It was the beginning to a good morning for Special Agent Tony DiNozzo. He had woken to a sunny DC morning, he had a new suit that he was wearing which he bought the day before, his morning coffee was immaculate and he was just in a happy mood today. He was leaning back on his desk chair with his feet up drinking his coffee, smiling. Ziva had noticed his extra happy mood and felt a pang of jealousy that he slept with a woman last night, and being the investigator she is, she was determined to find out

"Why are you so happy this morning Tony?" he broke out of his daydreaming and faced his partner with a happy smile

"I just woke up this morning and it has been a good day so far" Ziva could tell he wasn't lying to her

"So no hot girl last night?" Tony raised an eyebrow at Ziva

"Nope just me and Mr. Bond last night" Ziva chuckled. The jealously she was feeling had all but gone away after his reassurance

"Well it is good to see you in a good mood, oh by the way I like your new suit" and Ziva went back to doing her work with a smile as his smile at her comment was huge. Tony was happy Ziva had noticed his new suit, and liked it because he really liked it and was glad she thought so too. He went back to his coffee with a bigger smile then before. Then his phone rang. He dropped his feet off his desk and cheerfully answered the phone

"Good Morning you are speaking with one Very Special Agent DiNozzo"

"Anthony my dearest boy how have you been, you haven't come to see your auntie Francesca in a long long time" hearing his Aunties voice made him more cheerful, he hadn't seen her in four years

"La Zia, I am good how are you?" Ziva looked up when Tony spoke in Italian, he said Auntie and she was always interested in hearing about his family

"I am very well thank you. I have called you because I haven't seen you at the family reunion in the past four years and this year I would very much like you to be there, your grandparents are getting older and the ask where you are every year" Tony sighed, he was sort of annoyed with himself for not going in so long but he had been working, but this year he would do him and his family a favour and go

"Well I think I should come this year then, when is it?" Ziva was watching Tony intently

"This weekend, I am sorry I did not ring you earlier I had to search everywhere to find your number to reach you" it was now Thursday and the weekend meant Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so it really was late at telling him. He thought about getting Friday off with Gibbs, they weren't busy so he thought it would be ok

"Ok I will be there La Zia" there was a small squeal over the line

"Great my IL Nipote, and don't forget to bring someone with you this year. I know you will have someone's heart Anthony" that suddenly made Tony nervous because before he could reply his Auntie hung up the line. Last time he went he was broken from Jeanne and didn't date, his Aunties and Uncles were disappointed he did not have a Woman because DiNozzos were known as charming men. He hung up the phone and ran his hand over his face, thinking, thinking how he was going to fix this. Then one persons voice interrupted him, he thought 'that's it'. He looked up at the woman who had spoken, she could help fix this.

"Is everything with your Auntie alright?" he scrunched his forehead in confusion

"How did you know that was my Auntie?" Ziva gave him a 'Seriously' look

"Tony did you not forget Italian is one of the languages I speak" he got it then

"Ohh that's right, that's good" she was confused why it was 'good'

"So what was the phone call about?" Tony sighed again

"Well you see every year my family has a reunion at Long Island and everyone goes, but I haven't been in four years. My Auntie rang to ask me to come this year and I agreed" Ziva tapped her pen on her lips in thought

"Then why is that worrying you" he did one of his squeaky grunts and looked at her

"I am meant to be bringing someone with me" she nodded

"Ok take one of your friends then" he shook his head

"No like a girlfriend someone" she held out her pen at him

"Ohhh I see and you cannot do that?" he gave her a look

"No I have not had a girlfriend in a long time and I cannot just take anyone to see my family" she brought her pen back to her lips in thought

"Hmm I see what the problem is. What are you going to do?" she watched him as he just looked at her worried

"Well I was going to ask a good friend of mine to maybe just pretend to be my girlfriend and come with me" she noticed how when he said it his eyes were focused on her

"Well are you going to ask her?" Ziva smiled as he realised that she knew who he was talking about

"Ziva?" she lent forward over her desk

"Yes Tony?" he also lent forward over his desk

"Do you think you could accompany me this weekend and pretend to be my girlfriend?" she acted surprised like she wasn't expecting that. They laughed

"Of course I will Tony" he was now happy again

"Great, we go down tomorrow. I know its last minute but as you saw I only just found out" she smiled at him

"That's ok it does not take long to pack, we just need to ask Gibbs for the day off tomorrow" Tony scratched his head in thought

"Well we can't make up fake excesses because he would get suspicious that we are both 'sick', so I guess I will just have to tell him the truth on where we are going" just then Gibbs walked in

"I am glad you think so DiNozzo" Tony wondered how much his boss had heard. Gibbs looked at both Tony and Ziva

"Yes you can have tomorrow off, only because I have had DiNozzo working the last four years when he was meant to go. But I will remind you that you are pretending and remind you of rule number 12" Gibbs knew reminding them about that rule wouldn't have any affect what so ever. He thought maybe this week would actually be good for the two of them. Tony gulped at the look Gibbs gave him and Ziva smiled at Gibbs intimidating Tony. Gibbs left after that to go get coffee or something and he filled Ziva in on the plan

"Well we should leave early tomorrow because it takes about four hours to get there, and the family normally arrives around ten in the morning. So I thought you could just stay at mine tonight?" she was sitting on the edge of his desk listening to him

"Sure that is a good idea, saves driving all the way to get me from my house" Tony was glad Ziva was going along with everything so well.

The rest of the day of paperwork was pretty slow and now it was five and Gibbs had told them all to go home, and that he will see Tony and Ziva on Monday and to have a good time. He also reminded Ziva to not take so many weapons with her.

Ziva went home and packed all the things she would need. She packed a few more dresses and girly things than she normally would because even though it was not for real she wanted to make an impression and also make Tony look good too. After that she headed to Tony's. This weekend was going to be a very exciting long bumpy road with the DiNozzos.