Clare's POV

I bit back a sob as his fist came in contact with my cheek. It was the same as every night. I fell to the floor, hitting the wall in the process. My breath was knocked out of my lungs as he kicked me in the stomach repeatedly. I begged for him to stop. But that only made it worse. He took his empty beer bottle, throwing it at me. I let out a gasp of pain as it broke, shards of glass cut deep into my arm.

He kicked me once more and walked off. He was finished. He had let all his anger out. I lied against the wall, whimpering, hoping the pain would fade away soon. His warning went unsaid. Don't tell anyone, or I wouldn't live past sundown. I understood. I forced myself up and gently pulled the glass out of my arm, blood dripping down.

Washing off, I knew I had to get out of here. I had to get back home. He was passed out on the couch and I snuck out without a sound, grabbing my bike and pedaling in the direction of my house. Every part of my body ached, but I had to get home, so I forced myself to keep pedaling.

When I got home, I threw my bike towards the steps, running into the house. Thankfully, everything was quiet. The house was asleep. My parents didn't have to see what a wreck I was.

I walked up the stairs and into my bathroom, examining the damage carefully. My arm needed to be bandaged, but I only had one visible bruise. The one forming on my right cheek. The others were located on my stomach. It wasn't too bad. I just needed extra cover up and a long sleeved shirt. I would be able to get through tomorrow.

He picked me up in the morning. I got in his car and he turned to face me. I knew that look.

"There's some new guy at school. If I even see you talking to him there will be hell to pay." He said in a threatening tone. He was always jealous. I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head quietly. I was used to this.

He pulled up to Degrassi and parked the car. When we got out, his arm snaked around my waist. It was uncomfortable, his touch would never be the same, but I knew better than to do anything. I kept my head down as he walked me to my first class.

He pulled my closer to him and kissed me roughly, violently. I just shut down completely. I had to. If I didn't, I'd end up bursting into tears. He let me go and walked off. I walked quietly into Mrs. Dawes' English class and took my seat.

There was some goth guy sitting in front of me. That must've been who Fitz was talking about. This was the guy I had to stay away from. I focused my attention on the assignment on the board, trying to get through this class.

I really didn't like school anymore. It was where I met Fitz. It was where I had to cover everything up. It was where I had to fake a smile every day and pretend like nothing was wrong. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe nothing was wrong at all. Maybe that's how all relationships were. Was it normal to get beaten? Did I deserve it? My mind wandered until I heard Mrs. Dawes say my name.

"Clare, you and Eli will be editing each others work this semester." She said with a smile, pointing to the goth kid in front of me. My breath caught in my throat. How would I explain this to Fitz? Regardless of how I told Fitz, his threat would still remain. There would be hell to pay.

The bell finally rang and I got out of my seat a little too fast. I gasped as a shot of pain hit my ribs, but quickly composed myself. Eli turned around, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Hey, I'm Eli." He said with a smirk. I didn't say anything, just nodded and walked away, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my ribs. I knew I was being rude, but I couldn't be seen talking to him. I couldn't make Fitz any madder than he usually was. Eli ran after me.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked me in confusion.

"N-no. I just…really have to get going." I said quietly. Suddenly, Fitz appeared in front of me. I froze with fear. Anger crossed his face as he stared between me and Eli. He grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I speak to you for a moment, Clare?" He demanded through clenched teeth. My eyes widened and I barely stuttered out a goodbye to Eli before I was dragged into an empty classroom. Fitz's eyes were dark.

"What the hell were you doing? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" He hissed at me, gripping my wrist even tighter. I'd have a bruise there later. He pushed me up against the wall forcefully.

"Mrs. Dawes assigned us as English p-partners. I s-swear." I stuttered out nervously. His hand came up and he slapped me hard on my right cheek. Tears welled in my eyes as I whimpered quietly.

"You're such a lying bitch." He said in a deadly tone. I shook my head, tears still threatening to spill over.

"N-no. I s-swear we're j-just English partners." I whispered. He slammed me into the wall again.

"You better just be English partners, or I swear, that guy will get his ass beat." Fitz threatened. He finally let me go and stormed off. Tears began to spill out as I slid down the wall. My cheek stung. My wrist was bruised. My ribs hurt even worse now. But maybe I deserved this. I mean, Fitz told me not to talk to Eli. I shouldn't have gone against his wishes. Maybe it was my fault.

He's drunk again, it's time to fight
She must have done something wrong tonight
The living room becomes a boxing ring
It's time to run when you see him
Clenching his hands
She's just a woman
Never Again

I hear her scream, from down the hall
Amazing she can even talk at all
She cries to me, Go back to bed
I'm terrified that she'll wind up
Dead in his hands, She's just a woman
Never Again

Been there before, but not like this
Seen it before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again

Just tell the nurse, you slipped and fell
It starts to sting as it starts to swell
She looks at you, she wants the truth
It's right out there in the waiting room
With those hands
Lookin just as sweet as he can
Never Again

Seen it before, but not like this
Been there before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again

Father's a name you haven't earned yet
You're just a child with a temper
Haven't you heard "Don't hit a lady"?
Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure

He's drunk again, it's time to fight
Same old shit, just on a different night
She grabs the gun, she's had enough
Tonight she'll find out how fucking
Tough is this man
Pulls the trigger as fast as she can
Never Again

Seen it before, but not like this
Been there before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again