Chapter 5:

That Maid: Contracted.

I am standing in the mouth of an allyway that is just like every other allyway in England: cold, wet, reeking of waste...and houses a dead body. She does not look like she has been dead for long, perhaps an hour or so. She would have still been slightly warm if not for the fridgid air that not even the walls of the ally can stop. The cold does not bother me now, not with the warmth of the unnamed woman's soul fluttering inside me. I lick my lips as my stomach growls, thankful for the knowledge that another soul will soon help me quenck my need. Though I am not as hungry as I was before we went to that building, which reminds me...

"Sebastian, where exactly were we? Being in that building was like being at the bottom of a covernous hole that one can not even see the top of." I shudder at the memory of being trapped and feel sad once again for the unnamed woman who I had consumed. It was like she was in that Hell again, locked away with no light or hope of escape.

"We were in London Mental Hospital, a place where the mentally ill go for 'treatment'." He chuckles at the word and I can understand why. After seeing the state of her cell, who knows how bad the treatment would have been. "But that is nolonger our topic. Our topic now is-" Sebastian is cut off as he yanks be away from my perch at the entrence of the ally as a blond man seemingly riding a lawnmower falls from the roof tops. He is followed soon after by Will - who smacks the mower riding man with a spear like weapon - and Grell - who revs his chainsaw in Sebastian's general direction. The chainsaw reving is hilarious to me for some reason - perhaps because Grell is holding the butt of the weapon at his crotch - and I laugh out loud and lean into Sebastian for suport before going over to Grell and catching the saw blade between two fingers. I did this unthinkingly, but realized afterwards that I can actually stop a spinning chainsaw with two bare fingers!

"Okay, - Grell was it? - I don't think Sebas-chan" I smirk in Sebastian's general direction and see a dark look leveled at me. "appreatiates you pointing your cock - I mean weapon" snickers from Grell, the blond man and myself "in his direction. I know! Why do you not point it at Will?" This time even Sebastian laughed a little while Will simply resorted to fixing his glasses with his spear.

"Oh Will~!" Grell sing songed as he ran towards said man, saw going full speed. Will simply swatted the spinning blades away like they were nothing and kicks Grell in the face.

"So, you're friends with these two?" I ask the blond man standing before me as we watch the mayhem and ignor Sebastian trying to get my attention in a gentalmanly manor. Well, I am anyways.

"They are my superiors." The blond turns to look at me and smiles. "I'm Ronald Knox, to die!" As he does this, he sticks his tonge out and makes a strange hand gesture that makes me snicker.

"I'm sorry, but you really should not do that. I think the only one that could maybe get away with doing something like that is him." I point towards Grell, who is now having his face stepped on by Will for gropping the latter man's rear.

"I know," Ronald sighs and makes an absolutely adorable face. If he were not so odd and obviously in a 'no demons allowed' group, I would give him a kiss. I did, however, settle for a hug, mildly buring his face in my boosom. Ronald pulls away with a look of utter embarrasment and a face as red as a cherry. Ha! How innocently cute!

"Beset," Sebastian's hand falls onto my shoulder, forcing me to turn around and face him. "Stop stalling your training. I will be teaching you how to remove a soul from the dead. This is very useful for when the contract ends once your master is decised or if you do not take a master and must feed from the dead. As a demon in training, there is really nothing these... reapers can do." it sounded like he wanted to use a much more unpleasent word, though he still managed to sink enough venoum into the word to imply it was a bad thing. "Now," he turns me around and makes me face the corps. "kneel down next to the body and place your hand - the one with your symbol - into the wound in her chest. If a future meal does not have such a wound, then make one." I though one quick look of horror and disgust at Sebastian then a look or worrie and mild embarrasment to the reapers before doing as I am told.

I slide my hand in and feel her ribs before I stop. "Now what do I do Sebastian?" I know my face is a mix of disgust and longing. I long for the phantom sizzle of this dead woman's soul on my lips, for the warm flutter of it inside my own chest, warming me from the inside out.

"Are the ribs intacted?" I nod my head and he makes a motion like a fist hitting his other hand. "Then break them, but do it as gently as you can, lest you puncture your prize; the heart." I do as I am told and crack the ribs, seeing Ronald and Grell flinch out the corner of my eye. I can feel myself paling at the noise as well. "Now that they are broken, spread them appart with your hands and pull the heart out after carefully cutting the artories." I do as I am told. I pull back the skin and muscle which falls from her sides, a breast hanging to her armpits. As I grip the ribs - careful that none cut me - I begin to feel the cold again from the blood painting me hands and face from where I swipe away stray hairs as I work. He ribs spread easily enough, leaving a gapping hole him her chest, though judging from the way the ribs stand up almost straight, I would wager to guess that I over did it. All well, her heart is still in one peice. Running a nazor sharp claw through the artories and pulling the heart free, I turn to Sebastian.

"Now what do I do?" For some reason, the dead heart almost feels warm, almost like it is still beating.

"There is a reason that the reapers cut into the heart with their death scyths. The heart is where the soul resides. It is where the cowardly thing goes and hides when it dies, waiting for the sanctuary or the after life the reapers promise. Or, for many like this woman, for demons to come and consume them. Now," he walks over to me and places an hand on my head and smooths my bloodied hair back. I can feel my hunger going crazy as the smell of the trash and other wastes die down and the slightly spicy scent of this woman fills me scences. "Feed, younge Beset, then rest. I will take you back to mansion where you can get yourself cleaned up."

"I thought demons didn't need sleep?" came Ronald's voice as I ravanged the organ. A small, silver light partally blinded me for a moment before I consumed it and threw the rest of the meat away, suddenly full and tired.

"Young demons do however. She is nothing but a baby to my world, and is my responsability to teach and protect." Sebastian walks closer towards me and goes to pick me, but he is halted in his attempts by Will's words.

"But I do not see your mark on her left hand, only her own on her right. If you were truely planning to teach her, you would have marked her by now." I hear a small click as he fixes his glasses with his speare again.

"I plan to do that shortly-"

"I would like to be there for that, just to make sure that she is indeed marked and that there isn't a rouge demon running through my sector."

Sebastian sighs. "How is now then?" His voice is muffled and I open my eyes to seem his face mear inches from mine as he removes his gloves with his teeth.

"Sebastian, how big of a whore are you that you thing you can do that to any woman? I swear, you would put me to shame if I were still a hooker, would you not?" I smirk slightly to hide my blush and hear Grell and Ronald join in my laughter.

"Sit up and present your blood," is all he says in return, though the look is plenty dark enough. I appear to be getting on his nerves. Good!

"Present my blood?" I wonder out loud as I slowly sit up, trying not to fall over as a wave of exausted dizziness threatens to knock me back down. Then it hits me and I press my wrist to my teeth and bite hard enough to draw blood. Sebastian does the same before grabbing my wrist and holding his own bloodied one agenst his own, letting our blood mix.

"I, Sebastian Michaelis, the Butler of Ciel Phantomhive, a Son of Lucifer grant you, Beset Kafele, Maid of Ciel Phantomhive, Daughter of Darkness, my power and knowledge in hopes to make you a full Daughter of Lucifer and true Maid. It is your turn Beset." He levels a look of expectation and consentration on me and the words come to my mind immediately, though not through my own mental voice.

"I, Beset Kafele, Daughter of Darkness and Maid to Ciel Phantomhive gratefully recieve your power and knowledge and accept you, Sebastian Michaelis as my mentor and...master?" I look up at him with a puzzled look and fear fluttering in my heart. Bastard! What did he just make me swear to? The thought is momentaraly lost as a stinging pain blooms on my left hand and once he lets go of my wrist - which makes the bleeding stop immediately - I turn my hand over to see it. The same pentagram that is on his right hand is now on my left. "What the hell did you just make me sweat to!"

"I made you my apprentice, my ward if you will. From this point on you will be my complient student and I," he smirks at the horror that I feel blossoming on my face, "you master. Which of course make my Young Master also your master." I was officially panicing now. There was no way in hell that I was going to be someone's slave! Not again! "When both of our gloves are off we will me able to convers telepathicly so that I will be able to teach you as we go."

"When am I free again!" I yell through gritted teeth as I try to stand, but it seems that what ever the hell that just was took what was left of my energy and I fall, or would have had Sebastian not caught me. I look up and see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You are my servent until either I decide that your training of complete, the Young Master wishes it so, or my current contract is completed." The bottom of the world falls out after that, leaving me with nothing but a Cheshire smirk, darkness and those word designed to lawl me into nightmares.

OMG I'M ALIVE! I'm so~ sorry for ignoring this story for so long! I was working two jobs (well one job and a co-op at a nursing home) and any free time I did have consisted of sleeping and being kidnaped by me friends! I have actually been meening to finish this chapter (which I started in November ^^; ) for the last two weeks, but there has been a lot of stuff happening from finishing my co-op :'( to losing my other job because I had to have dental surgery :( to getting my first acceptance letter to college! 8D I do intend to try and finish this story and I really appretiate anyone who will keep reading even after the crazy delay. I love you all and I promise a yaoi moment with Sebastian and Ciel shortly. :) Love you all! 3

PS. HAHAHAH I could totally see Beset's oh shit face when he said that he was her master now! 8D