Plot: Rookie police officer James Richards attempts to escape the monster infested nightmare of Raccoon city. However, in his struggle for survival he is given a helping hand when he discovers an old Mask, which gives its wearer more then they bargain for.

Authors notes: I've written it in a form so you don't really need to know anything about the Mask to start with because I'll be explaining it. Also though this is technically a crossover the only thing that makes it so is the Mask itself, there aren't any characters from the Mask movies in this story.

For those who have read the original Mask comics, I will be incorporating elements from the original more violent version of the Mask.

Disclaimer: I do not own either Resident Evil nor the Mask

However, all human characters are ones I have created.


Resident Evil/the Mask

Temporary Insanity

By TimeLordParadox

(Aka Ross Pickering)


People assume that when the world ends it'll be quick, in a matter of minutes or even seconds. A meteor impact, the eruption of a super volcano, solar flares. But that is not how this world ended. It started subtly and slowly, it started to grow and spread like an infection, because the end of this world, this city, was an infection.

Insanity was that infection. At first it began with rumours of drunken people wandering the streets, attacking people and apparently… trying to eat them. Then came massive riots in the streets, riots containing dozens of people who all suffered from the same infection, and began attacking and biting everyone they could see.

Those who survived the riots often weren't in the clear, one bite, one scratch from the infected passed it on. Soon their injured victims joined their ranks and their mission to spread the infection. An infection which hijacked the body of the infected and gave it an uncontrollable desire, an uncontrollable urge to feed.

The city, Raccoon City was slowly starting to die from this infection. A city which was run by the mega corporation and who was also the source of this disease, Umbrella Incorporated.

The local police force tried to control the situation, but the infected weren't the only threat out there.

Raccoon City, here there be monsters. Freakish mutations with a blood lust had started crawling from the most infected parts of the city. Creatures that were almost unstoppable and ten times worse than the infected. In the end every barricade, every safe house would fall to the flood of infected who started collecting to wander the streets in hordes like a river. Flowing from one street to another, looking for food. Anyone foolish enough to be caught in this river was carried away with the flood.

Places which were considered safe havens quickly soon turned into death traps. Hospitals, where people injured by the infected were rushed to became the worst places to go. The infected bodies, no matter how they became infected, either by bite or scratch died from the infection. But this was not the end of them by a long shot, because it didn't matter what state the infected was in, if it had its lungs ripped out or its heart removed it didn't matter. No one in the hospitals were prepared when the dead started to get up and walk and spread the infection to anyone who was foolish enough to come into biting distance.

Police stations weren't secure either. The infected were brought in and treated as simple criminals. But soon even they learnt the terrible truth of what was going on when their comrades, work colleagues and friends died from superficial flesh wounds only to have their corpses rise up and attack them.

The authorities tried to control the situation, to keep it under wraps but soon the need for secrecy was outweighed by the need for survival as those who were safely locked away in their private offices and panic rooms soon found the river of undead lapping at their shores, eroding away at the walls until their sanctuary fell.

To stay in the city meant certain death, the only way to avoid the fate of those aimlessly wandering the streets outside was to escape from the city.

When the last defence of the Raccoon Police Department had been eroded away the infected undead at last entered. Those who were foolish to stay at their posts, not out of a sense of duty however but out of fear from what was outside, were soon recruited to join the undead army whether they wanted to or not. The smart ones escaped long before this happened, but the foolish of these people traded the hell that was inside for the hell outside. But there were two who had a better idea, they attempted to escape the hell outside that was slowly seeping in by retreating underground, into the sewers.

This is where my story begins.