Chapter 4 Everyone's Going Out

Trevor's Night Out

I sighed as I watched Luna and Raven walk out the Diner, I looked to Matt, then at Becky. "So, do you want to go catch a movie?"

Matt and Becky's faces turned bright red when Becky spoke up. "Matt and I already have something planned."

"That's fine," I said, trying to keep them from getting too uncomfortable. "I'll just go home." By myself. Again. For the fifty-ninth time straight.

As I left Hatsy's Diner, I noticed someone with white hair. The only three people that I know with white hair were Valentine, Luna and Jagger. Valentine was out of town, Luna was with Raven, and so it was most likely Jagger. As I got closer, I saw the blue and green eyes and I confirmed that it was Jagger. "Jagger, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Come now." The guy still freaked me out. We finally made it to wherever it was that Jagger wanted to take me. It took me a little while to realize that we were in a back alley behind the Diner.

"Where are we?"

"You do not need to know," he said staring at me in that creepy way that only he can. "You are in love with Raven Madison, am I correct?"

"Yes," I said slowly, unsure of how he knew that.

"Great, then you'll give her what she's always wanted."

"One problem. I'm not a vampire."

"But I am."

"How would that work?" Jagger was confusing me.

"I would simply change you on unsacred ground, and then you would change her at the cemetery."

"Wait," I said, trying to stall for time.

"What is wrong, Trevor?"

"I want to spend some time with Raven."

"You will have an eternity together."

"I meant while we're still human." Jagger started glaring at me. "So it'll be easier for her to transition." I was hoping that he would fall for it.

"Fine. You have one week. I'll meet you back at Hatsy's Diner one week from today at 8:30."

Jagger started to walk away. "Wait, um, Jagger, can I ask you something really quick?"


"Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you. I'm helping Luna. She's in love with Alexander, who is also a vampire, and she wants to spend eternity with him."

"So you want me to get Raven out of the way so Luna can have a straight shot at Alexander."

"Yes," he said and walked away, leaving me by myself.

Once I finally got home, my mom was having a fit. "Trevor Grant Mitchell! Where have you been? You promised that you would be back no later than eight and it's after ten! And I've been trying to call you but you wouldn't answer!"

"I'm sorry, mom."

"You should be. Go to your room."

After I'd taken a shower, I checked my phone and saw that Raven had texted me, telling me to sneak over to her house, because her parents were sleeping. I decided to go, and I took the Mercedes, knowing that my parents wouldn't know that it was gone. Slipping on a decent t-shirt and jeans, I crawled out the window, shimmied down the drain pipe, hopped in the Mercedes and headed to the Madison's.

It took four rocks thrown at Raven's window before she opened the window and let me in.

Raven's Night Out

I was so glad to get out of Hatsy's Diner and away from Trevor, Matt, Becky and Alexander. I was happy to talk to Luna, especially since I hadn't seen her in forever. Well, not literally forever, but close enough.

Once we reached my house and got inside, we saw my mom. "Well, who is this?"

Before I could answer, Luna introduced herself. "I'm Luna Maxwell. My little brother is Valentine Maxwell and he said so many good things about your son, Billy."

"Well, don't worry about us!" My mom was obviously happy that I had a friend aside from Becky. When my mom disappeared into the kitchen, I told Luna, "the purse is upstairs; come on!"

About 2 hours later, at 10 o'clock, Luna had a Corpse Bride clutch in hand, and we had talked and argued about some really gothic topics, Luna had to leave. Once she was gone, I texted Trevor, telling him to come over.

Half an hour later, I had started to doze off when I heard rocks hitting my window. I opened my eyes, went over to the sound and let Trevor in. I hadn't realized just how hot he was. I felt like I couldn't breathe!


"Nothing. Do you want to watch Dracula?"

"I've never seen it, so, yeah, sure."

It was well after one in the morning when the movie was over. Trevor and I sat on my bed, since I have a television in my room, and stared at each other for nearly five minutes and Trevor said, "I should probably go," he said, before turning to leave.

"Wait, don't'." When I said this, he turned to face me and we were really close. He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed him back.

Trevor was gone and I was staring at the ceiling when Alexander showed up.

"Seems like you've moved on fast," he said.

"So have you," and he left.