A/N:: This story takes place at the end of the second season in Ciel's POV.

Disclaimer:: I do not own any rights to Kuroshitsuji. That belongs to Yana Toboso (to whom I worship the ground she walks upon. =w= )

'I hate that look on his face.'

I have long since lost the track of time, being swept away in the thoughts of immortality. If one was to live forever, why count the days gone by? I had no need for such foolish things anymore… I had abandoned the world that I was born into. My mother and father must surely be crying from the heavens at the gruesome sight of their precious child, stepping willingly into the very depths of Hell as not a prisoner, but one of its own hateful spawn. The people that once followed me so willingly would remember me as I once was; a half-dead human being, with one last purpose in the world. Now that my purpose has been settled… I…

'It wasn't supposed to BE like this!'

Hell was far much different than I would have imagined. For the humans, of course, it was constant torture of nightmares that would never end. I've seen them, cower away in cages with a demon nearby holding the end of a leash that connected to their soul and feeding off of their pain and despair. For a fleeting moment, I had wondered if Sebastian would have done the same to me, or would he do like he always did and dart around my expected thoughts and go in a completely different direction?

For its true inhabitants, the demons were very much settled in their own worlds of their minds. It was as if they were asleep almost at times; Sebastian explained to me that they were simply dreaming of a reality they wanted. The thought sickened me, and I soon learned that it also sickened Sebastian to the core; we both were aghast to the thought of doing something so dreadfully boring for the rest of our existence. We were restless, itching to be out in the human world to do what we pleased, but the time was not right to extend that wish. My face was still fresh, and if anyone recognized me… it would certainly not end well.

So here we sat, in my own little dream world… waiting until the many years passed over so we might be able to return. My dream was the same as my previous had been, sans the annoyance of other people. It was just Sebastian and I, going about our "days" as we have done. Except…

'I hate the look on his face.'

Was this the same anger, the same boiling rage and crawling burn that Alois Trancy felt as he looked upon Claude with such a blank expression? Did his insides curl in on themselves with hate and pain as Claude looked upon him with such obvious distaste? Did he want to jump up and scream at the top of his lungs and rip at the demon's face with his bare hands until he finally showed some emotion?

For a split moment, I almost felt sympathy for the dead boy.

I watched as Sebastian placed an empty tea cup in front of me, staring straight at his face and waiting with fruitless hope to see any sort of expression cross his face. He only stared back with that same frown and with those crimson eyes that were no longer mocking… but submissive.

I didn't like it. I hated it.

This was not how it was supposed to be!

Our appearances were the same as the last time any human eye looked upon us; Sebastian still wore his tailed-coat, and I was wearing all black as if I was still dressed for my own funeral. The world of my dream was still the same as when I was human; not even a single dust particle was out of place.

If everything was the same… why weren't we!

My hands clenched together tightly in anger as I stared at Sebastian so hard I could feel the demonic blood in my veins begin to boil. Sebastian regarded me with no interest, no smirk that said that he enjoyed my anger. He stood there still as a statue with an empty tray in one hand.

"Does the tea not appeal to you, young master?"

'The tea. I'm about to leap from my seat and slap this butler silly and rip his hair from his head one strand at a time, and he asks me about THE TEA?'

Sharply I stood to my feet, grabbed the delicate porcelain tea cup, and threw it as hard as I could at his head. He didn't move and actually let the cup hit him straight in the face. Glass shards flew around in the air as the cup shattered, cutting his perfect face a bit and leaving a few bleeding scars behind. Sebastian stood there for a moment, not saying a word, before placing the tray aside and bending down to pick up the pieces of china.

The sight sickened me to my stomach so violently that I wanted to vomit. I stomped around the desk and stood in front of him, my 13 year-old body trembling violently in my rage. "Stop that!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs, and even I was surprised for a moment at how inhuman my voice had sound.

Sebastian immediately stopped and looked up from his spot on the floor, on all fours as instead of one knee; he looked like a dog, trying to appease its master while it was on its dying legs. "Young master?"

I hated this. I HATED THIS. I hated HIM!

In pure rage I pulled my hand back like a bow and snapped it forward, slapping him across the face. My palm was smeared with the blood from his cheek. "Stop… Stop acting this way!"

Sebastian's cheek was red, blemishing his perfect bleeding face. "I am simply acting the way that a servant of the Phantomhive family should."

I was biting my lip so hard at this point that I could taste my own blood in my mouth, the copper iron taste poisoning my taste buds; my own blood, despite my newly awakened demonic senses, still sickened me as it did when I was a human. He didn't understand. I didn't WANT him to act like this, so… so isolated, so… submissive! Where was that spark in his crimson eyes! Where had that smirk from his face gone!

I realized then that in my previous like, I never truly felt superior to Sebastian. It didn't feel like a master/servant relationship. It felt… like an equal partnership… I would give my orders, move my chess pieces where I wanted, and Sebastian would aid me. Yet he would almost smirk, have that glint of mischief in those beautiful crimson eyes in a way that angered me and made me feel that he controlled the strings just as much as I did.

Now… those strings connecting to his hands were severed, and I was given the full weight of it to bear on my own. Sebastian truly was just a chess piece now, and he knew it.

If I ever felt like I was in Hell… it was certainly now.

"Young master?" In my silence I hadn't noticed Sebastian had stood to his feet, staring at me as I stood there trembling and shaking. "Young master, are you unwell?"

Yes, I am unwell. I am unwell because YOU are not how you used to be! God… If there was a God, if there was anything that was so pure that would give mercy upon a demon, please, I pray to you, make Sebastian how he used to be! Make the time go back, back to where everything was normal. I'll marry Elizabeth, I'll let those bumbling idiots tear apart my mansion, I'll let Grell have his way with Sebastian, just make everything go back to the way it was!

"Young master!" I jumped a little and looked up, only to see Sebastian much higher than before; I had fallen to my own knees, cutting myself in the pile of porcelain glass. Sebastian knelt on the ground in front of me and gripped me firmly by my shoulders, staring at me in the eyes with… concern? "Young master, what is troubling you so much that you fall to your knees before a servant?"

I couldn't take it… All this…this young master shit, servant talk, it had to end! Slowly I reached up and gripped his sleeves in my small hands, bowing my head to him like an offering to a deity.

"Take it."

"Take what, my lord?"

Why was this so frustrating, trying to explain to him what I wanted when he always knew what I needed before I was able to tell him? "Take my soul. Devour me. Do whatever you were going to do originally when the contract was finished." Curiously, I could feel my throat choke up and make it harder to talk. "J-Just... go back… to the way you w-were…" My voice was so silent, so breathless and weak… I was just so tired….

I felt his hand under my chin as he lifted my face up to look at him. Whatever he must have seen shocked him to the core. This was the most emotion I had seen on his face in what felt like an eternity. He rubbed a thumb against my cheek, and when I glanced at his hand, I could see small stains in his normally pristine white gloves; tears? Was I actually…crying? I had not cried since the night my parents had died. Why was I crying now?

"Young master…" Tiredly I turned my gaze back to Sebastian, and he looked almost as tired as I was, but… there was something else. "…I cannot take your soul, and you know that. Because you are now a demon and immortal… your soul is forever trapped in your body."

This wasn't what I wanted to hear. "…Can't you kill me? Like you did to Claude?"

I must have gone insane. I thought I actually saw him smirk a little and heard him chuckle. "No… The demonic sword that I used is long gone and out of my reach. That would have been the only way." I felt his thumbs brush against my cheeks again. I leaned into the gesture, my eyes sliding shut.

"…Young master… why is it that you shed tears? Why is it… you wish for me to act like before?"

Such stupid questions… yet I myself couldn't seem to find the words to answer them for a few moments. Why was it that it killed me to see Sebastian so cold? Why did I feel so alone when he turned his back and left the room without a word? Why did it drive me insane, to stare at him and only have him stare back with such a submissive gaze?

"…I… I don't know…" I whispered softly. I kept my eyes shut, in fear of what he might look like as I spoke the word that were coming from my dead human heart. "I don't know… I don't kn-know…" I could feel myself begin to tremble again. I hated this. I hated being so weak. I hated not knowing what to say.

But I hated not having my Sebastian more than anything…

Suddenly, I felt warmth embrace me and hold me tight. I was shocked still, before something inside me lurched forward and urged me to cling to dear life to whatever was holding me. I was so much smaller compared to Sebastian that I couldn't get my arms fully around him and was left to clutch the back of his coat in my hands.

I fell apart. I could be strong for only so long until I would crumble to pieces. It was just humiliating that it was Sebastian that broke me so easily…

"Shush," he whispered softly in my ear, sending a small shiver down my spine. I felt him cup the back of my head in his large hand and his fingers run lightly through my hair. It was strangely comforting and I relished in the feeling of the warmth of his body and the pure emotion that he showing to me again. When I calmed down and my tears ran dry he, still held me. "Young master…"

I shook my head slowly. "No… Don't call me that anymore," I mumbled softly, burying my face into his strong shoulder. I didn't want a servant anymore. I wanted Sebastian.

I heard him chuckle softly in my ear and felt him rest his head against mine. "…Ciel," he said softly, and I felt another shiver run down my spine at the sound of my name leaving his lips. "…Perhaps we can come to a…compromise… so this eternity together can be enjoyable for the both of us."

Slowly I moved my head a little and looked up at him, and finally… I could see the one that had stayed by my side through all these years again. "…What do you suggest?"

Slowly he looked back down at me and when I saw those crimson eyes… I felt like I could come apart at the seams. He smirked in a way that made every part of my body feel weak in his grasp. My demon heart picked up a few beats as he reached up and held my chin in between his fingers. I was helpless to him. My breathing was a tad uneven and I could feel my face flush as he leaned his face down towards mine.

Sebastian stared into my eyes, our noises brushing against each other and his sweet breath falling along my parted lips. Was I trembling again? He was smirking… Oh damn, that look on his face always meant something like trouble…

"Why don't I show you?"

A/N:: 8'D I'm evil, aren't I? I'll leave exactly what happens in the end up to you. (If I get enough reviews or such, maybe I'll develop this a little more to a more… Ah hem, devious perspective? ;D )

Hope you like it! Can't say I'm terribly sure if I kept them in character enough, I tried my best. ^-^;; Reviews much appreciated!