Title: Dredge
Pairing/Characters: Ian/Charlie,

Rating: G
Summary: Ian explains his position
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Notes: prompt 193 "Honesty" taken from and posted to Numb3rs100. Cross-posted to sniper_voodoo. Twentieth in the "The Longest Road 'verse."

Constructive criticism highly appreciated.

Disclaimer: All the characters herein are the property of the Numb3rs TV show, studio, writers, etc. This is a fan made work that has no intention of infringing on those rights.


Ian struggled to find strength to say the words he knew he had to.

"Yes, you hurt me. You hurt us.

Charlie looked down at the table.

Ian continued, "I can't remember a time when I hurt so badly. You broke me. Now I have to put myself back together. I want to be able to function again. I want you to be a part of that, but I can't let you. Not yet. Not until I can be sure that this won't happen again. So tell me Charlie, will it happen again?

Charlie looked Ian in the eyes. "No."