Hey this is my main story about my OC Yanala set in the Naruto universe, she appears in a lot of my stories but her past is basically the same in each, this is how it plays out in particular in the Naruto universe. Hope you enjoy! Btw italics are thoughts or speaking though the mind.

1. Death of a clan

The rain was lashing down now as Hatake Kakashi ran through the trees to the small village he was heading for. The village of the shape-shifters. The Hokage had sent him there because he feared that they had been attacked and that they all might be dead. Were they dead? Hokage had said they were a very strong clan, so was it possible that they'd all been killed? The gates of the village came into view and he knew then that it was true. The gates had been torn apart and looking down he saw blood mixed in with the mud and the rain on the ground. He entered the gates and looked around cautiously in case the killer was still here.

I see blood, he thought but where are all the bodies? He ran through the village searching every house looking for the missing bodies.

On the hill at the back of the village stood a girl. She looked down at the man at her feet.

"You must promise me you won't cry for us forever!" the man exclaimed. "Promise you'll live your life for those who can't and not mourn. You are young and have a life to live." He looked grimly back at all the freshly dug graves behind him. "At least I buried our clan, it was the least I could do for them and my last help to you. No child should have to bury their entire family, then again you are so young you wouldn't be able to any way." He looked up at her smiling; she looked back down at him wide eyed. "Still at least I buried them, I don't care that there will be no one to bury me."

"You're… dying…" she whispered. He laughed.

"Yes. What a bother. But yes I am dying. I would have liked to see you grow up and I wish that everything would not all fall on you but it seems that it must." He grunted and rolled over on to his back looking up at the sky, she knelt down by his head, tears dripping off her face.

"Don't worry, you're strong I know you'll survive and if you deem it fit you'll kill Him. Won't you?"

The girl stiffened. Him. She clenched her fists and bit back more tears that were threatening to break through. He reached up and wiped them off her face.

"Hey, Yana-chan. It'll be ok." She laughed wetly.

"I told you not to call me that. It's Yana."

"Yes. Yana. Promise you'll come back here this time every year to pray for us, so you won't forget where you came from. That way we can watch over you." He paused trying to catch his breath. "Death. What a bother," he laughed. Then his hand fell from her face and landed in the mud.

She stared wide eyed at him and screamed as the last of the power flowed into her body telling her that he really was dead. She was alone.

Kakashi looked up at the scream and ran in the direction it came from, a hill at the back of the village. He ran to the hill and stopped horrified when he got there.

A mass grave.

This was where all the bodies where. At the foot of the hill were two more bodies, he moved closer. One was of a man in his early thirties; he'd died with a smile on his face.

Why was he so happy even though he was dying? Kakashi wondered.

He opened the mans eyes and closed them again. Gold eyes. A member of the clan. He turned and realised that the other body was that of a girl, she looked only two years old and she too had gold eyes. He looked closer, she had no pupils, they were gone.

Kakashi shuddered then looked down at the man again.

"It seems you stayed alive long enough to bury your clan. The least I can do is bury you, even though you weren't expecting to be buried." He picked up the shovel by the man's body and dug a grave. He lowered the man's body into it and covered it back up. He turned back to bury the girl and realised she was gone. He looked round in surprise.

I was sure she was dead and no one else is here. He heard a noise behind him and he spun round with a kunai in his hand, he dropped it shocked. The girl was behind him.

Her eyes. They are as if she is dead. They're so cold… and empty. He moved towards her cautiously and she looked at him.

"Who are you? Are you ok?" She looked at him blankly, looked at the grave then turned back to him.

"You buried him?" Kakashi shuddered. Her voice was so cold and oddly good for a two year old who should only just be learning to talk.

"Yes, I did. It was the least I could do." She nodded.

"Thank you. I suppose I want to die but I know I can't. You thought I was dead, didn't you?" she asked.

"Yes. But… who did this? I was told by the Hokage to come here because he feared your clan had been killed but he didn't say who had done it." He shuddered. Those dead eyes were creeping him out.

"Well he was right. My clan was slaughtered. I don't know who did it. I know that we were betrayed though." Kakashi stiffened.

"How can you be so calm, so cold? Are you not feeling anything at all? Your clan is dead," he shouted at her. She smiled slightly scaring him even more.

"Yes I am upset and angry. But do you think a normal two year old would act like this?"

So I was right she's only two years old! What does she mean by normal any way? Is she trying to say that she isn't?

"I am not myself right now otherwise I expect I would be crying. But… I am not myself." She looked down at her hands, which were covered in blood. "I expect I shall be very different when I wake up again." That said she collapsed in a heap on the ground. Kakashi gingerly moved towards her reluctant to pick her up.

Oh, get a grip of yourself Kakashi! Hokage-sama said to bring back any survivors.

He picked her up and ran back to Konoha.

"Hokage-sama! Sensei!" he yelled running through the corridor to the Hokage's office. He burst through the door and found Iruka and Anko, two of his best friends, there with the Hokage, his sensei.

"Kakashi, you're back already," said Iruka smiling, "how was the mission?"

Kakashi removed his mask quickly and threw up in the waste bin. He wiped his mouth before covering his face again. Iruka and Anko stared at him in shock.

"Kakashi?" whispered Anko. He took the bundle off his back and placed a girl on the table.

"She was all that survived," he said. They all flinched and looked down at the girl on the table.

"The only one…" said Iruka. "She's only a child!"

"Two years old actually," said Kakashi. "She said before she collapsed."

The Fourth looked at her closely.

"What was it like?" he said without looking up from her.

"When I got there I knew I was too late. The gates had been torn down and there was blood everywhere. But… I couldn't find any bodies." He paused and Minato looked at him sharply. "I looked around to see if I could find any of the bodies in the houses and that was when I heard a scream. I headed towards it and found a hill at the back of the village. It was a burial mound." Anko gasped and covered her mouth.

"There was a man lying nearby with a shovel, she was with him. I checked his eyes, he was from the clan. I guess his last act before dying had been to bury them all. I thought the girl was dead so I buried the man and was turning back to bury her when I realised she was gone." He shuddered. "She was by the grave I had just buried the man in. Her eyes… her eyes… they were dead. But before she collapsed she said she expected she'd be very different when she woke up."

"What do you mean, different?" asked Minato.

"She wasn't acting like any two year old I've ever met. For one I was surprised how well she could speak for her age. And she was so cold, she showed no emotion."

They all looked at the girl on the table wondering what would happen when she woke up.

There my first chapter please review!