It's cold. That shouldn't bother me now, here on the brink of death, but it does. Blood oozes out of my wounds, soaking my white dress. Innocence tainted, snow to scarlett. Are those my words? No, they are still doing the ritual. I don't know why they even used me, my innocence was tainted a long time ago. It hurts so bad as they dig the blade in deeper into my flesh. I can taste the metalic tang of my own blood as it gurgles up with every breath. To much blood, I can't even scream anymore, not that anyone ever came when I could.

I can no longer feel the restrants around my wrists and ankles. I feel like I'm floating, like the icy cold table below me is no longer there. The cold begins to fade and the pain slowly ebbs away. I feel light, free. The pain is over for me. For me, but not for everyone elts. I am not the only one here. There are others who are damned to die like this. An image flashes up behind my eyes; a baby, newly born and covered in blood and vernix from her birth. I can only see her from one angle - the only angle I had ever seen her from. I'm still on my back from giving birth to her and she is being taken away from me. I try to get up, but I'm restrained and to tired from labour to fight back anyways. The last I see of her they are carrying her upstairs. My baby, in the hands of these monsters!

Another image: my mother crying at my father's side as they lock me in a dirty truck that's reminicent of a patty wagon with six other crying children. The wagon reaks of shit and urine. The man who owns the truck walks up to my father and hands him three silver pieces. My parents turn away without a backwards glance in my direction as the wagon drives away, taking me from the only home I ever had to an unknown place to be a slave . I look around the truck at the other children, two boys and four other girls. We are all slaves now.

And again: I'm chained to the side of the truck as potential buyers appraise us like horses. The little boy next to me - I think his name is Micheal - starts crying. The person who was looking at him looks away in disgust, as if the crying child were a maggott that he found worming around in his dinner. He'll get beaten tonight for that. A girl is chained up on my other side. She has been here even longer than I have, and she does not speak. Will not or can not, I have no idea. I do know that she is beautiful with her silver blond hair and big doe eyes. I don't understand why she has not been bought yet, for fun at least. Later that night I try to talk to her like I do every night.

"I'm sure we'll be outta here soon." I always say that, more to reasure myself now than to try to cheer her up. "You and I, we're gonna get outta here and travel. How's that sound?" There is no answer in the darkness of the truck. He even covers the one small barred window during the night. "You know, I always wanted a little sister, but I never got one so I stopped asking. But," I feel my lips stretch into a small, sleepy smile. "it seems I needed to come here, to this living Hell to get my one wish granted. I found you and from now on we're gonna be sisters, you and I. We're never gonna get separated."

"Promise?" Is the only thing that I hear from the darkness, and it's comming from directly beside me, from my formerly silent sister. I'm a little shocked, but I feel myself smilling again as I reach for her hand in the dark and give her small fingers a gentle squeeze. She squeezes back.

"I promise." Is my only response. Then we fall asleep together, hand and hand. We were bought the next day, by the same noble man.

And another: I'm sitting in the gutter, where every living thing comes to either shit or die. I am 10 and I am with a girl, about two years younger than me. She is the only sister that I have anymore. All the others are dead. She is wearing an old shirt that is far to cold for this season and old cut off shorts that show how thin she has gotten. She looks up at me with her coffee brown eyes. Her face looks so sunken in, all sharp angles. I can hear her stomach growl as she says, "I'm hungry, Sis." I hold her, my only sister, my Alli. I can see the goose bumps on her arms as she hugs me back. I can feel her ribs pocking into mine. I cry for her.

Once more: this time of another girl from this Hell, about fifteen. She is screeming as they rip her from our cage and rape her. She is braver then me, she fights back. She dies when he snaps her neck trying to restrain her. Her death is fast. He doesn't stop. Her body is left on the ground as he goes to tell the others what he did. There is laughter from upstairs as they talk about the rape and murder that just occured. I bairly hear it, I'm to far off as I stair into her coffee brown eyes, into the fathoms of death. I will never hold my sister in my arms again. Istroke my belly, praying beond hope that my child will be spared this fate as I cry for my Alli cat. The red headed one - the same one who raped her - comes down and drags her across the room, then up the stairs, letting her head crack off each step. Thud. Thud. Thud. There is blood on the stairs.

I realize that I am uterly alone now. My sister is dead, my baby gone, my parents never cared enough to even think twice about selling me. I feel so alone. So desprerate... So angry. My anger fills me from my short red hair to my dirty toenails. Oh, there's my toes. I can feel mysef again, and all the pain again. The pain is nothing compaired to the anger. It's poison in my body, this hate. I thought I hated my father for selling me. I thought I hated the slave driver who sold us to into a life of painful Hell. I thought I hated the bastard who bought my sister and I who would beat and molest us when ever he felt like it. I thought I hated the upperclass people who never spared anything for us when we were starving on the streets after we ran away. But I didn't even know the meaning of the word hate until now! This, this red hot anger, this disgust, this blood lust; this is hate! With my last once of strength, I opened my eyes and saw the man who had killed my sister leaning over me, he was the one doing the ritual. I smiled at him sweetly and he staired into my eyes, but didn't stop carving me into bits for there God as he chanted in another language. I thought, just on the side, that it seemed fitting that God would want this kind of sacrifice. The sadistic bastard who had never spared any of my siblings was doing his work directly through this man. I then spat my blood into his face, this Godly man.

He gasped in surprise and slapped me across the face, forcing my head to crack back against the table. I turned it back to him and laughed. "Burn in Hell you bastards! My soul will track you all down and drag you to the pits of Hell with me!" I had heard stories when I was a maid in my owners home of people who become so evil they can only be described as demons. People who had been touched by enough darkness that when they died, Satan employed them as his minions. I offered my soul to the Darkness then, in hopes that this very thing will happen as everything faded to black.

Suddenly, I felt a new feeling. Power, so strong that it too was nearly pain. It mixed strangly with the hate and pain that was already in my body. I felt a searing pain in my right hand as the power replaced all other pains. The hate was nearly replaced by the knowlage that I could truly drag them to hell now. I heard the sounds of ripping cloths and realized that it was my restraints, ripping from my struggles to get up. But they were no longer struggles, it was easy, as if I were simply sitting up off a bed. I was no longer cold, instead I felt feverish, light headed with this new power. I could no longer taste the blood in my mouth, though I knew that there must still be a little there, on my teeth at least. I smiled at the men as I stood up. The red headed one was still the closest to me, so I grabbed him as if I were going to embrase him. Smilling, looking into his eyes, I wrenched my fist through his chest and ripped out his beating heart. "A gift for Alli," was all I said. The rest happened so quick, all but one of them were dead and the other women were free.

I walked up to the last of the rutialistic men and grabbed him by the throat - noticing the blood red mark on my right hand that looked like a cross between a star and a blumming rose - and slammed him so had against the wall, I could feel the reverberations through him and feel the crunch as I broke his spine. He's screams were like music, but I didn't have time to enjoy them, I needed something, and I needed it before the house burned down from the candles that I had somehow turned into flame throughers.

"Where is my baby?" I was surprised at the icy cold tone in my voice, I was sure that I would have sounded happier after having killed them and freeing the others.

"Jerry - the red headed guy over there," I could tell he was trying to lift his hand to point at the crumpled figure of Alli's killer, though it wouldn't move. So I had broken his back. He continued, "he said that we didn't have any use for her so we through her in the river out back." He coughs on the smoke that does not bother me. "I'm s-sorry" he gags out as I squeeze his throught tighter before letting him go.

I turned around and made my way for the stairs, leaving him laying there. I could hear him begging me to come back, to help him, but I didn't feel particularly charitable that night, the first night of my new life. My life as a demon. I took a black trench coat from the coat rack as I walked out the frount door as though this were my home and it was not on fire, and disappeared into my new life of eternal darkenss as just another shadow.


Hi there guys! Ok, so I know what you're thinking, "Where are Sebby and Ciel?" Well, they don't come into the story until later...^-^; *dodges throwing knives* Okay, who through those? *eyes friends from DA that will now have to follow Kurojijo here! 8D

By the way, Kurojijo means "Black Maid" Figured I should say that...:D

Reviews and favs are love! 3 And i really hope you guys like it!