Keep Bleeding Tears

Chapter 1:

"Is she alright? Poke her cheek!"

"That won't work. She's unconscious~"

"Yah, poke her on the boob, it'll work better!"


"You are corrupting Roxas' mind,"

"Well do you have a better idea, Axel?" A voice sneered, as Naruko stirred.

"Yeah! It's called shoving your sitar up your ass!"

Naruko stirred more and groaned softly.

"Hey, she's waking up~"

She felt something poke her cheek.

"Hey…don't touch her, Roxas! She might have…uh…"


"Dumbass, that's blood to blood contact only!"

"But he doesn't know that!"

"I do now~"


Naruko opened her eyes slowly and saw three men; she opened and closed her mouth as she regained focus. How long was she out? Was it enough to pass maybe decades? Kyuubi did use that stupid time-travel jutsu, so she must've skipped time. Her chest ached as she remembered that Sasuke wasn't here and was safely in heaven. She bit her lower lip and looked around, she started sobbing. She missed him so much. Couldn't Kyuubi bring him with her? So they could live together, forever?

"Hey~ are you okay?" She looked up into blue eyes of one of the younger blonds and he stroked her hair softly. Her mouth went dry as she tried to let words flow out of her mouth but it came out as murmurs. "Huh?"

"W-Where am I-I?" She said after she got her voice after gulping a few times. "Am I dead?"

"Considering this is hell, yes, yes you are~" The older blond smiled wide and the red haired man slapped the blond.

"No, you're completely the opposite, sweetie, I'm Axel, this douche here," Axel pointed to the older blond who waved repeatedly. "Is Demyx and the one over there…" He pointed to the younger blond who smiled down to her. "Is Roxas, what's your name?"

"I'm er…" Naruko furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to think of a fake name, she felt a small migraine growing and rubbed her forehead. "Ruka, my name is Ruka…" Demyx came over and took her hand then kissed it.

"Well, Ruka-chan~ welcome to Organization XIII…" Axel rolled his eyes and sighed before slapping Demyx.

"Idiot, you can't recruit people out on a whim!" Axel yelled.

"Yeah, Axel, you dumbass!" Roxas snickered as a look of surprise passed through Demyx's face before he frowned.

"Hey, minor," Demyx flicked Roxas' forehead. "Respect your elders…" Roxas puffed out his cheeks as he rubbed his forehead and Naruko let a smile split on her face.

"Plus, Xemnas and Saïx would say…"

"No," Saïx replied quickly as Demyx said 'recruiting'.


"No, Demyx this is the fifth time this week, that you try to recruit people! You tried recruited Snow White, Lilo, and Je-"

"Yeah, whatever! They weren't the it! This girl is a keeper just look at her!" Demyx said putting Naruko in front of him making Saïx raise an eyebrow at the slightly frazzled blond.

"I've never seen you before…" Saïx said, tipping Naruko's head back while holding her chin. Naruko let a blush brushed across her face.

"NO DUH! SHE'S NEW!" Demyx yelled, Saïx sighed before letting Naruko's chin go.

"Alright, your name?"

"Ruka," She responded softly.

"Are you good at fighting?"

"Very well, sir,"

"How well can you follow orders?"

"Well, but if something is not in my morals, I don't follow." Saïx looked at her intensely trying to find lies.

"Well…Ruka, welcome to Organization XIII, you are now Number XV." Saïx said, Demyx cheered throwing his hands up like someone made a touchdown; Axel smiled and so did Roxas. "Axel, will show you to your room, it'll be next to Roxas' and Xion's room so you'll be more comfortable…" Naruko nodded slowly before following Axel and Roxas.

"Well, room sweet room~" Axel smiled as he escorted Naruko, newly named Ruka, to her room. She looked it over, and stuck out her tongue making Roxas and Axel laugh. The room was an unusually white, everything was frickin' white.

"Enjoy your new room, get some rest, tomorrow is training with me and 18 year old Roxas!" Axel ruffled Roxas' hair who slapped him.

"Well, let's go alert Xion and Larnexe ."


"Something tells me Demyx already told Larnexe ." Axel snickered who pushed Roxas away. Naruko tilted her head as she saw the two men leave. They were odd, and she was pretty sure the others were even odder. She flopped on her bed. Sleep sounded good.

Really good.

YEESSS! FINALLY! IT CAME BACKKK! Sorry I didn't update sooner but writer's block hit me like a cinderblock BLAH! D: But I'm back with so many ideas…

Also this might be good for Axel and Demyx fans! I want them to have lovers as well! So if you want to be a lover of Demyx or Axel, oh! In 10 days if no one PMs me about one or the other, I'll put them together!