Hey there my Ben 10 lovers! So it's been a while and I am sorry about that. When I started this story I thought it would be fun to do every once and a while, but now that I don't really write for Ben 10 anymore I feel guilty it isn't finished. :( So to ease my own guilt and give you all something to read, this is going to be the last chapter of Zoo Days. So I want to say thank you to everyone for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy the last chapter. Thanks for reading! :) -Lioness002
So I'm not going to lie, we were all furious at Ben for destroying the Tiger Exhibit in the zoo. Who wouldn't be? He literally crushed it to the ground. Who does that? So when he slowly walked back up to us we were all in a half circle with crossed arms and stern expressions. How could he have been so stupid? It was like he was trying to get us thrown out of the zoo. Or maybe have some huge event where his numerous fans circle around him and start chanting his name, that in retrospect seemed more likely.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled sadly as his green eyes bored into all of ours. "It was an accident; I was just trying to make Julie happy." Julie sighed and buried her face in her hands in shame. Ben frowned and looked at the ground just waiting for someone to yell at him.
"Well you knocked down an exhibit and now-" I stopped dead in the middle of my sentence as I saw a flame orange tiger walk right behind Kevin with an angry scowl on its face. "Kevin," I breathed in absolute terror, "turn around slowly." Really, since we fought aliens all the time, a tiger shouldn't have been that scary, but when it was a surprise attack and the tiger looked hungry, it held a little bit of a higher importance.
"Why?" He asked raising a dark eyebrow in question. "Am I missing something cool?" He asked whipping around before he let out a nervous cough. "Ohhhhh…" He mumbled dumbly as the tiger growled at him and lowered itself to the ground.
"Oh this is not good. What did you do Ben?" Julie hissed elbowing him in the side.
"I don't know, I didn't think I broke any walls." He said scratching his head in deep thought.
"Well obviously you did." I snapped as I felt manna collect around my hands. Kevin took an uneasy step back and grabbed the railing next to him to absorb the steel.
"So much better." He sighed contently.
"We have to get rid of it before-"
"WTF!" Someone screamed from behind us.
"-that happens." I sighed pulling my fiery hair behind my ear. I rolled my eyes and let out an internal groan when a swarm of zoo keepers and police came running up with guns and who knows what else.
"What happened?" The head police-man asked as he watched in horror as tiger after tiger ran out of the exhibit into the zoo. He pulled out a walkie-talkie and quickly called someone and told them to evacuate the zoo.
"The brilliant and ever so famous Ben Tennyson broke your zoo." Kevin chuckled turning away from the tiger as it was hit by a tranquiller by some zoo keepers.
"Wait, he's Ben Tennyson?" The zoo keeper asked with a stern expression.
"The one and only." Ben laughed half heartedly and cringed as the big burly zoo keeper walked up to him.
"Well, Ben Tennyson, I have only one thing to ask." He said poking him in the chest with his pen.
"Oh this is going to be good." Kevin smiled as he slid in behind me. I let out a disappointed sigh and glared at Ben, so much for one normal day at the zoo.
"And what's that?" He asked weakly as he closed one eye and leaned back from the man.
"Can I have your autograph?"
"What…?" He mumbled dumbly.
"My daughter is a huge fan and she would kill me if she knew that I met you and didn't get something signed." He said shoving a pen and paper at the shocked and very confused Ben.
"Uh, sure." He mumbled as he stared at the page with the utmost concentration as he signed his name. You would think after sixteen years he could sign his name without thinking about it, but then again it is Ben…so I wasn't that surprised. I blinked really quickly and had to stifle a small giggle, I was starting to sound like Kevin. Ben cleared his throat and handed the officer back his pen and paper.
"Well, thank you. Now you kids should get out of here. The zoo's being closed down so we can get all the tigers back. Sorry about the inconvenience." He said rubbing his sun burned and balding head.
"It's no problem sir." I said politely as I grabbed Ben's elbow. "We were just about to leave." He nodded and pointed us toward the exit before his walkie-talkie began to make static noises and woman's voice came through the speaker.
"Let's go before he asks anymore questions." Kevin said under his breath as we all briskly walked toward the exit. The second we all got out of the zoo we just stared at each other and burst out into laughter. It was the pure and innocent kind, the one that was contagious to everyone around. No longer were we all stressed out about everything going on in our lives, we had a lightness around us.
Kevin smirked at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and Ben and Julie latched hands as we all started walking back to our cars. Yes, our day didn't exactly turn out as planned, but it was fun. We got a little bit of fun and relaxation, and we all kind of bonded again. Sure Ben destroyed the zoo a little bit, but he and Julie got closer together after they spent all of that time fighting. And Kevin and I got to get a few good make-out sessions in, so really, I can't complain. It was the perfect time at the zoo because it was just so...us. It was random, crazy, and made no sense, but none of us would have had it any other way.
So there we go, the end of Zoo Days. Thank you to everyone who read and stuck with me through this, it means a lot. So please do me a huge favor and click that little button at the bottom of the page and leave me review. Reviews are what make my writing worth while. :) So thanks everyone and I hope you enjoyed!