Hey! This is probably the longest I've made you guys wait for a chapter! I'm super super super super super super super super sorry! I'm sorrier than Chad was after Sonny broke up with him because of the recount and sorrier than you guys are happy that season 3's starting next Sunday! That's really sorry! 20 reviews for ONE chapter? That's crazy! You think you can do it again? xD Shoutouts to It'sLittleMe, DannySamLover (my 200th reviewer! Congrats!), cbcgirl, SeddieShortBus, xXDemiSellyTayMileyChannyXx, channy4eva16, lozzy035, SWAC97, andribosc, CeCe-33, an anonymous reviewer (You made the right choice!), VeVe2491, Channyfanny (anonymous reviewer), llColen, Channylove12349, Sonnybella, CrEaTiVePeRsOn101 (anonymous reviewer), Candy Sisters (thank you!) and Nessie4Ever! That's a lot! I was soo enchanted to meet you, too! Sorry, random Taylor Swift moment :) But that's not really a Taylor Swift moment since that's Adam Young's version of Taylor's song. And the reviews for my finished story went up from 252 to 254 so 31 more reviews until this story has more than my last! And yes, it DOES count if you log off your account and review as an anonymous reviewer, just don't make it too obvious :) I'm not counting the reviews from the author's note because that's not really a chapter, it's an author's note.
Random fact: I'm watching the episode of SWAC when Chad guest stars :)
Another random fact: My last story had an average of 8 reviews per chapter and this one has an average of 15 so even if you guys don't reach over 254 reviews, it'll still be like this story has more reviews than the other one :)
I looked at the list one more time before I got out of my (Chadsome) car. 3 things left.
28. Recognize the small things … they usually mean the most.
29. Don't hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out.
30. Hang out with her whenever you are free and you should be free to hang with your girlfriend all the time
How am I supposed to 'recognize the small things'? What friends that are girls? Her friends, like Blondie? Or my 'friends', like Marta? And how am I supposed to hang out with her whenever I'm free if I already do it? I guess that means I can cross out number 30. 1 down, 2 to go. I walked into Condor Studios, put the list in my jacket pocket, and went to go find Sonny so I can (finally) finish this list! I feel like it's been forever, when the truth is, this is only the 12th day. Recognize the small things, recognize the small things. I walked into Sonny's dressing room and noticed that she's wearing a bracelet. I can't tell what it says on it, though.
"Hey, Sonny, I like your bracelet, can I see what it says?" I said. I mentally crossed out number 28 on my list. I'll have to actually do it when I'm alone. Sonny smiled at me and walked over to me.
"Of course you would," She said with a knowing smile, handing it to me. What? I looked at the bracelet carefully. It wasn't until now that I realized that it's one of those silicone bracelets that said something on it, like the 'I love boobies!' one from Zumiez. But this one said something else. It said my name on it with a heart next to it. Oooooh, now I get it. My heart fluttered at the thought of Sonny wearing a bracelet that said my name with a heart next to it.
"You know, over 100 million were sold, all the money went to a good cause. People not reading books," I said. Sonny looked at me confused. She looks so cute confused.
"How is that a good cause?" Sonny asked.
"Hello? If people are reading books, that means they're not watching me on TV!" I answered. At that moment, Portlyn walked in from her (long) break from Mackenzie Falls.
"Chad! I'm back!" Portlyn said. Ugh, I never liked her. She has the hugest crush on me and I can't stand her. Portlyn ran to me and started to hug me. I pulled her away.
"Portlyn, how did you know I was here? And you know I never liked it when you hug me!" I asked/exclaimed.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom now..." Sonny said, running out of the room. She probably didn't want to be around while Portlyn and I are in the same room, no one does.
"Kat told me," Portlyn said. Ugh, Kat's gonna pay later. She knows I hate Portlyn! Actually, she DOESN'T know since Portlyn was on the show while Kat was still missing...so I guess Kat won't pay. Wait, I finished the list! YES!
"Chad? Did you hear me? I said that you're needed on set," Portlyn said.
"Okay, tell Brandon that I'll be there in a second," I said. Portlyn nodded and left the room. I took out the list and crossed out numbers 28 and 29. I'm done with the list! I did it! I won over Sonny Munroe! I guess winning her over was easier than I expected. I didn't realize that Sonny walked in and saw the list until I heard her say something.
"Chad, what's that?" Sonny asked.
"It's a list, it's why I've been the perfect guy to you for the past 12 days," I said, blushing. Wait, CDC never blushes! But Chad does.
"Awwww, that's so sweet, Chad!" Sonny said, hugging me. It's official. My life is perfect.
Because fanfiction is being spastic, I have to do the disclaimer here instead of before the chapter starts :(
Me: (back in rehab because of Sterling) Gee, thanks, Sterling!
Sterling: No problem!
Me: I was being sarcastic!
Sterling: I know!
Demi: LiveLaughLovePeaceChocolate, I can't believe you're STILL in rehab! I've been out for 2 months!
Me: That's because you never had the problem of not wanting to say the disclaimer!
Demi: Oh, you mean that thing when someone says that they don't own SWAC like you don't? Yeah, I never had that problem. (realizes that she just said the disclaimer for me) Dang it!
Me: (laughs evilly, hits everyone with a bat (except for Demi, she's temporarily deaf and blind), gets a ticket to the next plane to a foreign country, and leaves) YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!
So I guess things worked out for me at rehab! :) Too bad this is the last chapter! :( Quick question for you guys: Which idea is better?
a) So Random and Mack Falls goes to NYC for the Tween Choice Awards
b) Condor Studios blog