A/N: So after re-reading the first five chapters myself, I am disappointed in a lot of my grammar mistakes. So this chapter should hopefully be put together better than the other chapters, in my opinion. It has been forever since this has been updated and I decided to attempt to finish this story. So I hope people are still interested in it! To me, Heather and Alejandro never get old. :) By the way, the reunion show/questions for the contestants will probably take about 5 or 6 chapters. So keep looking for an update after this one! I really hope I can keep this story going again and finish it finally! I also hope I can keep everyone in character. Fingers crossed!
Thank you EgoistaSince94 for thinking of literally like every single one of the questions that the contestants will be asked in this chapter. You are so helpful! Thank you for everything! Also thank you for being the beta for this story as well. (Having troubles with the questions is why I discontinued this story. So if it wasn't for the assistance with the questions, this story would have never had been continued.)
Enjoy everyone!
Disclaimer: I do not own Total Drama, the characters, etc.
Manipulate Me Not; Chapter 6
Heather's POV
I stood behind the stage with Alejandro at my side, looking around nervously. I wouldn't show it in my expression but I was worried. What kind of things would these people come up with to ask me? I was also curious as to what Chris had up his sleeves. Surely he wouldn't miss the chance of asking his own questions?
It was then that I noticed someone slipping behind the curtain. Irritated was an understatement as I noticed it was none other than Blaineley O'hella-whatever. That lady really ticked me off; I wished she was still in her body cast.
"Alright people!" Blaineley announced, clapping her hands together to get our attention like we were dogs. I glared in her direction. I wish I could slap her. "As a nice surprise, I am going to ask you the questions!" She smiled at everyone in the room, letting the smile linger on the people she disliked the most, including myself. "Things are set up on the stage and the audience is almost seated." I hate her.
"I am going to go out there, you'll hear some music and I'll introduce everyone in the cast, from the first to the third season. You won't get anything special like your names, you'll be introduced as a group. Then you all go out there and sit down." I rolled my eyes as she continued to talk. Couldn't she shut up? Nobody cared who she was, knew who she was, or anything of the sorts. I was internally pleased to find that after she was done speaking she walked out onto the stage.
"This is going to totally suck." I looked over to Alejandro, seeing by the look on his face that he did agree.
"Yes, it is. I can only imagine the things these feckless individuals will think of to ask me." I felt sorry for him briefly as he looked down at the floor as he spoke. Briefly. Within seconds I was no longer worried about the personal attacks on myself, other than from Courtney and Gwen. It was now definite the thought that I'd be okay was accurate.
"That's what happens when you make enemies." I shrugged at him rather smugly, happy I wasn't the most hated anymore.
"Like you don't have tons." He mocked me. He really annoyed the fuck out of me sometimes.
"Not as many as you." I smirked at him. This was not something I'd let die down if he kept continuing. It looked like he was going to open his mouth to say something but loud music interrupted him before he could speak. Thank god.
"Welcome to the Total Drama World Tour reunion show! Let's bring out all of the former contestants of the Total Drama series." There was loud applause and yells of 'wooo!' as we all started to walk out, not even totally sure where we were supposed to sit. We sat in spontaneous order, though most people sat next to the people they were close to.
It was nice that Alejandro was on one side of me, though I was pissed off when Courtney sat down next to me, a devious smirk on her face. It seemed like she had plans for me. She could be so crazy sometimes. Alejandro happened to be the fortunate one by sitting on the end of one side of the couch. He didn't have to sit next to anyone other than me. Lucky bastard.
"It has been months since the former competitors of Total Drama have seen each other," Blainely began, "and we decided to do something a little special for this reunion show, to make it all the more intense for you, the viewers." She flashed a happy smile and it nearly sickened me. This really wasn't going to go well.
"The contestants have all written down questions for each other. We had the fun of picking the best three questions written by the all contestants to ask the former World Tour competitors. As you all know, these guys don't have the nicest interactions, so what kind of spicy questions could they have thought up? Embarrassment, sabotage, sadness, love, anger, and many more things will get sent their way as they answer the questions," Blaineley stood and walked towards the thing in the middle of the couch, where the section was missing. It was covered by a cloth, and I wish it had never been removed as I saw what was underneath, "while sitting in the Lie-detector Electric chair!" That stupid chair. Great.
"This way, we can assure the viewers out there, that we won't let them lie about their answers. We want to see the raw truth and emotions just like you do!" Blaineley grinned as she returned to her seat. Had I been sitting closer, I would have tripped her.
"So let's get this thing started! Ezekiel, your the first contestant to be chosen to get asked the questions." I watched Blaineley motion to the chair. At this point I could only hope I was last. If they really were saving 'the best for last' I was royally screwed. "So take a seat in the chair and let's get those questions rolling."
Third Person POV
In the months after the show, Ezekiel had been able to revert back to acting as human as he could, rather than being feral. Though nobody cared to ask for the details, everyone would rather have him be normal than feral any day.
"Alright! What is up everybody?" Ezekiel tried to act cool, like he used to before Total Drama World Tour, as he made his way to the lie-detector electric chair; only to be tripped by Duncan. Everyone began to laugh, it was hard to resist. Ezekiel quickly scrambled to his feet and for the chair. The helmet fell down onto his head with a loud sound, seeming as though it was rather painful.
"Yeah," Blaineley looked at Ezekiel, unamused, "anyways! Ezekiel, you have been viewed as one of the least liked amongst your former constants. This season most people on the show saw you as a cling-on, creepy, inhuman. But overall they've seen you as the homeschooled freak. A socially awkward weirdo even. So let's see what the former constants wanted to ask you. Now your first question." Blaineley spoke as she looked at the index cards in her hand.
"The first question for Ezekiel is asked by Duncan. Duncan wants to know Zeke, do you still have a thing for surfer girl?" The question appeared on a huge screen behind everyone, allowing everyone to read it with ease. Without anyone needing to be told who 'surfer girl' was, Ezekiel thought for a moment before answering.
"A thing? What do you mean, 'a thing'?" Ezekiel spoke, looking over to Blaineley with a confused expression; though she rolled her eyes at him.
"Do you like Bridgette?" She sounded annoyed as she glared at him, waiting for an answer.
"She's pretty, eh?" He smiled dreamily, though not really answering the question. The answer was obvious anyways. Not caring too much and wanting to move on to, in her opinion, more interesting people Blaineley moved quickly to the next index card.
"Question number two is asked by Courtney. She asks; You do realize you were voted off fair and square...right?" Blaineley glanced back at the screen momentarily, only to turn back to the camera with a smirk. "Isn't that ironic since someone made such a big deal about her elimination." Blaineley teased, speaking partially in a sing-song tone.
"I should have won that million." He said defensively, still not happy at the fact that he had lost the stolen million in the lava. "I don't think it was fair at all." He wasn't shocked so it was clear he believed he was telling the truth. It was only in his mind he should have won the million.
"Nobody wanted you there." Blaineley nodded before looking at the next index card. "And last but not least, Ezekiel's third question is asked by Heather. She wants to know; What were you planning on doing with the money you stole from me?" Blaineley smirk, the very corner of her mouth unnoticeably twitched as she hoped with every fiber in her body some drama would arise from that question.
"I was going to go buy some bling, and some clothes. I need new clothes for the ladies." Ezekiel looked off towards the ceiling, though looking at nothing in particular. "I was going to get a nice truck too, eh? Oh, and some things for back home." He looked back towards Blaineley. "I didn't plan it all out, but it would be awesome to spend a million dollars." He nodded, though there was a small spark in his eye. A spark that said he still wanted that million dollars.
"Such a shame someone didn't get to spend that money." Blaineley shook her head 'sympathetically' towards Heather and Ezekiel.
"I should have been able to get my money!" Heather yelled, pointing towards Chris at the side of the stage, though the audience couldn't tell.
Blaineley just laughed. "You lost it. That's your fault, technically you were given the money." Her expression and tone showed nothing other than her mockery for the Heather. "And there you have Ezekiel's questions!" She cut off before Heather could respond. "Move out of the chair so Leshawna can take your place." The audience clapped for Leshawna as she made her way to the lie-detector that Ezekiel had been sitting at seconds before. Leshawna saw down with confidence before having the helmet fall down onto her head.
"Is that really necessary?" She asked in annoyance, glaring over at Chris; who was finding the whole situation quite amusing.
"Yes it is!" Blaineley grinned as she looked at her next index card. She crossed her legs and looked intently over to Leshawna. "Leshawna, your time on Total Drama World Tour was pleasant at first but soon turned sour once you arrived at the German Alps. Tension seemed to rise again between you and Heather over Alejandro, who could blame you though?" She assured Leshawna that she wasn't the only one to find Alejandro attractive. "So let's see who your first question is from." The question for once appeared on the screen behind them all before Blaineley started reading.
"This question is from Heather." Blaineley could have cheered internally. The sound of collective 'oooo's' in the audience, only intensified the feeling that there would be the possibility of an argument brewing. "Why were you such a bitch to me even though I tried to help you out?" The word 'bitch' was bleeped for the viewing world, though not for the audience and every one else in the room. Chris' laughter could be heard in the background.
"I was a bitch? You didn't need to stick your toothpick neck all in my business!" She glared angrily towards Heather. Heather's immediate response was to roll her eyes before commenting.
"Please!" Heather flung her arms in the air for emphasis on how idiotic Leshawna's answer was and how irritated she was by it. "You should have watched the show by now and saw that he was using you!" Heather crossed her arms, glaring over at the Leshawna heatedly. She didn't care if she was throwing Alejandro on the spot as well, he probably wouldn't speak. "I thought we fixed things at the end of Total Drama Action. I had no reason to lie to you, even if you weren't on my team or anything." Heather defended herself, hoping to make Leshawna look like an idiot.
"We had a mutual understanding. At one point, I guess we were friends, but it was short lived. I know what he did. He's a manipulative, egotistical, cunning asshole. But it wasn't none of your business to get involved in." Leshawna defended her actions. She really didn't see much wrong in kicking Heather's ass. In all honesty, Heather did have the ass-kicking coming for three seasons, at least in Leshawna's opinion.
"Well now you can stay away from him." Heather raised her hand up, facing her palm towards Leshawna, making a 'talk to the hand' motion. "And I don't want to be your friend anyways." Heather scoffed, not really minding that her and Leshawna's short friendship was legitimately over.
"Don't tell me what to do. I'll have to knock another tooth outta that mouth of yours." Leshawna warned. Blaineley laughed in the background, clearly enjoying the argument that was going on, though she knew they had to move on.
"Okay. Okay. So you turned on her because she stuck her nose into your business. Now let's move on!" Blaineley cut them off although she did want to see Heather lose another tooth or two from a fight against Leshawna. "Your second question is from," Blaineley took a dramatic pause, hoping to cause anticipation, "Harold!" She said with fake enthusiasm, forcing herself to stop her eyes from rolling at the nerd.
"Awe, I wonder what Harold's gonna ask me." Leshawna smiled, figuring it would be something cute. He was so in love with her it was almost sickening.
"He wants to know, I wou-" Blaineley started to speak, trying to get his question out though was quickly interrupted by Harold.
"Wait! Can I please ask the question?" Harold stood, walking over to Blaineley and getting on a knee to beg her. Blaineley thought briefly before shrugging.
"Whatever, it might make it more interesting." She sat back, curious how his question would pan out.
"Leshawna, my fair Leshawna," Harold started softly, walking to the lie-detector electric chair. "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." He looked at her with what most people with call a look of 'love'. "Will you be my Arwen?" Not many people knew what Harold was referencing, and Leshawna was not one of the bunch who got it. He could tell by the confused look on her face that she only half understood what he meant. "Will you be my girlfriend Leshawna?" He asked needingly, getting on his knee as if in proposal stance. He reached out, holding onto her hand, looking up at her hopefully.
"Oh Harold." Leshawna placed her hand over her heart, looking rather moved by his question. She thought it was rather sweet. "Sure thing baby." The audience clapped loudly as Leshawna smiled at him, watching him stand. He leaned in, placing his lips softly to hers for a few seconds. Harold pulled away, looking as though he had just won a million dollars. Leshawna knew there was something good in being with Harold, he would treat her right. It was worth a second try.
"Aw, how sweet." Blaineley put her finger in her mouth, mimicking their moment as if it were gag inducing. "Let's get past this barf-fest and get on with the last and final question for Leshawna." Blaineley looked at her next index card, smirking and shaking her head lightly before looking up to the girl in the lie-detector electric chair.
"Last but not least, a question from Alejandro." Blaineley spoke Alejandro's name 'seductively' to emphasize the fact that he was able to sway so many women on the show and use them to his disposal. There were collective "oooo's" in the audience as there had been earlier. "Have you found your 'fabulous soul' yet?" Blaineley spoke in the same taunting tone the question seemed to be written in. How else would he ask such a thing? He was clearly doing it to be an asshole.
"Who the hell do you think you are askin' such a smart-ass question?" Leshawna's attitude came out of her as she nearly ripped the helmet off of herself to move towards Alejandro.
"Uh uh uhh." Blaineley shook her finger at Leshawna with a look of pure amusement on her face. Everyone could tell that Heather was no longer the only person who wanted to slap her. "You keep that on. That's how we can tell if you're lying."
"This is ridiculous!" Leshawna glared angrily towards Blaineley then towards Alejandro. "For your information Alejandro," the anger was laced deeply in her tone, "I have found my fabulous soul and it's one hundred times more fabulous than before! And you'll never be no where near it!" Everyone in the audience, besides a few selective die-hard Alejandro fans or people who did not particularly like Leshawna, began to cheer her on.
"He doesn't want to be near it!" Heather glared at Leshawna, sparking another argument between the two.
"I'm sure he'd rather be near all this," Leshawna motioned up and down her body, "than your scrawny, manipulative, bitchy-ass self." There was an even louder roar from the audience.
"Think what you want loud-mouthed, thunder thigh, ghetto-glamor wannabe, but I know for a fact that Alejandro wants me and that's why we were making out before this stupid reunion show." Heather smirked triumphantly in Leshawna's direction. Heather was convinced that even if Leshawna didn't want to admit it, part of her still wanted Alejandro. Although Heather wasn't too fond of the fact that she had let it slip that her and Alejandro had been making out.
"Hah! Take him then! You two deserve each other! You two are nothing but bad people. Mmm, Mmm." Leshawna shook her head as if emphasizing her last sentences. Heather looked as though she was about to say something but before she could was interrupted by Blaineley.
"Well as much as I'd love to find out more juicy details, it seems that we have to move on to the next contestant. So step down Leshawna and let's get Noah up here!" The audience clapped as Blaineley announced who would be next. Leshawna happily moved from the chair, looking as though she wanted to walk over and punch Heather in the face. Noah sighed.
"This is going to be fun." He spoke sarcastically as he made his way to the lie-detector electric chair. He sat down, reaching his hands up instantly to attempt to catch the metal helmet. It was heavier than he had expected, though he somehow managed to catch it.
"Let's hope it is." Blaineley nodded, moving to a new card, but setting her hands on her lap to look at Noah. "So Noah, you finally got your chances to shine this season. You had barely any screen time in TDI, but now your fans have had the opportunity to see you in action. You did play smart through a lot of the season, but in the end, that's what got you eliminated. Such a shame." She acted as though it was 'saddening' though quickly perking up.
"That being said lets get to your first question. This one is from Katie." She looked over to Noah, anticipating the awkwardness that was about to ensue. "Katie wants to know if you, quote and I quote, 'Are you gay for Cody?'" There were a few laughs in the audience, and a few 'wooo's!', as they all waited for an answer. It didn't take long.
"What! No! Are you all seriously still hung up on the fact that I accidentally kissed Cody's ear in 'The Big Sleep'?" Noah looked around, irritated at the fact that they couldn't let it go. "I do not have any liking for Cody, other than him being my friend. I am not gay." He wasn't shocked by the lie detector, so he wasn't lying. Every skeptic now had their answer.
"Alright! Some of us have been dying to know that since season one! Some of us. I could careless. There are much more interesting people on this show. Now on with the second question, from Sadie herself." She flipped the index card, already knowing who the question was going to be asked by before she even saw it. "Do you have a thing for Izzy?" Blaineley's curiosity peaked at this question. She knew he wasn't gay so there was a chance he had some feelings for Izzy.
Noah was quiet for a few moments as he pondered over the correct way to word how he felt towards Izzy. Was there really a way to say it? Almost every second he was around her he had to be on alert for something crazy she may do, which was a great majority of the time. But he did enjoy her company. Much more than everyone else there sans Cody, who he did happen to get along with very well.
"If by definition of 'a thing' to you is, do I have some sort of feelings for Izzy, well there's many ways to answer that question. She scares me sometimes because she's crazy. She makes me laugh a lot of the time. She makes me happy sometimes, like any friend does. So I guess the answer to that would be yes. If we are on the same terms of definition here." Noah looked over to Blaineley and Sadie as he tried to talk his way out of giving a full answer to the question.
"You cannot talk yourself out of this one little guy. You need to answer if you have romantic feelings for Izzy for not. That's what she meant by 'a thing' and you know it." Blaineley's expression grew devious as she leaned from the couch to look at Noah better.
"Yeah Noah! She's right, that's totally what I meant!" Sadie said excitedly, happy she was going to get an answer. Less than a few inches away, Katie's face matched Sadie's excited one.
"Why must some of you have some intelligence to not be out smarted by things like that?" Noah waved a fist for emphasis of his sarcasm. He rolled his eyes, looking away. It was then the he felt something hit him from above landing in his lap. It was Izzy. "Ahh!" Noah acted surprised, pushing her off of his lap. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"Does Noah like Izzy?" She teased, clawing playfully at his legs from the floor.
"Fine, yes. I kinda like Izzy." He looked defeated though as if he didn't mind too much that people had found out. Sure he would have preferred him telling Izzy he liked her to be in a much more secluded place, alone, but he didn't want to tell her anyways.
"Noah likes Izzy! And she's not with Owen anymore!" She sung in a sing song tone. "Hah hah!" Izzy jumped from the floor, moving strangely as she climbed back onto his lap. She began bouncing up and down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck laughing. "You had to go and be all quiet didn't you. Not telling me and all. It's just like this one time, this guy named Ladd worked at the Zoo and I would always go there and-" She acted dramatically as she bounced one more time, this time from his lap to stand in front of him. She was cut off from speaking when Noah reached out and placed his hand over her mouth.
"I don't need to hear this story Izzy. It probably has no relevance what-so-ever to what I was saying." Izzy disgustingly licked his hand after he was done speaking, causing saliva to roll down his hand. "Ewww!" Noah started, about to wipe his hand on his shorts before being interrupted and stopped by Izzy. "Izzy is victorious!" She yelled, leaning down to kiss him full on on the lips. It was short lived as she pulled away, shouting "Ahhh!" in an obnoxious way before running off the stage and past the audience.
"Well wasn't that some entertainment?" Blaineley herself clapped, pleased that there were at least some interesting factors to the show. She hadn't expected the two of them to like each other, and she was actually shocked, though didn't show it. The audience clapped along with her, before letting her continue. "I'm sure Izzy will be back, she has to be. So now that Noah knows Izzy probably shares the same feelings, let's move on to the last question. Your third question is from Owen. He wants to know why you didn't warn him earlier about Alejandro? He added a note under the question," she shook her head, "It says 'You tried but I missed it. Why weren't you more clear buddy? Why?" She looked to Noah. "Yes, why weren't you more clear?"
"I couldn't really make it more clear than I did when I told Owen originally in London. I had many reasons why I personally didn't trust him but there was no real evidence of any wrong doing, unless you kept a close eye on him. I only told Owen my opinion because he asked why I didn't like Alejandro. To this day I still think the same thing of Alejandro, he's 'as slippery as an eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil'." He quoted a past comment he had made of Alejandro in Total Drama World Tour. He really didn't like the guy, still to this day. "So to answer Owen's original question, I didn't warn you earlier because I didn't find it necessary to until the moment I told you."
"There's your answer Owen. An honest one at that." Blaineley nodded. "You can get off the chair now Noah." She looked in Noah's direction, watching him roll his eyes and walk towards his original seat.
"Who will face the lie-detector electric chair next? What kind of questions will they be asked? Will a real fight actually happen? Keep watching and find out! We'll be back after this commercial, right here on the Total Drama World Tour Reunion show." She spoke enthusiastically to the audience and viewing world, having the show cut to a commercial.
A/N: So here is the first chunk of questions. I was originally going to do 7 people in this chapter but it would have been way to long. So hopefully there will be four people asked next chapter. Though I already have some questions planned out (Thanks to EgoistaSince94), I am willing to still take requests for questions from the readers. So let me know who you want someone to ask a question to, what the question is, and who the question is from if you want to see a question.
Thanks for reading! Review and add to your alert/favorite list!