A/N: My first published FMA story! This one-shot was inspired by a line I read somewhere. I really like how this story turned out, I hope you guys do too.
Disclaimer: If I owned Fullmetal Alchemist would I be posting my stories here? I didn't think so.
Roy Mustang's smile is cocky. It's made of bravado and an air that tells you how much higher up the chain than you he thinks he is. His smile hides the vast amount of sleepness nights; it hides the anger and the pain that haunts him, even when he's awake, and the memories that never seem to fade. It's the smile of an ember struggling to re-light itself while the wind is whipping and tearing at the world around it.
Maes Hughes' smile is careing. It holds all of the love and adoration that gives him his reputation. But it hides the worry; the worry for his family and his fellow officers and the two boys that should still be living in their small country town, where their smiles would still be untainted. His smile is the type of smile that's there to give others hope, even when he himself has none.
Riza Hawkeye's smile is one of steel. Rarely seen and always strict, it is a sign that others can relax because a long battle, one that none of them thought they would win, has ended. But that smile is just a reminder to her; a reminder that they almost lost that fight, that the ones she holds close to her almost died. It is the smile of someone who will fight tooth and nail, someone who will give her very life, to keep the ones she loves alive.
Alphonse Elric's smile is one that never changes. It is always the same metal grimace, not really a smile because that wasn't how his armor was formed, but it still seems to give off a calming and reasuring energy. To him though, it is just a realization that he is the reason his brothers smile has changed, the reason that the two have no home to go back too, and the reason why his brother wears a chain around his neck.
Edward Elric's smile is one that used to resemble the sun. Lighting up the area around him, it gave others the strength they needed and the feeling that they could accomplish anything if they try hard enough. Now though, his smile is rare and when it is seen it's dulled. His smile has been tainted; it is filled with pain and sorrow and regret and there is nothing that could change it back to how it once was.
Their smiles aren't real. They're all falseness and lies and hidden regrets. And they're all hoping that no one else will see the pain that is trying to make itself known.