A/N: I am grateful to all the readers for showing all the love and support to this story. Thanks a lot for being so patient and always encouraging me to write. This is the final chapter I hope you all enjoy it and that I was able to close a story properly. Lastly, I would like to thank Juliet and Adela for leaving their reviews.

Disclaimer: I don't own Resident Evil or any of its characters; they all belong to Capcom.

Chapter 43

(Kate's POV)

I woke up very early on my wedding day, well to be honest I couldn't even sleep properly and I didn't really know if it was that pre-wedding excitement that kept me up all night. I pulled off the blanket to one side and moved to stand next to the glass balcony door. It was still snowing, everything was covered in snow and it was all beautiful in itself. I don't know how long I stood there watching those snowflakes fall thinking about my life until now. It has been a great journey with my family and friends, but starting today I'd start a new journey with a new family, that I would call my own. I felt a little anxious and scared, wondering if I was ready for that but I shook my head to get rid of all the negative thoughts.

I heard my phone ringing and saw that it was Sophie. She told me that she, with my other bridesmaids, will be arriving at my place in half hour and that she was really excited about my wedding. Once I got off the phone with her I realized that I didn't have too much time to get ready for my own wedding now. I rushed into the bathroom to have a hot shower and when I stepped out of the bathroom, Jill called me to have breakfast with them. Midway between having my breakfast, my bridesmaids showed up, a little later from their expectation because of the snow.

I don't have the account of the next few hours after the breakfast, as we all somehow got ready for the wedding. My room was filled with feminine giggles and laughter as my bridesmaids and I got ready for the wedding ceremony. There was a lot of healthy teasing and after wedding advices accompanied with laughter. My bridesmaids, Jill and Claire did their utmost best to make me look perfect for the occasion. We headed out to the chapel, where I was supposed to be saying my wedding vows with Mike in just few hours, once everyone was dressed.

Since we were way early as a precaution because the snowfall didn't show any sign to stop, we were waiting in small room in the church for the wedding to start. Jill and Chris were busy attending the guests and although Chris said he would only walk me to the groom but at the moment he was more than obliged to attend the guests. Everything was a little delayed because of the snowfall and even though it wasn't as strong as the snowfall last night but still it wasn't making things any easy for my once in a lifetime wedding. My guests were delayed, the caterers were delayed, the priest was delayed and even my groom was delayed.

"You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen", Linda complimented me as we waited, "Mike is really a lucky guy."
"Thank you!", I said with a smile as Josie clicked a picture of me with her cell phone.
"That's because I haven't gotten married yet", Sophie said, "I'd beat your beauty", she spoke sportingly.
"I am sure you can", I said to her with a smile.
"I am going to miss your modesty", Sophie said, "Do you really have to go to UK?"

"Yeah", I told them, "Mike's got a great job offer there."
"I can't believe you didn't tell us", Josie said sounding disappointed.
"Yeah if Dean hadn't told us that you two resigned we wouldn't know until you were in UK", Sophie said rolling her eyes.
"I am sorry, it was really sudden and I didn't want to get too much attention", I made an excuse.
"Yeah she didn't even tell us", Claire said rolling her eyes as well; she didn't react out loud like Chris but from comments like these she hinted that she was as much annoyed by it as Chris, just that she wasn't showing it on surface.

A phone rang and Sophie hurried to take it, "Excuse me, I have to take this", she said looking at the screen, "It's from the guy who I am interested in", she said exiting the room and we all laughed a little.
"I see you're ready", we all looked up to spot Mike's mom.
"Yes Mrs. Vaughn", I said to her politely.
"Have this, it's traditional for brides of our family to wear this during ceremony", she said holding out a box to me.

Josie almost ran and took it for me, "It's beautiful", I said seeing the bracelet inside the box.
Mrs. Vaughn faked a smile as Josie helped me putting it on, "I'll go and see to the guests now", she said and I nodded as she was exiting the room she stopped and asked, "Oh can your friends help me with something?"
I looked at Linda and Josie, although they were my good friends but I couldn't answer on their behalf, "Yeah of course", Linda said stepping up, "C'mon Josie."
"It's just carrying a few gift boxes", Mike's mom said as Linda and Josie followed her out of the room.

"Weird woman, can't she ask one of her own relatives", Claire commented shaking her head.
"They probably are running late because of snow or busy elsewhere", I put forth my assumption fidgeting with the bracelet, "I wonder how long before the wedding starts, this snow really slowed things down."
"Well Chris said things are almost ready", She informed me and the continued, "I'll go see how long is it before wedding", she stood up smiling, which I returned. She hurried away out of the small side room, almost bumping into someone who were running in the small hallway, "Oops sorry!", I heard her apologize before heading her way.

I sat there alone for a little when the door opened and I thought it must be Sophie but I was very much shocked to see Leon. He was the least expected person who showed up, "Hey", he addressed me, walking further in the room.
"So how do I look?", I asked him with a smile, standing up so he could see me better in the dress, after overcoming my initial shock.

(Leon's POV)

I felt as if the time stopped as I laid my eyes on Kate in her wedding gown. She had her hair tied up in an elegant bun and already had her veil on. And the dress was nothing like how I remembered it, the one that was so loose it would fall to the floor if someone wasn't holding on to it. It was white as snow, exposing her shoulders but still perfectly fitting her body, down till her waist from where it flowed freely down touching the floor. One could make out the intricate lacey pattern on the fabric, which added a distinction to her already beautiful gown but I knew it would have been nothing much without the person wearing it because she just looked heavenly beautiful in it.

"Just like a snow angel", I replied to her with a slight smile trying to get a hold on my heart.
Kate smiled a little, "Thanks! You don't look bad yourself and I see you managed to do your tie today", she said pointing it out and I looked down at it.
"I managed", I told her tilting my head a bit.
"Well you don't look bad without it but you look great with a tie as well", she smiled broadly at me, "Gah, this dress it heavy", she more of muttered sitting down again, "Weddings are overrated I tell you", she added adjusting her bracelet but in the process it opened and fell to the floor and she looked at it frustrated a bit
"I know", I said moving closer to her as she struggled to pick up the bracelet.
"Even so", she said panting a bit giving up, "I am glad that you came", she said it sincerely sitting up straight and smiled, "I thought you'd ditch it."

"I came to say goodbye, it's the least I could do", I said kneeling down to get her bracelet.
"Well it's for later, I am not married yet", Kate said giving me her hand so I could put it on.
I shook my head slightly as I hooked the bracelet onto her wrist, "It has to be now", I said looking up at her.
"Why? There's still time. I am yet to be married, then there's dinner party and then I'd be flying to Europe, say your byes then", she said to me.
"I am not staying for the wedding ", I told her and her expressions changed.
"Why?", she asked looking into my eyes, "Did they call you for something?"
"No", I replied with a dry throat shaking my head.
"Then?", she asked me again.
"You don't have to think about it", I said giving her a smile.
"Well my best friend is not attending my wedding for reasons I don't know, what makes you think I won't think about it?", she said to me worriedly, "I can't get married knowing that you are putting your life on line or something."
"It's nothing like that", I told her with a shake of my head and smiled that she still thought of me as a good friend.

"Then why won't you attend my wedding?!", Kate asked me bewildered, pouting a bit.
"Because I can't see you getting married", I told her the truth that's been making my heartache all this time.
"What?", she said with a shocked expression, already sensing what was coming her way, "Why?", she asked blinking once, looking straight into my eyes.
"Because I love you!", I said looking deep into those deep sapphire blue eyes and it didn't make me feel any better but I continued, "I always have and I will always…", I took a long pause, "keep loving you!" Kate didn't say anything, didn't even blink but her body was shaking and eyes were welling up with tears.

(Kate's POV)

"Why?!", I said it as calmly as I could, "Why are you telling me now?", I felt a painful lump in my throat but Leon didn't reply, "I was there… I was there… there begging you to love me but you said you didn't, so why now?", I tried real hard to hold my tears, "I… ", I took pause feeling at a loss of words, "I waited for you to come… and tell me that it was joke… that you were just kidding… but you…", I tried to overcome all the painful feelings in my heart, "But you never came", I said taking a deep breath and Leon looked down, "And now…", I turned my face to look at him, "when I am all dressed and ready to be married, you're telling me you love me?!", and I couldn't hold it back anymore as tears rolled down my cheeks, "What do you take me for? I am not a doll, I too feel pain… and get hurt", I waited for him to say something, anything in his defense but he didn't, "I am asking you why?", I almost shrieked the last word out loud at him.

"I don't know, I just did", he said to me with a plain expression, with a slight movement of his shoulders.
"Do you think if you tell me now, I won't get married?", I questioned him angrily, "Because if you do, I'll show you Leon S. Kennedy that I can walk up to that altar."
"No", he shook his head, "I didn't confess my feelings to stop you from getting married, so you'd come back to me. I don't want you to come back to me", he shook his head as tears welled up in his eyes too, "I am telling you because I know you are stronger than that and I know, it won't keep you from walking up to that altar anymore."

I had no more words to say to him now because I knew the moment he confessed his feelings, the barriers between our hearts were demolished and we didn't need words to communicate anymore, not that I was in any condition to speak. I watched Leon stand up; our eyes were locked on to each other. There were tears in his eyes and I was already crying silent tears because this was the last time we'd be together. He wiped his tears on the back of his hand and smiled down at me as if asking me to smile but I was too furious to smile at him. He bent down and wiped my tears and I wanted to slap his hands away from me but I couldn't. He bent a bit more and kissed my forehead telling me he loved me and I closed my eyes grabbing his hands that were cupping my face.

I felt his hands slip through mine and when I opened my eyes, Leon was not there, as if it was all a dream, except it was all very real, "Kate?!", Claire entered the room followed by Sophie, "Were you crying?", she asked me and I shook my head in denial.
"Your make up would be a mess if it wasn't water-proof", she said looking through it.
"I just got emotional about leaving you guys", I lied to her.
"Aww…", she said and threw her arms around me to comfort me, "You ask Mike to transfer back here huh?"
"No", I shook my head, "I don't want to be here anymore. How long is it before wedding?"
"Not long", it was Jill who answered, "C'mon it's time everyone is waiting."

(Claire's POV)

"Yes let's go!", Kate stood up and hurried past Jill and she gave me an inquisitive look and I shrugged because I didn't know what really happened and then both of us rushed after Kate. We caught up with her as she neared Chris, who was waiting at the chapel door, with her other two bridesmaids already there.

"You ready?", Chris asked Kate calmly, loosening his tie a bit. No matter how indifferent he acts about this wedding, the fact was that he was nervous and sad inside because Kate would be leaving us.
"Yes", Kate said with a fake smile.
He breathed out audibly as if a dragon breathing fire, "Let's get over with it then", he gave her his arm and she held on to it.

(Chris's POV)

The cue was given and the music started to play and as I promised Kate I started to walk towards the altar, where the groom was already waiting for her, but as I took a step to move forward, she didn't move and I looked back at her, it seemed she was having second thoughts about it and I felt a little happy inside for the first time in these past few days. It's not that late yet for this madness to end and no one would be more happier than me if it did so now of all the times. Although it would be a huge drama if it happens but I seriously don't mind it.

"Kate, you got cold feet?", one of her bridesmaids asked and with sudden intake of breath, it seemed Kate came back to reality.
"No", she shook her head and took a step to stand next to me and we began our walk, with me feeling a little disappointed, thinking that she was re-thinking her decision when she was just zoned out. As we stepped in hall Kate looked sideways faking a smile as people smiled at her, it seemed she was searching for something, "Did you see Leon?", she asked me.
"No", I replied smiling inwardly, if she's asking about him then she's definitely having second thoughts, "did he even come?", I asked her smiling widely at anyone who was smiling at me.
"Yes", she kept her reply short.
"You sure you didn't dreamt about it", I muttered teasing her.
"No", she said sharply as if the thought of her dreaming about him was unacceptable.
"But anyways you shouldn't think about him but the guy in front of you", I said giving her a last push and she looked up at Mike, who was smiling broadly at us, feeling all proud and pompous about it, when I felt like throwing a punch and breaking his perfect teeth.
"You're right!", Kate said looking at Mike.
"What?!", I looked at her confused as we reached the altar, my push was suppose to deter her resolution not solidify it.

"I'll take her from here Mr. Redfield", Mike said taking Kate's hand from mine.
"Kate!", I called out to her.
"It's fine! Its fine! It'll be over soon", Jill said trying to console me.
"You don't understand", I said to her, as she steered me to the seats.
"You didn't make such a fuss in my wedding, don't ruin it for Kate", Claire whispered to me as both the ladies forced me down on the seat.

I wanted to protest but even so I knew Claire was right, there was no going back now. I settled down and looked at Kate and Mike, who took their positions in front of the smiling priest. The priest started to address the crowd telling it about the bond of marriage and all. And I kept my eyes on Kate and Mike. Mike was smiling like an idiot, and why wouldn't he? He was getting married to Kate, that was like finding a diamond mine but Kate didn't look happy but she looked determined none the less.

"So let me ask you, are you ready to go through this holy bond of matrimony?", the Priest asked the groom.
"I am absolutely ready, father", Mike said swelling up his chest in pride.
"And you my child?", he turned to Kate, "Are you ready to go through this ceremony?" Kate didn't look up at him and didn't say anything either and he repeated his question and Mike nudged her slightly.
"No", Kate said it softly but it was very much audible and as much as I wanted to hear it from her, I was shocked to hear it none the less. There was a roar of murmuring as people started to ask each other if what they heard was right?
"What my child?", the priest asked her confused and shocked.
"I can't do this", she said looking up at the priest.

"Excuse me father, she's just nervous", Mike said to the priest and turned Kate to face him, "Kate, this is not a time to joke", he said in an undertone but it was quite audible with us being in the front seats.
"I am not joking", she replied and tears streamed down her face, "I can't marry you."
"This is wrong and an insult, coming all this way and backing out", the priest said to her.
"It would be an insult if I marry someone I can't ever love", she said to the priest, "Tell me father would it be a holy happy marriage if there was no love?", the priest's expression softened with the realization.

"Kate, what are you saying? I love you and you know it too", Mike said gripping Kate's shoulders.
"You don't, you want me as trophy that you can show it to everyone, so they could be jealous of you", she said to him.
Mike seemed as if he was hit by realization, "I admit that I think like that most of the times but you're important to me. I really want to marry you, I promise that I'd keep you happy and now that this issue is resolved let's get married alright", Mike framed it so beautifully that I couldn't help but curse him inside.
"No", Kate said it again to everyone's shock including mine, "I love Leon!", she said and Mike's hand's dropped to his side and there were more murmuring, "And you know whatever you said is a lie", she added backing away.
"You cannot do this to me!", Mike said grabbing her arm.

(Kate's POV)

"I am sorry, forgive me but I love Leon", I apologized to Mike as I released myself from his grip. I turned and made a run for the exit to find Leon.
"Go my girl!", I heard Chris yell from somewhere.
"Stop her!", I heard Mike's angry yell as well and some of his relatives tried to stop me but luckily my friends were there to stop them.

I ran past closing doors so fast that my veil fell off somewhere in between. I hurried through the corridor to get outside in the snow filled courtyard; it was still snowing a little. The only sound was that of the fountain in front of me. I looked around panting slightly as my breath turned into vapor, I didn't even know where the exit was. I didn't know if I went through the exit I'd find Leon but my heart knew he was still here somewhere. My feet were getting cold standing in the snow and if I didn't hurry, someone's from Mike's family would catch up to me and stop me. I closed my eyes asking my heart for directions and praying to god for help.

"Kate!", I looked back Mike had somehow caught up to me.

I didn't think twice and ran away from him in a random direction and as expected he followed me. I just hoped that I find Leon somehow or that he finds me like he always does when I am in need, before my feet fail me and I get an actual and literal case of cold feet.

(Leon's POV)

I absentmindedly stared at the falling snow flakes, I didn't even know what I was doing here just watching the snow fall. I looked at my watch it was a little over 10:00 AM, Kate would be saying her vows with Mike right now and my heart was sinking just thinking about it. I felt really exhausted, knowing that there won't be no Kate in my life anymore but of course that won't make me stop loving her; after all I had been trying to do just that and miserably failing for past 5 months. Just when I thought I was over her, I fell in love with her even harder than before. My mind was a mess right now, I really wanted to crash her wedding and ask her to give me another chance. I guess this is the regret that mom was talking about all the time. I sighed and decided to leave before I lose my mind and put my thoughts to action and also I left Shadow in the car again, so he might get cold.

I lifted myself off the bench and grabbed my coat but I hadn't even started to move when I heard my name being called and even though the voice was distant I knew it was Kate's. My heart sped up hearing her call my name again and I turned to see her halt in front of me, "Kate?!", I couldn't help but say surprised. She raised one hand and grabbed hold of my tie panting, it seemed she ran all the way here but wasn't she supposed to be at her wedding taking oaths to be a good wife and all, "Kate, what are you doing here? You're supposed to get married", I said grabbing her hand that was holding my tie.

"How can I marry Mike when I love you and when I know you love me back", Kate said looking up at me, closing the gap between us.
"You said you'd walk up to the altar", I reminded her of her words.
"I did", she replied with a nod, "I ran away from the altar."
"You shouldn't have", I shook my head in negative, "Not for me."

"I love you!", Kate said and I couldn't say another word, "I ran away from my wedding, don't you dare deny your feelings for me", she warned me furiously, crying at the same time, "even if you do I won't believe it and I won't make the same mistake twice. I won't ever stop loving you, coz your confession will always be more sincere than your denial."
I cupped Kate's face, "Kate, try and understand, you'll be much happier with Mike. He can give you everything", I tried to convince her even though I didn't know how much of it would come true if she is to marry Mike.
Kate shook her head, "But he won't ever be able to love me like you do", she said sincerely, sobbing.

"I won't be able to love you if I die", I said and Kate's hands reached to seal my lips.
"I won't let that happen, I promise", she said confidently.
"With my line of work, there's no surety that I'd return back home when I set out to work in the morning", I tried to reason with her.
"And with my line of work I can make sure you come back to me if anything goes wrong", she said with the same reasoning tone, "I know there are a lot of uncertainties but we'll figure it out little by little, please I am begging you please don't push me away", she spoke looking into my eyes, "I am tired and cold, I just want you to hold me in your warm embrace, that's all I need right now", with that she wrapped her arms around me hugging me.

I initially tried to be indifferent about it, resisting the urge to put my arms around her as well and almost thought to pull her away from me. But seeing her resolution made my will shatter into a million pieces and I wrapped my arms around her as well and she tightened her grip around me. I looked down at her and she seemed more content and happy than I had ever seen her in all the times I spent with her. Looking down at her I couldn't help but think that if it's with Kate, I'd sail through and as we parted I found a new will to always be by her side no matter what.

I don't know when I leaned in or Kate lifted herself on her toes, so we could kiss each other. Tears streamed down her face as she closed her eyes and I wiped them away as I kissed her passionately closing my eyes too to the best kiss of my life. We heard people cheering and we broke the kiss, to notice that wedding guests were there as well, about whom we were probably been unaware of all this time. They were split into two groups the one who cheered us on and the other consoling Mike. I looked at Kate, who was blushing in full bloom, making herself look even more gorgeous. I pulled my coat over her shoulders, knowing that she must be cold and she wrapped an arm around mine as we moved to join our friends and family.

A/N: Thanks for taking out time to read the story, hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes or typos that might have caused you an inconvenience. And now that the story is finished I'd appreciate if you could let me know how you found it.