Toph stomped through the camp, pouting. Aang and Katara, sitting side by side, watched her pace back and forth several times, before the earthbender let out a snarl of frustration.

"I hate them!" she hissed, crossing her arms sulkily. "Why do I have to wear them?"

"Well," said Katara in a matter-of-fact tone. "We're trying to blend in. I don't know if you've noticed, but here in the Fire Nation normal people tend to wear shoes." Toph growled.

"Wait till your brother gets back, Sweetness." she snapped, addressing a rock. Aang sniggered.

"It was his idea, actually," replied Katara, struggling to keep a level voice. "But he'll be back in a few hours, so you can see if he's changed his mind then."

"A few hours?" howled Toph, pulling at her hair. "But I could have walked off a cliff by then!" Both Aang and Katara were suddenly very still, and there was a long silence. "Guys?" asked Toph sullenly.

"We're here," said Aang quickly, clearing his throat. "So, Toph, tell us..."

"Can you see anything at all?" Toph frowned.

"Not a thing!"

"Nothing at all?"

"No! Not a scrap!" The avatar and the waterbender exchanged sly glances.

"Well, wow... That's, uh, that's just too bad, isn't it Katara?"

"Indeed, what a shame."

"I know! That's my point!" Toph continued to rant, waving her arms dramatically. "My feet can't see a thing trapped in these leather pillboxes! I mean, Sokka's had some pretty stupid ideas, but this one takes the cake! I mean, anything could happen! I'm the only one in this group who can tell if a bad guy's hiding over the next hill or not, am I right?" She paused, waiting for their response. It never came. "Guys?"

Aang and Katara couldn't have possibly answered her question, for their mouths were thoroughly engrossed in a much more engaging activity.