That night, Logan woke up to find Marie staring out the window. He got up and walked over to stand behind her, "What's on your mind?"

She let out a soft breath, "You...and how much you hate me for what I did."

He put his hands on her shoulders, "I don't hate you...I just didn't understand..."

Marie crossed her arms, "I couldn't have resisted even if I wanted to. You just kept grunting and calling me your mate. The next thing I know, my panties are ripped off and I'm bent over that gurney..."

She felt Logan's hands drop off of her shoulders as his breathing quickened. She turned around to see him taking a few, shaky steps backwards.

He slowly stuttered and looked down at his hands, "I...I...almost raped you..."

Marie shook her head and grabbed his hands, "Logan, look at me...I consented. I wanted you. All of you. What you need to realize is that the Wolverine is part of who you are, whether you like it or not. I didn't give myself to the Wolverine...I gave myself to you."

Logan looked down into her eyes, "How can I trust myself around you if I have this monster inside of me?"

"I'm not afraid of you. I trust you. You'll learn to control did before and you will again."

The next morning, Marie entered the professor's office unexpectedly, "We need to talk."

He rolled his chair back from his desk, "Rogue...if it weren't for your angry projections, I would have been caught completely off guard by your abrupt arrival. What seems to be the matter?"

"I need to talk to you about Jean."

Charles raised both eyebrows and sighed, "I see..."

"Professor Xavier, I know she's your oldest student and you consider her to be a daughter, but something's up with her."

He began rolling toward her, "My dear...I've already spoken to Jean. She doesn't blame Logan for what happened yesterday."

Marie blinked rapidly, "Of course she doesn't blame him! It was her fault she was even in there with him...I think it was her fault that he even went feral."

The professor stared at her for a few moments, "What would make you think that?"

She sat down on the couch on the far side of the office and clasped her hands together, "When Logan got back from Alkali Lake, Jean seemed downright disappointed that he wasn't interested in her anymore. She really hated the fact that he showed an interest in me, so she tried to make him think that our relationship was more of a father-daughter type thing."

The professor scoffed, "Logan as your father figure? Dear...although I would have never suspected a sexual relationship, I certainly would never classify your relationship as familial."

"Exactly! It's almost as if she wanted him to keep pining for her. She's been really weird lately."

He shook his head, "What would her motivation be for making Logan feral?"

"Maybe she thought that his feral state would make him less...discerning."

He obviously felt uncomfortable with where the conversation was going, but he continued in spite of that, "That's quite an assumption..."

"With all due respect, haven't seen the side of her that I've seen. I have no reason to lie about this."

Two hours later, when Marie and Logan were walking down the hallway, Logan suddenly stopped and furrowed his eyebrows, "You hear that?"

She smiled and shook her head, "I don't have those enhanced senses, remember?"

He held up a finger and narrowed his eyes as he stared off in the distance, "Shh...I hear yelling...I think it's Jean."

Marie's eyes widened, "Where?"

He took her hand and slowly led her down the hallway. They came to a stop outside of the professor's office. Even Marie could hear Jean yelling now.

"I cannot believe you would even ask me such a thing! All because you're taking the word of some little girl?"

"I want to believe you Jean...but as soon as I asked you about it, you put up a mental block so strong, I became distracted by it. Why are you being so defensive?"

Jean continued to deflect, "This is just like Marie! She has no reason to even say anything like this!"

"Jean, just tell me...did you intentionally put yourself in danger so that Logan would become feral?"

"No! I just needed his help picking up the candy apples for the festival. That's IT!"

Logan suddenly opened the door and snarled, "Candy apples? When you asked me to go with you that night, it was to help you get the inflatable all of the sudden it's candy apples?"

The professor turned his eyes to a panicked looking Jean, who stuttered, "Uh...I...I..."

Marie stepped forward, "You were never going to pick anything up! You went there knowing you would end up in danger!"

Logan looked disgusted, "Oh you are twisted, lady."

Charles shook his head in disappointment, "Jean...why would you do such a thing? What about Scott?"

She had no answer, so she rushed from the room without another word. The professor looked between Marie and Logan apologetically, "I sincerely apologize...I had no idea..."

The professor convinced Logan and Marie that he would handle Jean, but that didn't seem good enough for Marie. She actually went looking for Jean, but didn't find her in her bedroom, office or classroom.

That night, after showering, she headed down to the kitchen for some hot chocolate and found Jean there.

The telepath rolled her eyes, "Christ...what are you doing down here?"

Marie feigned innocence, "I just needed something to drink...shouldn't you be somewhere else...plotting and scheming?"

Jean glared and put her hands on her hips, "I bet you think you're really clever, huh? Well look, little girl, you may have won this round, but Logan is a real man, and eventually, he's going to get tired of you. You think he loves you? He just loves the fact that he was the first one to pop that little cherry-"


Marie cut her off with a hard slap to her face. Jean gasped and grabbed the side of her cheek as she stared at her in shock.

Marie looked ready for a fight as Jean glared and angrily spat, "You little bitch!"

"I got plenty more where that came from! Keep talkin', red!"

Scott rushed into the room, having heard the commotion, "What the fuck is going on in here?"

Marie relaxed slightly and smirked, "Feel free to have your fiance explain. If she's fuzzy on the details...remind her that she can ask the professor to catch you up."

She smirked and left the room. When she returned to her bedroom, Logan was there, shirtless and waiting for her.

Her mouth dropped open a little, "Hey there..."

"Hey just gonna stare or are you gonna get naked?"

Marie responded by stripping out of her bathrobe to reveal a short, silk nighty underneath. He grunted in satisfaction and stalked over to her before grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder, making her giggle and squeal in delight.

After he tossed her to the bed, he immediately went to work, kissing and nibbling on her neck. She gently pressed against his chest, "Baby...wait...we need to talk."

Logan leaned back to stare into her eyes, "What's up?"

"I just ran into Jean in the kitchen..."

His eyes widened a little, "What did you do?"

"I slapped her..."

Logan's mouth dropped open before he laughed, " really are a little spitfire, aren't you?"

Marie rolled her eyes, then sighed and looked into his eyes, "I need to know what this is to you."

"What do you mean?"

She looked at his chest and began idly playing with the hair there as she spoke, "Do you think you're gonna get tired of me?"

"Not unless you plan on changing...I like you a lot, Marie. I think it could be deeper than like..."

Marie smiled, "Really?"

He nodded and leaned forward to lay a sensual kiss against her lips, "Now if you'd just stop talkin'...I can show you just how much I like you."

Logan moved on top of her as he began hungrily kissing her lips. As they worked to get naked from the waist down, Marie slowly broke the kiss, "Wait baby...I wanna try somethin' new."

"Is this about to get kinky?"

She blushed a little, "I wanna get on top."

His eyebrows shot upward, "On top? Of me?"

"No. Your evil twin...yeah you. Come on."

He hesitantly laid back as she took her position on top of him and lowered herself down onto his throbbing erection. She yelped softly and put her head back as she settled on top of his full length, "Oh god!"

Logan gritted his teeth as she began rolling her hips against him. He might be able to get used to this...

Marie moaned and bit her lip as she began rolling her hips harder and faster. He gripped onto her hips as she placed the palms of her hand on his pecs for leverage.

As the intensity of her movements increased, Logan sat up and took a nipple in his mouth, immediately setting off her orgasm as she cried out in ecstasy.

He took that opportunity to flip her over and begin frantically pumping in and out of her. It wasn't long before he was spilling himself inside of her and whispering her name reverently.

After several moments of laying in the bed, panting and gasping, Logan looked into her eyes and smiled, "I'm never gonna get tired of you, baby."

Yay! Jean got slapped! I hope you all enjoyed this chap. I have a new fic I'm currently writing called "The Temptation of Hate", so definitely stop by there and review that as well!