Would you believe I dug this up, worked on it for a half hour and now I'm posting it?

Ya… I don't either.

I'm bord ok.

And I gotta study for finals.

And I REALLY needed to update something…

And despite the fact that this isn't nearly as long or inclusive as I had been planning. I'm proad of it and it's decent.

Enjoy :)

Hevy almost laughed for joy.

He was so close. So close to his goals he could almost touch them, they where more tangible than the unfamiliar armor on his body, more real than the floor he barley touched as he ran on force lightened feet.

When you reach him… you may kill him.

Thank you sir. Hevy didn't ask the questions that where running through his mind, knowing that he could see them all to well.

It is necessary to destroy his reputation… all will become clear in time.

The trooper nodded, rounding a corner and increasing his speed, just barley sliding between the bulkhead doors as they shut with a load clunk behind him. He could hear, with heightened senses, the angry shouts of the two brothers who had been chasing him.

"It's about freking time!" the rodian he had hired cursed at him, standing on the exit ramp of their stolen ship. "This information better be worth it!"

Oh, it's worth it.

Hevy grinned to himself and started towards the transport.

The click of a blaster safety being removed hit his ears, and Hevys shoulders rouse visibly.

"Not one move traitor."

Hevy tightened when the familiar voice hit his ears, so much like his own, yet so different, and in its difference, familiarity.

He couldn't remember.

They will keep you from your kill.

Hevy turned slowly to face the two troopers standing at the end of the landing pad, helmets pulled over their heads, blasters aimed for his heart.

They'd never shoot their captain.

No sir. He agreed silently, taking a careful step backwards.

"I said not. To. Move." The trooper with blue decorating his armor warned him quietly, that same, familiar voice taunting him as the memory remained just out of his reach.

"I don't think so trooper." He spoke offhandedly, taking another step backwards, prompting the two men to step closer to him, not lowering their blasters.

"Frek!" Jester cursed under his breath and he ran to the doors control panel, the other trooper with him following to try and help get it open.

Only pilots and technicians had the codes for the secondary fight deck.


"We'll have to splice it." he moved to remove the necessary tools from his belt, but the hum of a lightsaber blade stopped him.

The hum was quickly replaced by the screeching cry of lightsaber plasma meeting metal and he turned his head quickly to see Commander Tano, teeth gritted hard, driving her weapon through the locked metal door. If that look in her eyes was anything to go by…

Jester was very, very glad he wasn't the traitor.

"Step away from the transport Rex." It was the other trooper speaking now, his voice gruff and low, armor undecorated.

"Let me think… no." Hevy gave them a sickly sweet smile, taking another step back towards the ships loading ramp. "Go back and prep the ship fish face."

Greeto glared at him, eying the two men warily.

"Do it and we'll open fire." It was the first trooper talking again, the one in decorated armor, his voice…

Greeto turned pale (if such a thing was possible for rodians) and shot Hevy a murderous look.

"Damn force sensitive! I should of known this wasn't goanna work!" Greeto growled at him.

the troopers tensed.

Idiotic moron!

What should I do sir?

Wait you idiot! Look at the clones!

Hevy did as he was told turning his eyes back to the two troopers with their blasters aimed for his heart.

Sir I don't-

His consciousness was ripped forward violently, shoving him head first into the two men's emotions.

Betrayal, confusion, nervousness, uncertainty…

What does it mean, sir?

This could work to our advantage...

The sound of hot plasma meeting metal hit Hevy's sensitive ears and his eyes shot to the door, narrowing instantly on the magma like substance slowly dripping down the bulkhead.


Move soldier.

But sir-

Whatever was sawing through the door was making startling progress, and he could clearly feel the raw, angry emotions coming from the other side.

Inspiration struck him like a smack in the face.

I have an idea sir.

Make it quick.

Oh god he was getting impatient… Hevy swallowed hard.

Yes sir.

Jester fell into place with the other trooper behind Comander Tano, blaster aimed at the soon to be opened passage way.

Just a few more seconds… Just a few more seconds…

The blast door was sent careening forward with the jerk of the padawans hand, flying through the air like paper and hitting the floor with a crash that rattled his eardrums and teeth.

He instantly moved to follow Tano as the girl launched herself through the opening, both her light-sabers bared and a killer look in her normally smiling blue eyes.

There was a blur of movement from the captain when Chopper herd the blast doors crash to the ground.

The man shot forward, with speed he'd previously thought only a Jedi capable off, wrapping his arm around Echo's throat before the trooper could even reacts.

Stunning, considering Echo's 'abilities'.

Chopper moved his aim from the man's chest, now blocked by Echo's body, turning the barrel of his blaster to the traitors face instead. He snarled at him behind his helmet.

"Let him go Rex." Chopper didn't turn at the words, but recognized them as belonging to his commander.

Maybe Echo had, had it wrong. Maybe this… traitor really was their captain. If a Jedi couldn't see any difference…

"No." Chopper watched as Rex's grip tightened around Echo's throat, causing the decorated trooper to fight all the harder against him, gasping for air.

"He's coming with me." The Captain tilted his head to the side, his voice finalizing. "As insurance."

Chopper tightened his grip on the blaster in his hands, narrowing his sights so he was sure he'd get a clear shot at the Captains head, and over his shoulder, he could hear other blasters, two, doing the same.

Not Rex.

Not Rex, not Rex, not Rex.

It wasn't him.

Ahsoka tightened her grip on the lightsabers in her hand, teeth gritting hard.

This man wasn't Rex.

Everything was different, the way he talked, the way he moved… and his eyes…

Not Rex.

The padawan screamed in rage, charging forward with both lightsabers burning and a vicious look on her tanned face.

This man, whoever he was-

how dare he?

How dare he try to kill her master?

How dare he sneak aboard there ship?

How dare he impersonate her pasija, her love, her cyar'ika?

How. Dare. He?

Not-Rex's hand shot forward and it felt as though a racor had slammed full force into her body, sending her tumbling backwards like a leaf, sending crates and troopers alike flying, sending the hug hunk of slag she had carved from the door sailing through the air once again, hard and fast so she barley landed in time to duck, her eyes widening as it sailed over her head and she remembered who was standing behind her.


Jester felt something slam into his body, knocking the blaster from his hand. He felt his feet leave the ground. And he defiantly felt when his back slammed into the wall, a sickening crack filling his ears, making him instantly sure he'd broken a rib.

In his peripheral vision, he could see the other trooper next to him, his helmet knocked off his head and a dazed look in his eyes.

He felt- rather than saw- the slag flying towards them, his adrenaline fueled mind causing everything to run in slow motion. He watched as it sailed over the commander's head, continuing on its direct path for himself and the unnamed trooper beside him.

They where going to die.

Jester didn't think. He didn't think about consequences, he didn't think about what his actions would result in. Didn't think about Slick, or his squad, or Kaminoans cutting him open to see what made him tick.

His hands slammed outward, open palmed, eyes squeezed shut and a splintering headache taking up residence in his mind as he felt the entire wait of the huge object slam into his brain, rather than his body.

The slag hung in the air for a second- maybe two, suspended only by slow magnetic pulse wafting off of Jesters fingers and filling the air.

It crashed to the ground a second later, the troopers body slumping forward as a wave of exhaustion filled his mind and muscles for the force of what he'd just done.

His eyes came up when realization of it struck him, shooting around the room with razor like speed.

The commander hadn't seen, she was to focused on the traitor and his hostage- Echo, neither of whom where looking at him. Chopper hadn't seen…

Jester's eyes moved slowly, ever so slowly, to the unnamed trooper propped up against the wall next to him.

Amber brown met shocked amber brown and one thought ran through Jesters mind.


"Move it fish face!"

Echo felt the arm around his throat tighten as he was dragged up the ramp of the ship. The man holding him taking advantage of the distraction.

He gasped for air, trying to focus on what was happening behind him.

The commander was on the ground, her leg bent at an odd angle. She'd been caught off guard, hadn't thought such an attack possible, hadn't sensed it, her Jedi quick reflexes had done nothing to break her fall. But Chopper, by some miracle, had landed right.

And at that moment the scared trooper was charging towards him, as fast as his legs could possibly carry him.

Echo didn't understand.

Until he saw the exit ramp beneath his feet closing, the man holding him pulling on his body one last time to drag him into the ship.


Choppers hands caught the edge of the platform. Hard, trained muscle pulling him upwards and he rolled down the platform just as it clanked shut, nearly crushing his arm between the steal slates.

Amber brown collided with the amber brown of his 'captains' eyes. And for a split second nobody moved.

The Chopper lunged.

the ship exploded into hyperspace, and throughout the resolute, the only sound that could be heard was the angry, animalistic shriek of their Jedi commander.

Review please :D