By ThomasandTUGSFan

Disclaimer: Rugrats are owned by Nickelodeon

Plot: Taken three years after 'Broken Hearts Restored', Tommy is now taking his relationship with Kimi a bit further. He's going to propose the one he love.

Chapter 1 - Happy Anniversary

Tommy and Kimi have been together for thirteen years but technically they known each other for life! Most of the Rugrats have now jobs. Chuckie works as a manager for home loans, he's not married yet but he has a few feelings for Lil. Phil works as Susie's guitarist during her concerts on her world tours; they are growing some feeling for each other though ;) Lil works as a receptionist at Starks Industries she has become goods friends with Pepper Potts and Tony Stark but not going on adventures with them. Dil has no job as their are no jobs for 'Alien Hunting' so his next thing was being a pianist like his idol, Elton John and hopefully get a musical contract. Stu and Didi hoped he could get a real job (and he would have if Phil and Lil haven't dropped him on his head as a baby) and Tommy and Kimi, well they are have jobs and one day, Tommy and Kimi were getting ready in celebrating their thirteenth anniversary. They were both excited and today at the mall, Tommy and Kimi were going to look for presents for each other.

"Now Kimi remember our rule, we must not tell what we got" said Tommy and kissed her on lips.

"Oh Tommy if I told you your present then that won't be much of a surprise" she giggled. Tommy laughed and so they split up and off they went. Tommy looked around at the jewelry shop, he noticed that Kimi wanted a nice necklace and he found one but for $500.00 and he saw a ring that worth about $10,000. Tommy knew that he was getting one present for Kimi and its either a ring or a necklace. Tommy went in the store and bought his item.

Meanwhile, Kimi was looking another shop that is like the jewelry shop but different this one sells watches. Kimi found a watch that matches Tommy.

"This is perfect" she said and told the employee to get her that. The watch had a golden shield with a picture of Reptar, both Tommy and Kimi loved the green lizard when they were babies and they still love it even today. The watch cost about $200.00. Soon Kimi met up with Tommy at the food court, he bought two cups of hot chocolate.

"Hey honey got a present yet?" asked Tommy.

"Yep and it's in here until tomorrow" she said. "So you just have to wait" she teased. Tommy chuckled. They both drank their hot chocolate.

"Looking forward for tomorrow?" asked Tommy.

"Yep, you, me and our friends all together camping in the woods in the winter" she said.

"And something more better planned" murmured Tommy and luckily Kimi didn't even heard what Tommy had said. After their trip to the mall, Tommy drove Kimi home. At the Finster's house, Tommy spoke.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then. I wish I sleep with you tonight but that will wait for tomorrow" and gave her an eskimo kiss. Chuckie soon walked out and opened Kimi's door.

"Oh thank you Chuckie" said Kimi and she walked to the house. Chuckie spoke to Tommy.

"So Tommy tomorrow's a big day for you and Kimi" he said.

"Yep thirteen years of pure love and you found out because of that halloween moment we had when we were twelve and your were thirteen. You were a bit overprotected about Kimi then" said Tommy. Chuckie glared at Tommy.

"Well that's what a big brother suppose to do. Bare in mind Pickles you have a little brother and you better keep a big watch on him" he said. "Like the time when we're babies, you, me, Phil, Lil, Dil and Angelica were lost in the woods and I was spending more time with my brother more than you guys" he smiled. Chuckie remembered that day when he and the gang were in the Reptar wagon trying to get Dil back to the hospital and while in the woods, Tommy was over protective about his brother Dil.

"Well catch you later Tommy, looking forward to tomorrow" he said and he walked inside the house and Tommy drove away back to his house. When walked to his room, he saw the mess that Dil have left and the stuff he's taking to camp.

"Hey Dilly getting ready for camp" he said.

"Yeah T. it's going to be fun for all of us but more for you and Kimi" he said. Dil then noticed the bag that Tommy is holding.

"Hey what's that?" he asked.

"Oh this is Kimi's anniversary present" he said. 'I hope she likes it' he thought to himself. He went to his room, put the present in the drawer on bed stand, got his bag, packed his shirt, shorts, underwear and other various items including his iPod, a few DVDs and his video camera. Kimi did the same.


All the Rugrats were outside the Pickles house saying goodbye to their parents.

"Kimi, I want you to be a good girl to Tommy and don't come back pregnant" said Kira.

"I will mom, beside Tommy and I will never do that" she said as she kissed his cheek.

'Not until we're married' thought Tommy.

"Tommy, Dil, you must always wear your coats when it gets cold" said Didi.

"Yes mom" they both said.

"You pups have a great time at Camp Everwood" said Betty hugging her twins.

"We will mom" said Phil and Lil. They boarded Chuckie's van and this time Chas walked up to him.

"Remember to be safe on the roads Chuckie, don't cause accidents" he said.

"Charles your son all grown up, he's not eighteen anymore" said Didi.

"I know...but they grow up so fast!" he cried. They all waved goodbye and they drove off.

"Man our parents can be so over protective all the time" said Tommy as he put his arm around Kimi's shoulder. "Yeah at least our mom is fun to hang out with, but she's can be overprotective in some places" said Phil. Kimi had a quick doze and leaned her head on Tommy's shoulder. Tommy comforted her.

LATER - 10:00 AM

Kimi was wide awake and they were all in the beautiful surrounding countryside and beside them was an old, sleek, preserved and wonderfully restored steam locomotive. Tommy got his camera out and was filming the train. Chuckie was keeping level with the train. The big steam engine whistled loudly and is echoed around the whole countryside. The van reached the level crossing and their they saw the train coming past them.

"Man now that is one of the interesting things we saw on this road trip" said Tommy.

"Yeah looks like something out of Thomas the Tank Engine" said Kimi.

"Except it has no face, not blue paint, no number 1 and no Sir Topham Hatt" joked Dil. Everyone laughed. Soon Tommy and Kimi gave their presents.

"Happy 13th anniversary Kimi" said Tommy and he gave her the diamond necklace. Kimi was shocked.

"Wow you got the necklace just like the one I want" she said, "Oh thank you Tommy" she said and kissed him. "I got something for you too" she said and she gave him her present and it was the Reptar watch.

"Wow! A watch with Reptar on it" he said. "It gets better open the shield" she said and inside was a picture of him and Kimi now looking very happy with each other. "Thanks Kimi" and he kissed her on the lips. They finally reached 'Camp Everwood'.

"Man remember the time we came here with our parents one summer and we had to be part of that terrible play lead by Angelica?" said Tommy. The others laughed they knew that Angelica was bad at her acting and Susie stole the show with her singing.

"Yeah and back then you looked cute with your hair sticking up" said Tommy to Kimi quietly. Kimi blushed. Soon the camp councilor came out.

"Hello campers welcome to the Camp Everwood, my name is Mac, I'm the camp councilor, actor and producers" he said.

"Like we heard that before" murmured Phil. "Any who I like you all to meet Greg, as our other camper Bean was missing" he said.

"And we all know why" murmured Chuckie. "There will also be a stage production too" he said.

"Oh great" they all said. The last time they went to Camp Everwood they have to take part of the camp's horrible production of the lost settlers but thankfully, Susie took Angelica's lead role and Howard did some good singing too. "You don't have to take part if you wish" he said.

'Oh thank god' thought Phil happily. So they all went to their cabin. There was a double bed for Tommy and Kimi, and four bunk beds for Chuckie, Dil, Phil and Lil.

"Anyone is thinking of joining that dumb play?" asked Dil.

"NO!" they all said angrily.

"Besides there's a lot of things to do beside a stupid play anyway." said Tommy. "Like swimming, fishing, hiking and more" the other looked at him kind of strange but that's the only thing to do in camp. "And then at night we tell tales of grisly ghouls that will terrorize your neighbor hood and though we try to stay alive our bodies will try to shiver" said Tommy coldly. Everyone knew that Tommy repeated the line from Michael Jackson but Chuckie as being a wimp was shivering.

"Relax Chuckie" said Tommy comforting his best friend. "I'm only teasing" and he, Chuckie and the rest were laughing.

E.O.C - 1