Ghost rapped his knuckles lazily on the thick wooden door.

" Tav?"

A small noise and shifting was heard on the other side. Ghost smiled to himself and pushed opened the door, pulling off his mask off as he stepped halfway inside.

" Oh captain? Time to get up!"

The large bundle in the middle of the bed mumbled something and shifted again. Just as stubborn as his friend, Ghost entered and softly shut the door behind him. He approached the bed and poked his captain in the back.

" Come on MacTavish, not going to skip Christmas, are you?"

MacTavish curled up tighter in a ball.

" Its six o clock in the bloody morning, piss off Ghost."

The Englishman smiled and rolled his eyes.

" Good to see your in the Christmas spirit."

" Just leave me here, I hate holidays."

Ghost thought for a few seconds, then nodded as an idea came to him.

" Alright sir, If I cant get you up I know who can. Ill be back in a jiffy mate."

MacTavish grunted incoherently as his friend left.


" Come on, ya pussy."

" That's not safe."

" Oh come on!"

Roach looked up at the top of the Christmas tree, then at the golden star in his hands. Meat rolled his eyes and groaned.

" Dude, its perfectly safe. Just get on my shoulders and put up the star."

" I-I-I don't like heights, cant Archer get on your shoulders?"

Archer looked up from his book and shook his head.

" No bloody way, you twits are on your own. I got a concussion during Thanksgiving, remember?"

Meat smiled as he basked In the memory.

" Yeah, Mythbusters would have been proud of that turkey cannon."

He turned to Roach.

" So yeah, its your turn to get hurt," He announced, keeling down " So jump on."

Miserably Roach climbed onto his friends shoulders. Meat stood, leveling Roach with the tip of the tree. Cautiously, the small soldier leaned over and fit on the star.

" Hey guys! I got-"

Suddenly Ghost walked into the room and shouted.

" Morning mates!"

Meat jumped and staggered, sending Roach tumbling off his shoulders and into Ghosts arms.

" Good morning sir." The sergeant greeted nonchalantly as he was held in a bridal carry. Ghost laughed and put his thin friend back down on the ground.

" Alright, Archer, Meat, Roach, your all with me. We have a holiday mission."


Ghost opened the door and pressed his index finger to his lips, encouraging everyone to stay quite as he ushered them all into MacTavishs room. They all lined up at the side of the captains bed. Ghost took in a deep lung full of air.

" NOW!"

All four jumped onto the bed and began to bounce, sending MacTavish, the blanket, and all the pillows tumbling off the bed. The Scotsmen jumped up from the pile on the floor, panting with shock.

" MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS SIR!" Everyone shouted, still bouncing on his bed. MacTavish smiled sleepily and sighed.

" Alright, im up."