This is the first fanfiction I pulish here, so please be nice to me (:

I'm also from the little country Sweden, which means I'm not so good English, please accept that and coment after what u think about the story. Sure, I'll be glad if u tell me what I has written wrong too.

Please comment my story, even bad comments r good 4 me (:

I do not own theese characteers, J K Rowling does that.

"Lily? Lily? Are you there?" Scorpius crept in on his toes, trying not make a sound. He had already met a ghost, but lucky for him, it hadn't seen him.

"Lily!" He hissed in the dark, but Lily didn't answer him. To date a Potter in secret was a tough job for him, but Lily was so wonderful that he just couldn't not date her.

"Scorpius? Is that you?" he suddenly heard someone say.

"Lily, I'm here," he said and out of the dark, beautiful Lily Potter came. Scorpius embraced her and kisses her on the mouth.

"You alright?" She nodded and then started kissing him, hungry. It had been two weeks since they met each other the last time. Or, actually they had met each mother, but only when there was many other people around them. But then they had to pretend that they hated each other, because that was what people excepted them to do. She was Lily Potter and he Scorpius Malfoy, she was in Gryffindor and he in Slytherin.

Lily plaited her fingers in his blonde hair while they were kissing. Scorpius carried her over to a blanket he had placed on the floor in the empty classroom. He put her softly down on I, still kissing her, and when they both had there bodies on the floor, he started to take of her shirt.

Scorpius had berried his face in Lilys red, beautiful hair.

"Lily?" He said when they had been quiet for a long time. He almost thought she had fallen asleep, but she moved and looked at him.


"What would you brothers think?"

"My brothers? Why do you care about them?" Lily wrinkled her forehead.

"Well," Scorpius started. The truth was that he was kind of scared of James, Lilys oldest brother who was two years older than Scorpius. Albus wasn't such a big problem, though. "You know, if they find out I think they would be pissed of."

"So what? Since when do you care about them?"

Since I fingered out that I love you, Lily Luna Potter.

"Whatever," Scorpius said and when Lily tried to say something, he kissed her hard and they soon had other things to do.

Well, that one was pretty short, but next part will be longer, I promise (:

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