A/N: Alejandro and Heather are epically fantastic! I love them! So here is a story involving them. This takes place after Alejandro gets better, thus after Total Drama World Tour. This is slightly filled with SPOILERS but not really. This story might also suck since all I can write about is Heather and I should be writing other stuff, but just go with the fact that this will be an adorable Alejandro and Heather story. :) ….hopefully.

Oh and for this story, Total Drama World Tour was the last season of Total Drama.

Manipulate Me Not

Alejandro's POV

A few months had passed since the end of Total Drama World Tour and my body had been given time to almost completely heal. The scars were still fresh and noticeable, burn scars were some of the worst...My hair had grown back a little, and as bad as the image may be for a man to get extensions, I did so, so I didn't have to walk around with a shaved head anymore, it didn't suit me.

I walked to my mirror in my room to make sure I looked put together before I left my house, everything seemed in order. I frowned as I realized where I was headed. I glanced down on my floor to see my suitcase. I was headed to the airport to get on a plane to go to Toronto for the Total Drama World Tour Reunion.

Since it was the last season of the show, we all had to go to the reunion. Apparently, it said so "in the contract." I rolled my eyes at the thought, snapping around on my heels, grabbing my suitcase, and heading for the door. I was happy I was only going to be around those people a few days.

Everyone there hated me, thought I was a lying asshole. They were right about that, since I did lie to get to the end, but who wouldn't make sacrifices to get to a million dollars? Those people were my sacrifices to make it farther, until it blew up in my face when I dropped it for one person. I glared at the thought of her as I threw my suitcase into the back of my car. I slammed my door shut and made my way to the airport.

I tried to not let the thought of her distract me. But it was starting to flood back again, the memories of her fucking me over on the volcano and pushing me down it on that damn overly large ice cube, ultimately causing me to get trampled and burnt. After I admitted my feelings towards her! Pft. She wants to be that way, so be it. I would've been the best thing she could have won. Quite frankly, I am glad the money got destroyed. She didn't deserve it.

My thoughts continued on her for the rest of the drive and the few hour flight to Toronto. I tried to distract myself with no success. So I dreaded the thought of seeing everyone, specifically her, even more. I sighed miserably as the plane landed. I gathered my suitcase and I walked off the plane, out of the airport. I figured there would already be a ride out there waiting for me, and I was right.

I set my suitcase in the back seat with me as I stared out the window till we approached the hotel we would all be staying at. It wasn't extravagant. It was how I, and probably everyone else, expected it to be. A shitty little hotel with probably enough rooms for the 24 of us. I was hoping we'd all get our own room. If we didn't, I can only imagine who Chris would stick me with.

As I went into the room I realized I was one of the last people there, checking my phone I realized it was 30 minutes before we were due. And considering a lot of us didn't live in Toronto, it took us a bit of time to get there. The only person who hadn't been there yet was Chris, which wasn't much of a shocker either. He was an asshole and he always came in at the last minute.

I glanced around as I set my suitcase down. I saw Heather talking to Cody whom she seemed to have formed a stronger friendship with, not that I cared. I rolled my eyes and I sat back on the couch, trying to ignore everything that was going on. I closed my eyes and rested carelessly till I felt someone's eye's on me, mere moments later. I wasn't sure who it was but my gut was telling me not to open my eyes and see who it was. But I did anyways and I noticed Heather staring at me.

When I glanced her way she turned a vibrant red, as she did on the volcano. There was just no volcano to use as an excuse this time. I watched her skeptically as she hesitantly made her way closer to me, eventually sitting down next to me. I was quite shocked that she even dared to sit next to me, after all she did to me. She left me so hurt I couldn't even admit it to anybody. But that was the way it was meant to be I guess.

She slid in next to me, a few inches at most. Our hips were almost touching as I glanced down then looked at her face.

"What do you want?" I spat at her vehemently. True I wanted her to be sitting there, but I would never admit that to her nor anyone else for that matter. I glared in her general direction, letting my eyes glance over her legs in the process. As much as I hated it, she looked even better than she had before.

"I just came over to see how you were doing considering you got burnt and all." she looked at me innocently? How dare she after she knew she was the reason for my demise and injury? What a selfish woman. I hate her so much. Her and her merciless soul, disgusting personality, beautiful eyes, and gorgeous shape. I lightly shook my head to get out of the trance as I glared at her in the face, the first time I've truly looked at her since the show...

She looked even more radiant that before. She was stunning. The sharp angles of her face, her curvy lean body, her light pink lips that were always tan besables ..I mentally sighed. She still had me wrapped around her finger.

"I don't see why you care considering you caused it all." I glared at her more intensely. This time allowing my eyes to make contact with hers. All I wanted to do was pull her closer at that moment but I fought the urge. She let herself lean in a bit, letting her arm rest on the couch closer to me. Our faces where a half of a foot apart at most.

"It's not like I intentionally burnt you with lava or had them run over you." she glares slightly, now trying to defend herself and not acting so innocent. I glare more and lean in slightly to emphasis my anger.

"You had intentionally planned to foil my win! I should have had the million dollars! At least it wouldn't have been put to waste on someone as despicable as you!" I stood up in anger and walked away, not even glancing back to look at her. I grabbed my suitcase as I walked passed her and went to sit in the area where I was guessing we would be eating. It was deserted and it was content to me.

But I wasn't alone long as I heard footsteps walking my way, and it was none other than Heather. I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't she leave me alone? Not that I wanted her to...I mentally yelled at myself to get over someone like her. She walked closer and took the seat next to me, frowning as she did so.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Alejandro. Well, to get the money I did, but not like that." she scoffed at me, crossing her arms in frustration. Her face crinkled in the cute way it always did when she was mad...

"Well you did! I don't want to be near you! Go away Heather!" I was about to stand up to leave again but she grabbed my wrist, pulling me back down into my seat. She leaned closer to me, our faces only inches apart. My heart began to race and confusion began to sweep over me. This woman had no intentions of liking me, only hurting me. I was not going to be pulled in by her sick and twisted mind. But my heart nearly jumped out of my chest as her face inched closer to mine.

"You do want to be near me. It was all competition. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of it! You knew that cause you would've done the same. I was just able to get you to let yours interfere." She explained to me in a whisper. I glanced up and down her face trying to decipher her motives. I backed away and I tried to stand again. This time Heather lay her hands on my knees to get me to stay. I faught back the blush that tried to creep onto my face. I looked away from her, trying to push the thought of her hands on me out of my head.

"Well you got me hurt and I can't forgive nor do I want to. I already told you I didn't want you near me! Why do you think I came in here? Where nobody was!" I got slightly louder, letting my arms flare in frustration. She looked taken aback. She leaned in towards me so our faces were as close as before, her shirt falling slightly to where I could see the top of her bra, I couldn't help but glance down. I rolled my eyes.

"You're not going to get to me this time Heather." I snapped at her. She looked as though she didn't want to hear what I just said, which made me slightly smug. Only slightly, which was quickly defeated when she leaned in and connected our lip together. Her soft tender lips moved gently against mine as I tried to fight reacting back.

But I gave in as her hands slid up my thighs and up my stomach, resting on my chest as she moved closer. I let my lips move with hers as the kiss grew in intensity. Her tongue grazed across my lip, making slight entrance. I opened my mouth allowing her permission. My mind was yelling at me to stop but my body wouldn't let me.

Her tongue delved into my mouth, sliding against mine in a manner that made a low moan of excitement escape my mouth. I felt her grin into the kiss as her confidence grew, she slid her hands up to my shoulders, sitting on my lower thighs straddled, pushing her chest against mine. I couldn't help but place my hands on her slim waist. My hold on her tightened as I began to move my tongue with hers. As the kiss went on, I slid my hands down her waist, placing them on the small of her back above her ass, pulling her up my body a bit more.

It was then a noise had come from Heather. It sounded of want and lust. I knew she didn't deserve this, but I couldn't stop. My body began to grow excited as she began to lightly graze her chest against mine. Her arms wrapped around my neck, allowing herself to crush her chest to mine. I had never felt like I wanted someone so badly. But I pulled away with a look of disgust.

"You're not going to change my mind Heather. After this reunion I am never going to see you again." I tried to sound angry. I tried not to sound bothered by the fact that I wouldn't see her again. I placed my hands back on her waist, about to move her as she spoke.

"But I want to see you again. We aren't competing for money anymore. There's nothing in our way." She smiles at me and pulls me back against her. As I was about to open my mouth, Chris came over the intercom. I couldn't have been more happy. I didn't want to kiss her again, she would have all of me again, and that was something I couldn't bear to live with.

"Everyone please come to the lobby so I can give you your room assignments and let you know how this is going to work." Chris chuckled as the announcement ended. Heather quickly moved off of me, allowing me to stand. I did so swiftly, collecting my things, and leaving, not caring if she was following closely behind or not.

As I approached the lobby I received many glares from the former cast mates. I tried to ignore it and keep to myself. I leaned against a back wall, a good ten feet away from anyone. But no, Heather couldn't let that happen as she came into the room and stood a few feet away from me. I glared in her direction as she smirked at me. How dare she! As soon as I was about to open my mouth to her again, Chris slipped into the room.

"Hey everyone! Isn't it great to be back?" Chris looked at all of us with a sadistic smirk on his face. He received numerous different responses, all referring to a no. This cause his smirk to grow.

"What's gonna happen is I'm gonna give you your rooms, you get a day and a half to hang out, and then we go to the studio for the show. That'll be a few hours and then we come back, spend one more night here, then you guys are on your own to get home." he claps his hands together once in anticipation, rubbing them together deviously.

I zoned out as he began to list everyone's rooms. I had only listened for mine and Heather's rooms. Hoping we were away from each other. I was in room 8. She was in room 11. We weren't too far apart, but at least we'd be down the hallway from each other. I grabbed my card from Chris and made my way to my room. I looked to see where room 11 was. I was devastated when I discovered her room was across from me. It was then I realized there were 12 rooms on each floor. Which meant Chris was staying in some nice hotel while we got this small crummy place.

I opened my door with anger to walk into a normal looking hotel room with a queen sized bed, a television, a dresser, and a bathroom. It wasn't totally unpleasant, it would provide some sanctuary away from everyone. I locked my door knowing we had the next day and a half to ourselves. I threw my suitcase on one side of my bed and lay down on my other. My arms folded behind my head as I lay on my back.

I begin to nod off into thought about how this whole visit would go and how I would probably get ripped apart at the reunion. Nobody wants to be around me other than Courtney and Heather. And let's face it. I could care less for Courtney and Heather just flat out pisses me off. I looked at my phone to check the time. It was only 1p.m. I had a lot of my day to go.

I felt my eye lids begin to grow heavy as my thought process began to grow deeper. My last coherent thoughts were of Heather. It was a few hours later I was awoken by a loud banging noise. I was ready to go see what it was when I heard Sierra scream Cody and Cody sounded like he was frightened as he screamed. I laughed quietly to myself as I turned my t.v. on. It was now 4 o'clock and I killed 3 hours.

A knock sounded on my door. Curiosity peaked my interest. Who would even want to come see me? Heather should know not to bother me. My mind raced as I sat up from my bed, making my way to the door. I was about to answer when I heard something I didn't quite expect...

A/N: Sorry! I have to end it there! Who is at the door? Bahaha.

So this is the beginning of this story. It may be multi-chapter if people ask for it! I hope this is more popular than my other Heather stories. And I was also trying to think of some drama, plus thinking if I should make some Cody and Sierra things happen. Send some requests. Send some love. Tell me if you want more. It'd be greatly appreciated. It's been so long since I've written and I am still questioning myself as a writer. Plus this story will get M rated at one point in time. Not sure how many chapters it would be, maybe 3 or 4. Let me know what you lovelies think. XD