Title: The Right Choice
Author: RemusGirl21
Rating: T
Summary: She knew no one noticed. She counted on it day by day. She hid the bruises behind a bright smile, gold stars, and the work of art that was her voice. 'Til she was told that the treatments were no longer working.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. I just borrow them for a while. Also, "Sarah Beth" belongs to Rascal Flats.

She knew no one noticed. She counted on it day after day. She would walk the halls as her usual glowing self, brandishing gold stars and the work of art that was her voice. They would laugh at her, throw slushies at her face, and leave her standing dripping wet. They never noticed how her legs shook so badly as she strained to hold herself up. Kurt made fun of her long sleeved grandma sweaters but she knew they were necessary. They hid the bruises on her arms that would blossom too easily when she was pushed around. She hid it well, hid herself well, so no one would know that she was sick.

It was getting harder and harder to keep up the mask. Most days she ached down to her bones and it took everything she had to follow along in the steps for rehearsal. She would stumble, catch herself, and continue on. When she got home she would look down at her body, filled with bruises and those red blotches. She hated them, hated how they ran up and down her legs and arms. She stopped wearing her skirts; she was always cold and those blotches were disgusting.

Her father's were supportive in anything she did and she was never more thankful they were there with her. They were sitting in the oncologist's office, hoping for good news. The look on her doctor's face made her heart plummet.

"The treatment's aren't working, are they?"

"No Rachel, I'm sorry."

"How long?"

"We're not sure."


It was harder then usual to walk into the choir room. Everyone was sitting around, each in their little cliques, chatting about one thing or another. She was never apart of them; she always sat off to the side. It hurt sometimes, not being invited to join in but she knew it was mostly her fault. She was the diva. And she needed some friends right now.

"Hey Rachel, please take a seat so we can get started," Mr. Schuester requested as he brushed past her. She nodded but didn't sit. Everyone was looking at her and she knew what they were thinking. Even the resigned look on her teacher's face made her second guess herself briefly, but it had to be done.

"Um...Mr. Schuester? May I have a moment to address the group?" she asked, her voice hitching slightly. She heard the sigh, heard the whispered comments, and squared her shoulders.

"You have the floor Rachel."

Oh God, they were all staring at her. Normally this would be the highlight of her life, but now it scared her to death. She cleared her throat and stuffed her hands in her hoodie's front pocket. Her hunched shoulder's trembled as she tried again to speak.

"Any day now!" Santana snickered, causing everyone to laugh around her. Rachel felt tears gather and she blinked hard.

"I know I'm pushy and I know I have been selfish by hogging all the solo's-"

"I'll say," Kurt interupted, a slight sneer on his face. Rachel shook her head, her thin brown curls falling around her face. She had to say this, she had to.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all that I've done to you all. I'm sorry for being the diva and never letting you in. But you never let me in either."

Her voice stuttered, her voice thick with tears. The room quieted, no one expecting this at all.

"I don't know how to express myself except in song. I'm not smart like Quinn or eloquent like Mercedes. I can't cut someone down with just a look like Santana or stop people in their tracks with clothes like Kurt. I'm not strong...I'm not pretty...all I have is my voice. But none of that matters anymore. I wanted to let you all know, wanted you all to see what was happening. But I can't bring myself to say it because then it would be true."

Her whole body was shaking as tears dripped down her pale cheeks. She hated being weak, but her whole body hurt and she just wanted to give up. She started as a hand touched her shoulder and she looked into the sympathetic eyes of her teacher.

"Rachel, what's going on?"

"I can't...I...can I sing it?"


She knew the song; she practiced it all night in preparation. But as she opened her mouth, the words only croaked out.

"Sarah Beth, is scared to death, cause the doctor just told her the news. Between the red cells and white...something's not right...and they can do nothing for you..."

She heard a gasp from beside her and she felt the hand tighten on her shoulder. There would be a bruise there later.

"What the hell?"

Rachel opened her eyes slightly, not realizing they were even closed. Puck was up from his seat, his hands clenched into fists.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Um...what does that mean?"

"Oh my God."

She heard the different reactions, the shock and dismay was clear. She knew she was sobbing; her whole body quaked with it.

"I've been sick for about a year, leukemia they said. I started treatment, but it wasn't working for me. It...the doctor said they could try again...but the outcome would be the same. I'm...they didn't give me an estimate of how long...but it won't be long...probably..."

She knew she wasn't making sense; the words were jumbled in her head and weren't going away. She was holding herself by a thread and it was about to snap. She stumbled forward, not able to hold herself up any longer when strong arms caught her gently around the waist. She barely felt it as she settled on the floor and buried her face in his chest. She knew those arms, had felt them around her before. Puck was clutching her lightly, as if she would break any moment. She felt the dampness on her neck where his face rested and her heart broke. Then more arms came around her, more hands caressed her head and held her hands. The room was silent save for the muffled sounds of cries from her friends...her family.

"I'm...I'm dying..."

It was the end.

I'm leaving this as incomplete for now, just in case someone wants me to continue. If you do, please leave me reviews. I live off them! Thanks a lot!
