that I think about it," I said, looking down at my cup in wonder, "where did Edward run off to?"

"He's with Jasper, watching him get stitches," she said, giggling. I had to laugh with her. Edward always liked making fun of Jasper's battle scars.

"Did you guys…you know, talk at all?" I asked, talking a little lower.

"Who, Edward? Yeah, we talked. Why?"

"No, you dumb blonde, Jasper!" I hissed, smiling at her.

"Oh!" She laughed. "Well…I did notice him taking second glances. But other than that, nothing."

I groaned. "He'll come around. I see the way he looks at you."

She smiled slightly, her lips twitching into a grin. I giggled at her.

"What are you two giggling about?" I heard somebody call into the room, the only sound other than our giggling and footsteps.

"Your face," Alice mumbled into her cup, trying not to laugh.

"Ohh, you're lucky you're my friend," Edward said, swiftly walking behind Alice, stealing her coffee, and walking around the table to sit next to me, two chairs away from Alice.

"Way to steal my coffee," Alice said. "Jackass."

He grinned and took a sip. "I see you made it out alive."

"I see you haven't," Alice said, gesturing with her chin to the back of his hand. A bandage was wrapped around his right hand in pink gauze.

"What the hell, Cullen. You just can't not be in the middle of a fight," I said, shaking my head disapprovingly.

"Hey, I was trying to stop a bottle hitting Jasper," he said.

"Oh really? How did that go?"

"It smashed off my hand, I got tripped, and then Jasper got smashed."

"What the hell was Jessica doing?"

"She poured another shot for herself." He shrugged. Jessica would do that as there's a bar fight going on.

"Sounds like Jessica…" I mumbled. "Is Jazz all right though?"

"He's fine. You should have been there. You would've tripped over a chair and then made everybody else trip over said chair."

I nudged him with my elbow.

"Rosalie would have kicked some serious ass if she was there," Alice said.

"True," Edward said, sipping on Alice's coffee again. She glared at him.

"What is she going to do, slap somebody with her purse?"

The remark wasn't made by Alice or Edward. We all turned to the rear entrance of the cafeteria where a smirking Jasper stood proudly, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. He always has to look cocky.

"Damn. He has that cocky smile on his face," Alice whispered, reading my thoughts. I scoffed at her and signaled Jasper to come sit with us. I could see the large wound on his right temple—it looked like it was still bleeding.

"Damned stoners," Jasper mumbled. "They always need a hit."

"You were fighting over drugs?" I asked, my eyes widening with surprise.

"No, I was trying to stop Tyler from taking any more," he said. "With the amount of shit he had on him, they had enough for everybody in that fucking bar."

"Who hit you? I didn't get to see his face," Edward asked.

"Obviously, since yours was in the linoleum," I mumbled jokingly, earning a laugh from Jasper and Alice. He flicked me in the head; I glared at him.

"I think his name is James. I don't know his last name," he said.

"He's gonna get it," Jasper said.

"Don't, you're just going to get hurt again," Alice said, concern on her face. I felt bad for Alice. She had so many feelings inside of her, aching for Jasper, yet he hasn't realized it yet.

Ruining the moment, my phone rang in my pocket. The screen said 'Emmett.' A small wave of suspicion and worry spread over me as I flipped it open.

"What's wrong, Em?" I said into the phone.

"Rosalie's here," he said. "Thought you'd wanna know." I heard a weird static noise in the background.

"Oh, okay," I said. I pulled the phone away from my mouth for a moment, looking towards Alice. "Rose is there. Still want to come?"

"Always," she said, smiling.

"A little sleepover I see? May I join?" Edward asked me, smiling.

"Negative, Ghost Rider," I said, ignoring whatever comeback he came up with and pulling the phone back to my mouth. "We'll be down shortly. We're going to see how Jane's doing."

"What's wrong? She didn't get hammered outside the bar again did she?" He asked. The static got louder.

"No, it was a bar fight," I said. "I'll tell you lat—what the hell?" The static turned into a creaking noise. "Are you jumping on my bed, Emmett?"

"Um…" There was a pause. "No."

"Then what—"

"Oh GOD!" I heard a female voice scream on Emmett's side of the phone.

I snapped it shut, looking blankly at the table.

"What?" Alice said.

"How about we wait a few minutes…or an hour."

Alice sighed. "You've got to be kidding me."

Jasper and Edward just looked confused—it would stay that way.

"Emmett just can't help himself…" I said, my head banging on the table and staying there for the next ten minutes.

Okay, I know, random ass story chapter, but trust me with this one. I'm trying to get my humor up. I'm not really that funny, so tell me if I'm doing alright. Should I continue this? Review and tell me. I don't know if I should. :(
