A/n: ok so i know that i already had posted this chapter, but i believe the way i ended this is a good ending for the entire story and if you don't like it i'm sorry. It's just i've had alot on my plate latley and it's reallty not nessissary to keep up with this story when i really don't know what else to add to it!

Disclaimer: sadly the characters arn't mine they belong to J.K Rowling


Draco wasn't sure what to think. He's coming over here! Is he going to do it? Do I let him kiss me? Do I push him away? Oh, he looks so cute when he is nervous. Wait what am I thinking, he isn't cute! But his hair is adorable. But nothing it's Potter! Oh come on, look at his eyes! I have. Do I have feelings for him? No. Yes. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe? Draco's heart began to pound, he was fully aware his face had tinted to a bright tinge of red that would match any of the Weasley's hair.

What if he pushes me away? What if he isn't even gay? Just do it, where's your Gryffindor courage? Harry's thoughts argued with him. Defeat a dragon, no problem. Face Voldemort, piece of cake. Kiss Draco Malfoy, Oh my god. Harry gulped as soon as he stood above Draco. He knelt down so they were eye level. Harry had a pleading look on his face that could be interpreted multiple ways. This only petrified Draco more. Harry looked into Draco's sparkling silver eyes, they were eyes only a Malfoy could have. He had never seen them so wide before. Now that he thought about it he really hadn't seen them when they weren't scowling or glaring. He realized how amazing they really were, when they were filled with love, lust, and just a touch of nervousness. Harry smiled slightly and decided it was worth a shot. I mean if he pushed him away how many people in the circle would remember it? Blaise, Dean, Ron, and Seamus were all smashed. Pansy was slightly tipsy, and Crabbe and Goyle were lucky if they even remembered their own names when the were sober. So all that left was Hermione, and if he got rejected she would be there to comfort him. Harry tilted his head slightly and leaned into Draco. Draco returned the gesture. There lips met somewhere in the middle, in a sweet, light kiss. He tastes like vanilla. Draco thought.

Momentarily they broke apart. There foreheads remained leaning against one another's. Draco took a moment and really looked into Harry's eyes. You would never know by the look they looked at that very moment that he had such a tragic past. They looked blissful and carefree, reminding him of a kid on Christmas.

The others remained silent. No one, other than Hermione, thought that Harry really had the nerve to do it. That's not what shocked them the most thoug;, that was Draco allowing, hell, contributing to, the kiss. Hermione looked around the circle. Hadn't it been obvious? she thought turning her attention back to Draco and Harry. Draco raised his chin slightly connecting his and Harry's lips once more. This time it was heated.

Draco snaked his fingers into Harry's messy black hair. While Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. Draco couldn't help but notice that Harry was extremely muscular in his arms and chest. Probably due to all those years of quittage training. Draco parted his lips slightly and Harry took control. Am I crazy or does he taste like dark chocolate? Harry thought as they broke apart for the second time that nigh,t remembering that there were eight other people in the room.

When they turned, the expected to see shocked faces from the others but they were gone.

"I think we've scared them off." Harry randomly stated.

"I agree, Harry." Draco replied. Harry chuckled slightly. "What's so funny?"

"You called me Harry, you've never called me Harry," he answered. Draco smiled.

"Well I don't think calling your boyfriend by his surname is a common thing,"Draco declared.

"Boyfriend?" Harry questioned. "Is that your way of asking me out?"

"Well that all depends," Draco claimed.

"On what?" Harry inquired.

"On what your answer is." Draco grinned broadly.

"Hmm let me think about that..." Harry replied. "Of course it's a yes." Draco and Harry remained in each others arms silently enjoying there company of each other. It seemed silly to Harry when other couples did this, almost pointless. But when he and Draco sat like that in front of the fire it made Harry for once feel like he had a normal life like every other teenager did. Draco was soon asleep with his head on Harry's shoulder. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Harry thought before he himself nodded off, to the warm coziness that was the fire. This relationship was going to work out. Harry could just tell.

A/n: so once again i'm really sorry about not continuing past this. If you like my writing style you should check out some of my other stories. I've started a new hp/dm called The Feelings Mutual, oh and you should check out Generation after Generation. it's a joint story between me and Slytherinchickk under the penname .

SO sorry!

Don't hate me!
