A/N: Could possibly have a couple more one-shot chapters to go along with it O.o ?

Either way it doesn't matter :D

Summary: Vaan has a hard time trying to get his feelings across to a seemingly oblivious sky-pirate. Had Balthier always been this clueless?

Disclaimer: I own no one out of the game...even if I want to...

Vaan was full of giddiness.

Not because of the bright morning and super new polished handles on the Strahl that he had done last night- and not because of the great breakfast of starfruit and milk he had.

He was glad because today was the day.

The day he would admit to his mentor how he really felt about him.

He was sure his feelings would be accepted. Even Fran said they would, and she knew everything!

So he bounced down the narrow passageways with an extra bounce in his step.

Today was the day.

Vaan stealthily snuck up on the older brunette in the pilot's chair.

"What do you think you're doing up so early?"

Maybe he wasn't as stealthy as he thought...but that didn't matter! All he was concentrating on was the sky-pirate in front of him.

"Morning Balthier."

"Vaan." The brunette didn't look up from the papers he was reading even once.

The thief held back a twitch. "Yeah, it's me. Do you have a minute?"

Balthier absently flipped a page over, cocking his head at the strange drawing on the back. "I have all day, not just a minute." Is that Penelo?

Vaan leaned back with his hands on his hips. "Could I talk to you?"

"What are you doing now?" Balthier drawled.

Vaan's good mood was slowly being destroyed. But no, he had to be confident or else this wouldn't work out. So- swallowing his pride, he turned and walked away.

He needed more fruit and milk.

That always made things better.

"Things are NOT better!" Vaan exclaimed after finishing his glass of milk. "What should I do?"

The viera sitting across from him at the kitchen table merely raised a brow. "What else is there to do. You must try again."

"But..." The blonde looked down at the table he also polished the day before. "What if you aren't right?"

"I am always right, Vaan." Fran gave him a wicked smile, making him freeze.

"Er-right!" Vann leapt to his feet and started backing out the kitchen doorway. "Thanks Fran!"

"Whew..." Vaan wiped his brow once he was a safe distance away from the kitchen and by himself somewhere within the dark confines of the airship. "How scary..." He then straightened up and glanced around. "But she was right. All I have to do is try again! It was obvious Balthier was just tired."

An excited sky pirate-to-be ran up to his pilot for the second time that day, a large smile on his face. "Hey Balthier-!"


"But I-"


"I just wanted-" Vaan tried to get out.

"Sorry, better luck with Basch."

Vaan blocked off the path to the kitchen which Balthier was aiming for, using his arms as a barrier. "What does Basch have to do with anything?" He moved from side to side in an attempt to keep the older male from passing.

"Why nothing at all," Balthier used his hand to push the boy aside by his head.

Rubbing his sore forehead, Vaan made a weak attempt to grab at the retreating pirate. "Wait. I have to ask you something!"

"Not interested."

"It's real quick, I promise."

Balthier paused in his tracks. "Real quick?"

Vaan inwardly sighed in relief, straightening himself up before answering, "Yeah."

"Alright then. Let's hear it."

"Okay…Balthier…I need to know…" the blonde flushed. "What you think of-"

"And I'm already bored," the pirate drawled. "Are you quite finished?"

Vaan blinked. "I didn't get a chance to say anything."

"You just did."

"That's not what I meant!"

Balthier heaved a sigh. "NO Vaan."

"You don't even know what I want to ask!" Vaan exclaimed.

"Didn't have to," the pirate grimly replied, looking him up and down. "Your face tells all."

Vaan clenched his fists in an effort to not maul the male in front of him. "Could I please just ask you my question?"

Balthier dismissively waved his hand. "At least ask it without gritting your teeth. Goodness knows how you'll pick up any ladies at this rate."

"I'm not trying to pick up any ladies!"

"Well I can see why," Balthier commented. "The way you screech is just horrid."

Tears of frustration began to well up in the Dalmascan's eyes. "Will you listen to me?"

When he saw the flustered face and angry scowl that looked more like a pout, Balthier couldn't help but to lean forward, pinch the boy's cheek, and say- "Did anyone ever tell you how utterly adorable you look when you're angry Vaan?"

That. Was. It!

Vaan threw himself away from the pirate with a scream of anger, earning him a raised brow and look of confusion in return.

"What are you screeching about now?"

"You-! You're just so-!"

Balthier put his hands on his hips. "Cool? Calm and collected?"

Vaan shot him a heated glare. "No."

"Then if you're just here to waste my time, you may take your leave."

"I'm here to ask you a question- and how am I supposed to leave when we're flying thousands of feet above the ground?" Vaan shouted.

"You can jump." Balthier crossed his arms, peering at him curiously. "You can, right?"

"Of course I can-"

"Then there's no problem."

Vaan fisted his hair. "I don't know why I even bother!"

Balthier gave him a funny look. "Bother with what?"

"Argh! See what I mean?"

The pirate had the audacity to look deep in thought before he broke the brief silence with a, "No. Not in the slightest bit I'm afraid."

Vaan was seething.

Luckily- and just in time to stop the thief from seriously injuring their pilot- Fran appeared.

Balthier gave her a warm smile and cheery wave.

Vaan spat fire from his mouth and turned with a fist raised.

Fran looked them both over before shaking her head. "Vaan." She faced the boy and put a hand on her waist. "I believe that Basch would like to speak with you. He says that it is quite important and would help ease some of your worries. You can find him in the kitchen with Penelo."

Vaan lowered his eyes at the intense gaze the viera was giving him, scuffing his heel against the floor. "Oh…right. Well, I guess I should get going…"

Balthier watched as the blonde ran off, questioning his partner as soon as she acknowledged him. "His worries?"

"Nothing too serious. He will get over it soon." Fran answered with a blank face, but Balthier knew that on the inside she was grinning mischievously.

"What are you hiding from me?"

"I am hiding not a thing."

"…What's wrong with Vaan?"

Fran cocked a brow. "Are you worried?"

Balthier released a heavy sigh and faced the opposite direction. "I'm not sure if I should be or not. He always has a knack for becoming too hot-headed or getting himself in trouble. I'm just curious as to what his worries are."

"He will be fine in a while."

Miffed at being kept out of an obvious loop, the pirate only nodded and stalked off to his private cabin. They were keeping something from him- something about his apprentice-to-be who didn't know he was his apprentice-to-be… Well he be damned if he didn't find out!

As soon as he was gone from sight, the viera smiled and turned around. "It looks like the teasing is over for now…but it will be a long time before he realizes."

Just then, Ashe walked by. "Tell me about it," she said as he breezed by. "He's absolutely clueless."

"Totally," Penelo added as she crossed by the other way.

Fran patiently waited in silence even after they were gone. After five minutes with no one else showing up, she said, "And I half-expected Basch to appear."

Basch waved at her as he ran by, being chased by a flustered Vaan who's problems obviously weren't solved.

"I stand corrected," Fran stated matter of factly before turning on her heel.

A/N: Haha, Vaan and Balthier...what a classic...

Anyhow- criticism welcome ^-^ I know it wasn't the best