Alex: Well I finally get to make my first story!

Sasuke: Oh great another stupid fan!

Alex: Just for that you'll act like you did when you where small!


Desclaimer: I don't own Naruto, if I did Sakura would be dead by now!

A child sat in the dark bloodied room, he couldn't believe his aniki had killed his whole clan; he still remembered his aniki's word. "You're weak, you haven't enough hate; when yu get the hatred come for me. Now cling to your pathetic life." "I….kill you!" the child thought as tears streamed down his scarded cheeks, "Kyuubi….I'LL DESTROY YOU!" the child screamed to the heavens. "Foolish little Naruto."

(5 years later)

"Sasuke it's time for school!" a sweet voice called from the stairs, in the bundle of blankets a moan could be heared "Five mr minutes." The voice grumbled. "Sasuke if you keep this up you'll miss Naruto-kun!" the voice called and as fast as Choji would run for his food Sasuke shot out of bed and ran for the bathroom.

After Sasuke brushed his teeth, put on his clothes, and brushed his hair he looked in the mirror. Sasuke's was a pearly white, his eyes where a deep oxen, he had raven locks; his bangs framed his handsome face while the bask stuck up in a strange fashion (duck's ass). He wore a blue high collar shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back, white shorts, and triditonal ninja sandles.

Sasuke ran down the hall and was faced with his smiling mother, stern but loving father, and awesome brother (He's okay when he's not being a bastard!); "Glad to see you're up Sasuke." Fugaku sad in a stern but caring voice "Hai otou-san." Sasuke said as he picked up the bento his mother had made "Sasu-chan wait, I made one for Naruto-kun too." Mikoto chuckled at her son's blushing face.
Arigato okaa-san!" Sasuke said with a bw as he took the bento from his mother and walked towards the door, "Ja ne otouto-chan." Itachi said; "ja ne aniki." Sasuke grumbled before he ran out the door. He ran down the crowded streets of Konoha, 'I hope I get teamed with Naruto-kun.' Sasuke hoped tightning his hold on the extra bento box.

Alex: Well should I continue?

Naruto: *growl* I only showed up one time! *glare*

Alex: Eep! *hides behind Naru-chan* You'll show up in the next chapter!

Naruto: I better

Naru-chan: Hoped you enjoyed, R&R!

Alex: *glomps Naru-chan* Ja ne minna-san!