Don't own Criminal Minds

Slash pairings: Morgan/Reid

Warnings: Violence

Morgan knew he was in trouble the second the words slipped out of his mouth.

Reid's face had gone from a shy smile to a blank slate faster than he could he could kick down a door.

"Pretty boy, I-"

"Save it, Derek."

It was rare that they used first names at the office and Morgan knew Reid was angry because the younger man pushed his coffee cup roughly into his open hands before he stormed out of the break room and back into the bullpen of the BAU office.

The normally crowded room was near empty as everyone had gone home to enjoy their three day weekends eagerly. The only other person left was Hotch who was holed up in his office finishing paperwork as fast as it came so he could spend some time with his son.

Morgan knew that, while he did not see him look over at his two subordinates, Hotch was aware of their presence and aware that something was probably going on between them. Morgan's body language suggested he was attempted to talk to Reid but was getting no where as Reid kept his back to Morgan as he packed his messenger bag.

"At least let me still give you a ride home." Morgan tried once more to appease Reid, glancing at the clock for emphasis.

"The train's fine, thanks." Reid responded as he hurriedly gathered his reports, "Besides you still have paperwork to finish." Reid had been done much earlier but had stuck around to help out Morgan, a move he had begun to regret.

"This late at night?" Morgan took a step back moments after he spoke as Reid's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"I can take care of myself, Morgan. I don't need you to hold my hand." Reid started to walk up the stairs towards Hotch's office, leaving Morgan down in the bullpen thinking of his next move.

"Hotch?" Reid knocked and entered the room in one fluid motion, "I have the reports."

Hotch looked up and gave Reid a curt nod, "Leave them there, thanks."

Reid did so and shuffled back towards the door, "Have a good weekend, sir."

Hotch smiled faintly, "You too, Reid. Any plans?"

A trained profiler would never miss the way Reid's eyes slid back towards Morgan for just an instant and the way he fidgeted as he thought but Hotch respected both men's privacy too much to pry any further.

"There are a few dozen or so books I plan on finishing." Reid told Hotch firmly and the older agent nodded once more.

"I'm sure you'll have fun," Hotch told him with a light tone, "See you on Tuesday."

"Goodnight, Hotch."

Morgan was still leaning against Reid's desk now with his arms folded across his impressive chest, "What did you say to him?"

Reid eyed him frostily, "I told him to have a good weekend, Morgan. That's all."

He could tell Morgan was trying to build himself into being angry but was failing miserably at it. Reid felt his own anger ebb for just a moment before he managed to refocus himself. Reid rarely got angry and found it hard to keep up, especially with Morgan. He forced himself to pick up his messenger bag and swing it over his shoulder.

"See you on Tuesday." He said simply and walked out of the office before the other man had a chance to reply.

Reid pulled his scarf closer around his neck as he stepped out of his office, the temperature had dropped drastically from earlier that day and Reid was beginning to regret not taking up Morgan's offer of a warm ride back to his apartment. He held onto the straps of his bag as he decided to stop off at the local coffee shop to pick up a drink for the journey home. It would help calm his nerves and keep his hands warm.

He entered the shop and ordered quickly, pushing his hair back behind his ears as he waited almost impatiently for his coffee. He paid in cash and took his prize, thanking the young girl working the registered and the bar by herself with a decent tip. She smiled and waved to him on his way out where he took his first sip of bliss. He began his trek towards the train station, not at all bothered now by the light snow that had started to fall.

He was, however, startled by the sound of footsteps behind himself and a hand falling onto his shoulder.

"Hey pretty boy."

Reid turned sharply, "Derek-?"

A punch directly to his face sent the young genius stumbling, his coffee dropping to the ground as he fought to keep himself balanced. He was grabbed once more before he could recover and tossed sideways into an alley behind a closed bookstore. This time he was unable to keep himself from falling and landed roughly on his back, knocking the wind out of him. His hands went for his gun but a vicious stomp to his chest stopped him. He coughed as he felt something snap in his chest and attempted to double up.

"What the hell?" The voice over him didn't seem to be alone but Reid was finding it harder to focus with the world spinning around him. Rough hands knocked his own away and he felt his gun being removed from its holster.

"He's carrying a piece."

The voices discussed something in a hurried manner giving Reid time to pull himself up and attempt an escape.

"Shit!" The first voice yelled and Reid stumbled a few paces before something hard struck him harshly on the back of the head. He went down once more but didn't lose consciousness as he fought to at least keep himself on his hands and knees. A swift kick back into his chest sent him fully to ground, this time completely unable to move.

"Hurry up! Get his bag and check his pockets…"

Reid felt his messenger bag being ripped from him and he groaned in pain, lifting his head to see if he could at least see the faces of his assailants. His vision went double and he began to cough again, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth.

His bag hit the ground and the man who was digging through his pockets stepped away from his body.
"Look at this…a FBI badge…"

"What! No way…this kid is FBI? We gotta dump the piece!"

There was scrambling and Reid felt a rustle move by him as one of the robbers tossed his gun and credentials into a trash can.

"You got his wallet?"

"Yeah. There's cash!" The second voice said excitedly.

Reid groaned again as he tried to spit the blood out of his mouth to no avail. The first voice knelt back next to him and Reid felt his hair being grabbed roughly and his neck pulled up and back. The man looked Reid squarely in the eyes but Reid couldn't focus on him and without much warning his head was slammed forward into the ground and everything went black.

Morgan and Hotch left the office at the same time and Morgan felt a little bit guilty that Hotch had to wait around for him to finish his reports.

"Sorry, Hotch. I just got distracted…" Morgan muttered as Hotch stepped into the elevator first.

"It's fine, Morgan." Hotch replied, "Jack was already asleep, he wanted to get a lot of rest before we go out tomorrow."

Morgan smiled, "That's good man. I hope you two have a fun time."

Hotch returned the smile as the elevator took them down to the main entrance, "I'm sure we will."

They walked towards the parking garage in silence and Morgan noted that they were practically the last set of cars left.

"I'll see you on Tuesday, Morgan." Hotch told him and Morgan gave him another distracted smile.

"Sure, see you Tuesday."

Hotch sighed as he opened his car door and looked once more at Morgan, who had pulled out his cell phone and was staring at the screen in thought.

"Wait until morning."

Morgan looked up from his phone, "Huh?"

"Call him in the morning; give him the night to cool down." Hotch muttered once more and Morgan nodded.

"Yeah, I will."

They said their good byes and got into their separate vehicles, Hotch driving off as soon as his car started while Morgan sat in his seat, letting his car heat up. HE stared at his phone once more and sighed, tossing it onto the passenger's seat.

"Hotch's right. Besides what harm can one night do?" He assured himself before pulling out of the parking garage and heading home.

Poor Reid...he's just so darn fun to mess with