Hey everyone…I'm here with a short story since I need to relieve some anger. So anyway enjoy this as I'll be working on some other things.

The Darkness sweeping through my veins,

Evil taking my body and about to be gained,

I rushed out my home and into the night,

To find my next victim for a fright,

Walking in the shadows,

Glancing in the windows,

Seeing inside the rooms of widows

I glare with a smile of my choice.

I waited for a while,

Past of time it began to chill,

I felt my breath in the coldness outdoors,

Then I heard the door,

I knew once I kill I'll be out for more.

My victim left into the shadow of the dark,

I walk quietly so the dog doesn't bark,

I continued to follow, imagine what I'll do,

Thinking of the pleasure it'll bring once I know for sure,

I sense fear from the victim and brought me a smile.

She won't be escaping, not even in a mile,

The Moon started to be covered by the clouds,

Making this my chance to make my kill.

As she stops to look around,

I went up to start my rounds,

I scrape the knife across the wall,

This made the dog curl up into a ball,

She turned and saw me jump out at her,

She became scared and fall,

She begs and screams that she didn't want to die,

But did I care?

No I didn't…I came up and started to stabbed her as she began to scream.

Screams echo through the ally,

Now my Prey will be silent…

My prey I stalk through this night,

I knew I had it right,

I gutted, slice, and ripped her apart,

I heard sirens and I had to depart.

Blood all over me from tonight,

I had great fun for this night,

I place my knife into the sink,

To wash the blood off and have a drink,

I wash my clothes and put on a robe,

And went to my office to relax,

As I watch the fire snaps with rage,

Along with the lightning crackling through my cage,

I thought to myself of my deed,

Which has became my greed,

Did I have fun tonight?

Yes I did…

Can't wait for the next night to begin…

The End.

That's it for now. I'm going to work on more stories. I might make another and be more descriptive on it. This one was to relive my anger. So review and tell me what your thoughts on this. Thanks everyone. See ya soon.