This isn't a gift…it's a nightmare

While most people would probably think that Natasha's ability was amazing she on the other hand did not. Luckily she didn't experience it too often…only when she truly felt like she wanted to. And so was the case this time. She had been having a massive crush on a guy…a very very hot guy for that name Adam,his favorite sport basketball,his personality just was starting to like the idea of so after daydreaming about him,looking for him in cafeteria,and many sleepless nights she decided shed like to find out what he dreamed about one night. She didn't even realize it when it started to happen, she slowly rose from her bed and walked over to her desk, gripping the sides, but when she realized that this dream was, if it could be anybodys,his she just let herself go and plopped to the ground.

She standing behind something….no under something…everything gone entirely black…then she saw it…a peek hole of blinding light, the roars of the crowd, and as she kept going closer she found herself in the middle of what seemed like a very agitated baseball game. She was wearing a long gray shirt with jeans and black flats. She stared around, her brown hair flopping aimlessly. She walked slowly around the corner she saw the benches. She saw Adam in the distance dribbling the ball and making a perfect shot at the opposing team's basket.

"Of course…."

She saw his close friend Samantha in a perky little cheerleader uniform her red-brown hair and pale freckled face shinning.

"And odd…"

She walked up the stairs, all of a sudden her outfit changed drastically. She was now wearing red sneakers, a way too-short red-pink shirt and a pink polo and a silver pin on her curly hair so not exactly what'd shed pick for herself. She took a look around the bleachers. She saw many familiar faces including those of her friends: Enovi,Zahar and Alisson,sitting on one of the higher benches cheering on the game, which in Natasha's opinion was quite odd since she thought that in the actual real world, those three would never go to a basketball game. She slowly went and decided on sitting on a stair rail, since there didn't seem to be any available seats. She swung her two legs over the railing using her icy cold hands to grip the old dingy railing. She kept watching the game as no one seemed to notice the odd girl sitting on the railing. Whatever.

All of a sudden of course Adam scored the winning goal,lights,crowd cheers,the whole las vegas spotlight show was seen as one would expect from a all of a sudden she saw a second Natasha prop up to the a skimpy short white skirt and a white bra-like shirt with jewels along the rims. Everything seemed odd and in a haze as the second Natasha propped up over next to Adam and kissed him. On the lips. Far longer than expected from an accidental kiss. Then she felt herself go numb all over. she lost the weight in her arms, and she let go of the railing, her whole body sliding down the end, she tried to scream but no sound would come out. When she finally realized shed hit the floor she closed her eyes and then…

She woke up in her room floor feeling icy cold all over she slowly sat up and when she recovered her vision she brought her hand to her lips as to keep herself from screaming.

Or squealing and giggling in delight.

Okay so my mom bought me the first book in the wake series,entitled Wake of course,and while getting a massive headache after reading so many pages,I left the book and went to my computer where this was you dont get it Natasha's like Miss Stubin and is my first real fluff story so it was odd for me to you enjoyed it.