Articuno's Guide to The Bird Elements

Hey this is Articuno. I just want you to know that my partners are weird but harmless. Let me show you who they are.

The birds..

Well there's me.. The ice element in our trio.

Zapdoes- The electric element in our trio. She has a crush on a guy named Futch or what ever his name is.

Moltres- The fire element. He's almost as annoying as Mew. And he burned a lot of my books.

Stupid stuff we did that got the others angry.

What happened: Moltres burned most of my books.

Revenge: I got Lugia to use Hydro pump on him.

Endnote: I miss my books.

What happened: Zapdoes got Suicune and Raikou together.

Revenge: She got beaten up by Suicune.

Endnote: Suicune and Raikou are not compatible together without a third party, aka Entie.

What happened: I dated Ash for months.

Revenge: They made me break up with Ash. Now he's all evil.

Endnote: I really hate my sister and brother.

What happen: Moltres entered Ash's room.

Revenge: We fond him wounded in the cafeteria garbage.

Endnote: Never go into Ash's room.

And that's just a few of our fights and such.

"What are you doing?" Zapdoes asked. "Nothing your interested in." Articuno said. "Hey I want to see." Moltres said. "Oh no your not." Articuno said. Then she accidentally throw it and Ash caught it. "Man you three are almost as annoying as Kyogre and Groundon." Ash said. Then he looked at the papers. 'Maybe I should do one of my own.' Ash thought. Then Articuno grabbed the papers.

"ASH! Please be good today." Zapdoes said. Ash was confused. Then the trio went back to arguing.

Well here's a new one. Bye.

AuraPearl44_May the aura be with you_Peace.