Chapter 18: Taken

All good things must come to an end. Who's the bastard that came up with that quote? I'd like to give him, or her, a knuckle sandwich. It was true though, one of the truest truths in the world, and it came crashing down on me like a twenty-story building. I was preparing to leave the Shadow of Intent. If I had heard this news a couple months ago I would have sung hallelujah and jumped for joy. I would have happily bid farewell to my monstrous tormentors with their stinky ass meat breath and their towering forms, now all I wanted was to hold onto the Arbiter as tight as I could and never let him go. It's funny how things work out, right?

The Arbiter had taken me aside that day after our first sword training and had told me about the Master Chief's plan. We were going through the portal, chasing after the Covenant. The war was close to coming to an end if the Chief could stop the Covenant from activating the Halo rings, but to do that he was going to need some help. The Arbiter was to be his man.

I sat in my room on the Intent, pouting amongst my many pillows that the Arbiter had given me. My custom Sangheili armor and the small number of belongings I owned were all packed away already. I was waiting for the last possible moment, hiding away, hoping they would forget I was due to be loaded up on a pelican and shipped back to the Forward Unto Dawn. R'tas had thought it would be best I was with my own kind when the final battle started, especially with the Arbiter going off on some crazy ass adventure with the Master Chief.

I held the small device that the Master Chief had given me to call him if I was in trouble when he had first left me with the Sangheili on my own. I had been so terrified…so angry! I couldn't imagine why now. Sure, I had been attacked and looked down on at first, but I had made some real connections here that I didn't want to let go of. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I was immediately mad at myself. Come on, Zoey! Get your shit together! You're a UNSC marine, not some cry baby little bitch! You can't let them see you like this, not for the last time. Especially not the Arbiter.

The Arbiter…being separated from him is what was going to hurt the most. We were a team, he was my mentor, my protector, my friend, my…I stopped my torrent of thoughts, suddenly overcome with so much emotion that my feelings were making wild and strange thoughts spring into my mind. How did I really feel about the Arbiter? It had always been there, nagging at the back of my skull, something I knew I should have addressed a long time ago, as soon as I had developed the close bond I had with him. He was so much more than just a friend to me. Did I possibly see him as someone I could love? I shook my head, trying to make sense of my turmoil of emotion. Surely not physical love…the anatomical differences that I had spent so much time learning about were too great. If we were too…well he would crush me to death for sure. Ugh! Stop it, bad, naughty Zoey!

…But I did love him.

Love didn't have to be physical, real love is much deeper and stronger than that. It crosses all boundaries and breaks all laws. The love I had for the Arbiter was different than any other love could be, and that's the way it was supposed to be. I couldn't tell you what it was or how it was supposed to work, but that's not really the point is it? I wondered if he felt anything special for me, or did he just see me as a passing acquaintance or possibly a child? Well, it didn't really matter, I'd still love him no matter what he thought of me, and I'd never stop, no matter where I ended up in life or who I ended up with.

Strangely, I felt a little bit better after I had solidified my feelings in my head. They could break us up, I could possibly never see him again, but at least I knew how I felt and that I would go to any lengths to find him again one day. I tossed Master Chief's panic device he had given me around in my hand. I had initially wanted to smash it to bits on the side of a bulkhead in defiance, but if the Arbiter was going to be with the Chief...and this device was linked up to the Chief…then I could call the Arbiter by way of the Chief! I slipped the device into my pocket, feeling even more secure knowing I had a way to contact the Arbiter if I needed too.

A voice crackled over the intercom system in my room. "Corporal Henson, your pelican has arrived to take you back to your ship," I heard the voice of Ship Commander R'tas Vadum say.

Damn, so soon? I got up and hit the reply panel on the wall. "Acknowledged, sir. Tell the pelican I need some time to wrap up a few more things, I'll be there as soon as I can. If he gets tired of waiting and decides to leave without me, then that's fine too."

"Very well, Henson," R'tas chuckled and ended communications.

Yeah, yeah, I was stalling, but I also needed to say goodbye to Kel and the Arbiter. Neither of which would be very quick. I set my belongings by the door to be picked up and loaded onto the pelican, and then I opened the door to my room and started off down the long hallways to see the Healer first.

I arrived in front of the big doors that led to Kel's abode and entered, calling out the healer's name. He was there, his usual puttering self, doing his usual puttering things. He welcomed me as I came in and gestured me over.

"So, this is goodbye I take it?" Kel asked, his pale blue eyes somehow finding my face.

"How did you know?" I said.

"Psychic powers. How do you think I find my way around so easily despite being blind, hmm?"

"Shut up, stupid," I laughed.

"Glad to see you are in good spirits," he replied.

"I wasn't earlier, but you always brightened my day, Kel. I'm usually not very sentimental, I hate goodbye's, but I'm going to miss you," I said with a sad hint to my voice. "Thanks for everything. You certainly made me feel like my job was actually important, that I was contributing to this war in a good way. You also showed me that even the biggest screw up can make a difference."

Kel's hinged jaws formed the Sangheili smile I had grown accustomed too. He took my hands in his pale ones. "You were never a "screw up", Zoey. You have been important to so many more people than you would realize. You have been a true friend to me, and you showed me that I was still important despite what others think. You even showed them! I have had requests from R'tas to venture forth in Sangheili society and take my place among my brothers. The position of Healer may even become important to the Sangheili one day, all thanks to you and your stubbornness, never backing down or abandoning someone in need. You showed them life is precious and worth saving. The living are much more valuable than the dead."

"Shit, Kel, don't get all mushy on me! I thought the Sangheili were above that at least," I chuckled, trying to fight back the heartfelt tears that were brimming.

"We can be a rather stoic people, can't we?" he agreed. "Here, I have something I want to give you." Kel turned to his desk and picked up a small data module. "This is all the knowledge I have on the Sangheili anatomy and healing. It also contains the Sangheili language and a few of our pieces of literature. I want you to continue your studies on us. I hope that someday you will become an influential person between the Sangheili and the humans. There is much you can still do and many who would benefit from an ambassador."

"Oh, thank you, Kel, I will do my best. I'll admit, your faith in me is a little unnerving, I mean, what if I screw everything up? I'm pretty good at that," I said, taking the data module in my hand.

"You? There is no way you would let something like failure stop you. Besides, you seem to have a knack at getting out of troubling situations," Kel winked.

"Fine, but you have to promise to read up on Human culture too. I'm going to need a partner in crime with this ambassador crap."

"Deal," Kel promised.

The sound of the door scraping open interrupted out conversation and we both turned to see the tall imposing figure of the Arbiter enter the room. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him and remembered all the feelings I had earlier. Should I tell him? I looked to Kel, and the blind healer seemed to know what I was feeling. He nudged me and smiled before dragging me into a rather strange but comforting embrace. He released me and looked me in the eyes again before saying, "Goodbye, Healer Zoey Henson. I will see you again someday, good luck."

I smiled and nodded, holding back a sob. "See you around, Kel. Thanks for the gift."

"Thank you for giving me a name, that was truly the greatest gift anyone could have given me."

I smiled and walked off toward to Arbiter. He had been watching the whole scene and he nodded to the Healer as we left, closing the doors behind us. "What is it that the Healer did to you, when he touched you?"

My face scrunched in confusion, then I realized what he meant. "Oh, that was a hug or an embrace, it's a sign of affection among humans. He must have read about it and thought I would appreciate it."

"Affection?" the Arbiter questioned, seeming upset.

"Yeah, turns out Kel really likes me," I said. "He even gave me a gift." I waived the data module.

The Arbiter huffed, very annoyed, he turned from me and stomped down the hallway.

"Woah, woah, hold on there, big guy. I'm leaving today and might not ever see you again. This is not the time to get all angry at me for nothing," I yelled at him and chased him down the hall.

We stopped in the dimly lit hallway and faced each other. I didn't care what he was so mad about, he needed to straighten up and at least have the decency to part with me on good terms. "Why are you so angry all of the sudden, I thought you were starting to like Kel," I demanded.

"How can I like him when he is challenging me for your affections? Going behind my back with some underhanded move because he knows more about human customs than I do is not honorable at all," the Arbiter growled.

I must say I was in quite some shock after his explanation and was at a loss for words, which, as you well know, is not like me at all.

"What is wrong with your face? You look like an aquatic creature," the Arbiter huffed, clearly exaggerated. "Come, let's get you to your ship before it departs without you."

"Wait, wait wait, hold the phone! I'm not going anywhere until I get an explanation. What do you mean by "affections"?" I blurted, grabbing his arm to turn him back to face me, no easy task mind you. "Do you, uh, like me?" I had no filter.

The Arbiter seemed uncomfortable and tried to turn away from me and continue down the hall. He shrugged his massive shoulders seemingly trying to make light of a subject he hadn't meant to bring up. "Of course, I like you. I would have thrown you off the ship a long time ago if I did not."

"No, no, I mean like, like like me."

"I do not understand what that means."

"You want to show affection for me, you may have romantic feelings for me, you get warm and fuzzy inside when you see me! You know damn well what I mean!" I yelled at him. I was done playing games. This was my last day on the ship, maybe even the last time I would see him. If he had something he wanted to say, I needed to know now…if for anything just so I would know that the feelings I had were not one-sided.

He paused, back towards me, shoulders bent, cringing in the corridor. "I do not think this is the appropriate time to discuss this," he replied, voice low and almost dangerous.

I couldn't let that stop me, he didn't understand the turmoil the heart of a human could experience, I wouldn't let him get away with it, he wasn't going to hurt me again! I circled in front of him and stood my ground, "When then?! I'm leaving the damn ship, Thel! I'll probably never see you again, and I am not going to end this ridiculous journey you have taken me on with bullshit from you!"

He could have gotten mad, he could have crushed me flat and stomped me into stardust, but he didn't. There was no rage in his amber eyes, only sorrow.

"Usually I like it when your face turns red and that fire burns in your eyes," he said. His large, four fingered hand, raised up to my face and I felt a dark finger trace down my cheek.

"Let's go, Zoey," he sighed and turned once more to trod down the corridor towards the hanger.

It was like my fire had been doused by a cold bucket of water. I couldn't protest, I turned and followed him at a distance, arms crossed and eyes staring at my feet. That one gentle touch, that one depressed sigh despite all of my fury, was all it took to quench me.

I sat, strapped into the pelican sent from the Forward Unto Dawn. I was alone this time, and I felt it more than I had ever felt it before. The ship took off, the back-loading door slowly lifting as I braced myself against the dizziness of the flight. My eyes locked with the Arbiter's as the door slowly cut the last glimpse between us apart.

I had followed him silently to the hanger bay, not another word had passed between us since our little scene earlier. Upon entering the large room, I saw my pelican waiting for me, as well as an entire company of Sangheili. I stopped short, staring at them all in wonder. What the hell? Had they gathered to see me off? I thought they didn't like me, or at least only barely tolerated me.

R'tas approached me and bowed his head in quick acknowledgement. "Ah, little medic, it is time for us to see you off."

"What is all of this? Why are all of these Sangheili here?" I asked in wonder.

"They came to pay their respects…to offer you a farewell. I know it was not made very apparent to you, but you did indeed earn this respect from many of our brethren. The road is still a long and difficult one, but I believe you may have helped pave the way for change of the more civilized manner in our society. In other words, there may one day be less "honorable deaths" and more living for a purpose. Your lesson has been learned, your punishment served," R'tas said to me with great sincerity.

"Oh. Well I greatly thank you, all of you, for making me feel most welcome…towards the end," I bowed in return and gestured to the crown that had gathered. I chuckled a bit to myself as I remembered the whole reason I was on this ship with the Sangheili was because I had broken their laws.

One of the Sangheili commanders grunted and nudged R'tas in the shoulder. "Oh, yes, that's correct," R'tas said. "We are also all gathered here for the chocolate."

Typical greedy meat-breathed bastards. I knew there had to be an ulterior motive for such a sendoff.

I sighed and rummaged through my pockets until I found the small bag of remaining chocolate. I tossed it to R'tas. "Here, for your trouble. I'll make sure to have some more sent over at some point."

The Sangheili all grunted and gurgled in approval, acting like a pack of excited children.

"Well, goodbye for now," I said and then moved towards the pelican. As I approached the ramp and took a step on board, the pelican began powering up with a loud rumble and wine. The gathered Sangheili took steps backward from the machine and many began to leave the hangar, but I felt a heavy leathered hand rest on my shoulder and had to turn around and face him again.

"Zoey, before you go, I want you to have this parting gift," the Arbiter said.

I took what he handed me, a glossy purple handle. It was an energy sword, but unlike any other I had seen. It was my size, custom created for me, and it felt perfect in my hand. "Holy shit, Is this real?" I gasped.

The Arbiter's eyes couldn't help but smile at my comment. "Yes, it is real. A blade made especially for you. I had it commissioned in secret. You are terrible with every weapon I have seen you use, except this one, so it is my hope it will keep you from harm. Keep it with you, always, and think of me."

I looked away from the perfect instrument of power in my hands and met the Arbiter's now sorrowful eyes. "Thank you, Thel. I will treasure it always. Besides, how could I ever forget you?"

The pelican was powered up full throttle and the pilots were gesturing to me to get aboard and prepare for space flight, but I couldn't move. There was so much more I needed to say, I was locked in place by those sad, sad amber eyes. Would I really never see him again? I didn't like the way we had left things, but it was too late now. I literally had to go.

"Henson, come on, load up. We're on a schedule," the pilot called again.

"I'm sorry," I said softly as I backed into the pelican, clutching my energy sword to my chest. His eyes never left mine as I was strapped into the pelican and the door slowly closed between us.

I know what you're thinking. God Dammit Zoey! Why didn't you try harder? How could you just leave it like that between you and the Arbiter? What was with that lame "I'm sorry" thing? I thought you were stronger than that!

Truth is I'm not strong…at all. My feelings and emotions were tangled up inside of me like a tight ball of string. I couldn't sort them out. They were all so knotted and confused. I knew I had screwed it up. I wish I could have turned back time and tried to explain myself to him better, but time waits for no man…or woman in my case.

The Dawn was a hustle-bustle of movement and commotion when I arrived. My old ODST friend, Jet, met me in the hangar as I stumbled off the transport. "Hey, Zoey! Long time no see! You look…pretty much the same."

"Well what did you expect? That my neck was going to be strangely elongated or something?" I grumbled.

"I was thinking more like your jaw may be split up into four pieces or something," he shrugged.

"Asshole," I smiled.

He grabbed my bags with a grunt. "What do you have in here? A dead Elite body?"

"Ha! No, it's my armor."

"Armor, huh? Sounds like you've got some stories. Want to tell?"

"Maybe later, I should probably report to Commander Keyes."

"Yeah, sure. Follow me."

Keyes greeted me when I reported to her office and told me I'd be in for a very long and no doubt grueling debrief, but first things first, we'd have to prepare for immediate departure to follow Truth through the portal and find out what the wrinkly old fart was up too. I was to be reassigned to Fox company, and I was relieved to hear it. They weren't such a bad group.

"Corporal," Keyes said as I was leaving to join my company.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked.

"You alright?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said with some slight confusion. I had tried to cover up how bummed I was about leaving the Shadow of Intent, but apparently she could see through my mask.

"It's good to have you back," she said. "I look forward to your debrief."

"Thank you, ma'am, and good luck," I replied and then sharply turned to leave her office.

There wasn't much time for reunions, as I soon found out, when the Dawn signaled for a jump and went hurtling through space, following Truth along with the Sangheili forces. Now, I'm just a lowly grunt, no matter how much time I had spent with an alien race, so I didn't really know all that was going on, I just know, from the brief our commander gave us that we were in deep shit.

Apparently there was something called an "ark" down on this planet that could control the Halo rings, which was what this entire war seemed to be about. The Master Chief and his allies were all headed down to stop Truth from gaining control of this ark. The rest of us, including me, were assigned as ground troops and support. Basically I was cannon fodder. Wonderful. All that I had been through and all that I had put up with, and this is how it ends? I die in some forsaken corner of the galaxy without ever seeing the Arbiter again.

I equipped my custom Sangheili armor and attached my energy sword to my hip. I might look funny and not really fit in with the rest of the marines, but maybe that would give me an edge. At the very least, I was looking forward to getting a chance to use my energy sword. Wait what was I thinking? I was actually looking forward to something in the middle of a battle? What the hell was wrong with me? Had spending all that time with the Sangheili turned me into some sort of warrior? As I stared at my reflection in a mirror, I put on my best snarl. From scared inept medic to fierce Sangheili warrior. What would my mother think of me? Who knows. I shrugged and stomped off to join Fox company in the hangar and prepare to ship out. I wasn't really nervous, in fact, I was almost looking forward to getting off of this ship so full of humans. I missed the Sangheili and the strange sort of alien peace I had found on their ship. Who knows, perhaps I would catch a glimpse of the Arbiter down there. He was supposed to be with the Chief, right? A sudden smile crossed my lips and I hurried onto the drop ship, ready to be plunged into a battle yet again.

Gunnery Sergeant Pike yelled at us to get moving and I loped along with Fox company, dodging plasma and sticky grenades left and right. "Henson!" the sergeant yelled at me as I ran by. "What the hell did I tell you about wearing that alien armor?!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but it's better than my other armor. It's lighter weight and easier to move around in. Plus, it has shields and it looks better with my energy sword, sir!" I yelled back.

"I don't have time for your damn excuses, soldier! Don't wear it again!" he yelled in my face and then dashed off again, ordering us forward.

Asshole. I'd wear it whenever I damn well felt like it!

I moved off to follow the company, but pretty soon I knew I'd have to start breaking away to do my job as a medic. I wondered what the poor injured marines would think of me, small and human, running up to them in glowing blue alien armor. Well they'd just have to suck it up and deal with it. I was not taking this stuff off. It was much too comfortable.

Soon enough I heard a cry for help and moved off from Fox company to find the injured soldier. The location seemed pretty far from the main battlefield, but it was my job to help anyone in need, so I brushed my suspicions aside and continued towards the sound. I got closer spotting the marine on the outskirts of the battlefield. His leg was wounded and he was dragging himself across the dirt, looking for some cover. What was going on? Why was he this far out? No one was fighting or firing over here. I slowed my jog and approached him cautiously.

"Are you alright?" I called to him. "What happened? Where's your company?"

He looked up at me in shock, and after he got over my appearance, I saw his eyes become frantic. "Stay back!" he yelled. "It's a trap!"

"What?" I said, confused. I continued walking forward as he waved me away, hand on the handle of my energy blade and warily looking around the landscape. There was an overturned warthog a short distance away, and I realized the marine was crawling away from the hog and not towards it. That didn't matter, though, I still had to help him.

I got even closer as the soldier continued to tell me to stay back. "No, go back, he's still here!"

Right as he uttered the words, I saw a flash of dark gray and purple spring into my field of vision from the direction of the warthog. I turned instinctively, drawing my flashing blue energy sword, but I was no match for a full-grown battle trained Sangheili warrior. He knocked the sword from my hands and it went flying into the dirt as his long fingers closed around my neck and started to strangle the life from my lungs. "You are not fit to wield such a weapon," his deep voice growled.

I knew that voice…I knew this Sangheili…I struggled to stay conscious as I gasped for air.

"I knew you would come. You filthy healer. You will never touch another of my brothers again…and when the Arbiter comes to save you, neither will he," the warrior Elite snarled.

My fading eyes met his and suddenly I knew who he was, Scal Retonam. The one Sangheili that had tried to kill me back on the Shadow of Intent. Shit. I couldn't fight anymore. All the oxygen had been depleted from my blood and I felt myself slowly blacking out. Stars spun in front of my eyes and the last thing I saw was his hateful eyes. Thel…don't try to save me…he'll kill you…

Hi Readers! So good to hear from you all! Yay! Don't worry, story is still not really a romance, but Arbiter and Zoey have a bond that's a little tighter than just friendship. Thanks for reading!