Yes, this is it. The last chapter. :(
But, thank you to:
Halloween29, I LOVE JACK ATLAS, freakyfriday13, filmgrl13, Undergargle, Piper Lestrange, elizabethbennett3553, obsessivelyfanaticgw09, xBadxRomancesx, MoonlitSerenity, Severen18, M. Cullen Hightopp, xXEmoVampirateXx and hayleytylers for all your reviews! They made me so happy XD
And will there be a third story? I've had an idea, so lets just say it's a possibility... :D
Chapter Forty
I watched as Sweeney and Amy embraced, unable to stop the small smile that crept onto my lips. Like mine, he had changed her life, but also like mine, it was for the best.
I knew for a fact that Amy would never forget her ordeal.
I gazed at her silently, thoughtfully. Would she ever forget?
No. She wouldn't do.
Ben and Nellie might probably forget; they never really believed my stories of Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett. I was just sad that it took something like this to convince them otherwise.
Amy, on the other hand, had always believed me.
After Amy and Sweeney had broken apart, Ben had finally sorted his music system and began blaring out music.
"Hey, lets get this party started!" He shouted over the top of it, laughing as he stood up. Nellie and Amy laughed as they began dancing with him, while Sweeney and Mrs Lovett watched.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?" I asked, gesturing towards the table.
"Oh, no thanks, love." Mrs Lovett replied with a large smile; she seemed pretty content watching Ben, Nellie and Amy in amusement. I smiled back and looked up at Sweeney.
"What about you?"
"No, thank you."
I swallowed and nodded. "Well, I'm going to get some wine. Ben, Nellie, Amy, do any of you want anything?"
Instantly, the three of them jumped at the chance of me pretending to be a maid for a few minutes, asking for drinks left, right and centre.
I took in their orders and entered the kitchen, shutting the door behind me.
In stiff automatic movements, I fetched Ben a can of beer from the fridge, poured Nellie a small glass of diet coke and Amy a large glass of full fat coke. Afterwards, I poured myself a glass of wine and took a long drink from it, tears trickling down my cheeks.
I didn't even bother looking up as the kitchen door opened and shut again. I knew who it was.
My eyes met Sweeney's, and a fresh torrent of tears formed.
"Ant should be here." I whispered.
Without hesitating or saying anything, Sweeney walked forwards and wrapped his arms around me. I clung to him, allowing tears to run down my cheeks. I had gone through too much to properly mourn my dead husband, and I absolutely hated myself for it. It had been three months, and I had barely stopped to remember him.
But now, in Sweeney's arms, I could cry for a few minutes and feel as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
"I'll be back in a moment." He muttered, his arms leaving me as quickly as he wrapped them around me. I didn't know what he was doing until I heard the clink of glasses.
I heard the door opening and shutting again, but didn't really pay much attention. I wrapped my arms around myself as the tears increased, as if trying to hold myself together. It wasn't until a pair of cold, strong hands unwrapped them and a new pair of arms replaced them did I realize Sweeney was back.
My hands clung to the front of his shirt as my head dug into his shoulder. I was simply unable to stop.
But Sweeney allowed me to cry.
He held me carefully, gently, as if he feared I would break should he hug me too hard, and one hand gently stroked my hair.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, pulling away when I finally calmed down. My eyes were sore from crying so much and my head was pounding.
Silent, Sweeney let go of me and picked up a glass. I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath, as I listened to him pour a drink into the glass.
"Here," He said quietly, holding it out.
I sipped the drink, allowing the water to trickle down my throat. Sweeney watched me silently.
"Why did you call me Johanna?" I asked suddenly. "No one calls me Johanna."
"I do."
I smiled weakly before continuing to sip my water.
"I miss Ant."
"I know you do."
I looked up at Sweeney and smiled again. "Do you miss Lucy?"
Sweeney took so long to answer I thought he wasn't going to, but then nodded once. I sighed sadly before stepping forwards to hug him.
"Amy's missed you."
Sweeney's arm came around me, resting gently on my shoulders.
"I missed her." He admitted quietly, so quietly I almost didn't hear him.
We stood in silence for a few minutes, simply hugging each other.
"I had a niece called Amy, once."
I looked up at Sweeney inquiringly. "Really?"
Sweeney nodded, a pained expression in his eyes.
"What happened to her?" I asked quietly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer.
"She died," Sweeney said. "In my arms."
"Oh...I'm so sorry..."
Sweeney didn't repsond, so I hugged him again before letting go, just as the kitchen door opened.
"We're gonna go to bed, Mum." Ben announced, rubbing his eyes. Next to him, Nellie was yawning.
"Ok, darling. Where are Mrs Lovett and Amy?"
"Both fallen asleep," Nellie told me sleepily, walking forwards to hug me. "Night, Mum. I love you."
I hugged her back. "Night, darling. I love you too."
"Night, Mum." Ben murmured, also hugging me.
"Night, Ben. Have a good sleep, ok?"
As Ben and Nellie staggered off to bed, I turned to face Sweeney.
"Best check on the other two." I said casually.
Sweeney followed me out of the kitchen and into the living room. Mrs Lovett was gently dozing in one of the armchairs while Amy was curled up, fast asleep on the sofa. I smiled down at her.
"It'll be a shame to wake her up."
Sweeney walked past me and, before I could ask what he was doing, carefully scooped Amy up in his arms, just like he had in Turpin's house. I smiled up at him.
"I'll show you her room."
Careful not to drop her, Sweeney followed me out of the living room and upstairs to Amy's room.
"Just put her down on the bed." I said softly. I watched as Sweeney placed Amy down again, gazing at her silently.
I gently eased Amy's shoes off her feet and removed her hoodie, leaving her in her t-shirt and leggings. I knew she would be comfortable.
While I did this, Sweeney had turned towards the door and was leaving. I looked up at him sadly before speaking up.
"You don't have to leave, you know," I said. "Not yet."
Sweeney stopped before turning around again to face me, his face blank.
"You want me to stay?" He asked, his brow furrowing. I nodded.
"If not for me, then for Amy."
I could see Sweeney was silently debating as he stood across the room, frozen. Would he stay? I wasn't sure.
Without saying anything, Sweeney walked back to me and sat down on a chair next to Amy's bed. I smiled.
"Thank you."
Sweeney didn't respond, but gave me a small smile. I smiled back before leaning down to kiss his cheek.
I left Amy's room and, as I was shutting the door, turned to glance back at them. A wide smile spread across my face.
Sweeney would be there when Amy woke up in the morning.