A/N: Okay, I put this on my livejournal originally but seeing as that gets no traffic at all I thought I may as well chuck it on here. So just review or whatever if you want me to continue. I've actually written the whole story so you can feel free to flame me if I'm behind with updating - mind you, I'm not saying that I'm not going to edit future chapters so constructive criticism would be wonderful. This chapter is basically a very long prologue. Or something. How do you define a prologue? Meh. I'll stop rambling now.

Disclaimer: I seriously wonder if these are necessary. I do not own anything you recognise. Happeh?

Chapter One: A Riddle

"Long time no see, Jane." Elizabeth smiled at me as I walked into our compartment. Her blonde hair was braided down her back, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling. Her brother had died in the war last year, but it seemed that she'd finally recovered.

"Yeah. Sorry for not owling you over the holidays – Aunt Samantha's house was attacked." I sighed, putting my trunk away.

Elizabeth gasped. "Oh, Jane! I had no idea! Is everyone okay?"

I shook my head. "The little ones were all killed – Aunt and Uncle were over at our house when it happened, and the kids were being cared for by a muggle governess."

"Oh, Jane!" Elizabeth sighed. "You and me, we're going to put Grindelwald in his place."

I snorted. "Yeah, sure."

"No, I'm not kidding. Guerrilla warfare. I'll get an underground spy network and we'll-"

"Elizabeth! We're lucky enough to not be home-educated, we shouldn't push our luck."

"Oh, you're so tame Jane."

"I think I'll stay that way, Elizabeth. Better tame than dead." I said grimly.

Elizabeth shrugged. "I'm not going to become a slave to Grindelwald if he takes over England."

I stayed silent, the death of my cousins still fresh in my mind as I retied my curly brown hair in a bun.

The door to our compartment opened suddenly and Elizabeth scowled. "What do you want, Riddle?"

"Hello, my little Ravenclaws." Riddle smiled. "So, I heard your cousins were killed in the war, Adler."

I bristled. "Here to rub it in, Riddle?"

"Not exactly." Riddle smiled wider. "Why don't you step outside with me?"

Elizabeth drew her wand. "Don't do it, Jane."

"Shut it, Johnson." Riddle snapped. "I'm not going to curse her."

"I wouldn't put it past you." Elizabeth spat. "But there's no need to-"

"No, I want to hear what he has to say." I told Elizabeth gently, my curiosity taking hold. "Don't worry."

Elizabeth looked at me incredulously. "Fine. I'll be watching from the window though – don't try anything funny, Riddle."

Riddle smirked as I walked out and down the carriage a bit. "What's this about, Riddle?"

"I have your sister."

"I'm sorry?"

"Your sister – Natasha; I have her captive."

"You're mental, Riddle. She's at her fiancée's house, in preparation for her wedding."

He handed me a picture – Natasha, chained to a wall in a dungeon somewhere, struggling tiredly.

"Holy Merlin..." I whispered in shock.

Riddle took the photograph back. "You see?"

"Why?" I asked him.

"I require your services, Adler." He smirked.

"No way. Not a chance in hell – I'll tell Dippet." I threatened.

"If you tell Dippet, she'll be dead within an hour. The room is charmed – if I trigger it she'll be crushed to death."

I swallowed. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"The professors are already aware that she has been kidnapped – Professor Elliot will probably speak to you in private before the feast. They'll probably say that she was abducted by Grindelwald. Will that be all the proof you need, Adler?"

I paused, it suddenly occurring to me that Natasha wouldn't have been home alone. "Is Thomas okay?"

He raised an eyebrow. "The fiancée? Yes, he's fine. In St Mungos, but he'll recover. Unfortunately, his parents were out at the time."

I scowled at him. "What do you want? In exchange for her safety?"

"Oh, I'll think of something. But for now, I want you to wear this bracelet." He held out an ornate silver bangle, and I took it hesitantly.

"What does it do?"

"It'll let you know when I want to meet you, and the engraving on the inside will tell you where."

"O-okay." I put it on slowly, hoping he was telling the truth. I relaxed after a few moments, as no hex had been triggered.

He fixed his robes. "Now, Adler, remember; tell anybody, anybody at all, and Natasha dies."

I watched him walk back to his compartment in shock before I walked back to Elizabeth.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "What did he do?"

I took a shaky breath and smiled at her. "He just wanted to annoy me. It's nothing."

I spent the rest of the train ride there silently praying that Riddle had lied. When I got off the train he was unfortunately proved true; Professor Elliot was waiting beside a teacher's carriage, scanning the crowd.

"Who's that?" A first year asked, pointing to Elliot's short form.

"Head of Ravenclaw." Elizabeth frowned. "I wonder what he wants?"

"Miss Adler! Jane Adler!" Professor Elliot called.

My heart sank. "Yes, sir?"

"I have some grave news." He told me sadly. "Please, ride with me."

I swallowed, and climbed into the carriage quietly while Elliot levitated my trunk onto the trunk rack.

"Now, Miss Adler, I'm afraid that we received a letter from your parents only a few hours ago. Your sister, Natasha, is missing and believed to be kidnapped by Dark Lord Grindelwald."

I fingered the bangle. "Oh..."

"I can see that you're in shock, so I'm going to excuse you from the feast." Elliot told me kindly, his grey hair waving wildly around his old face.

"Thankyou, sir."

Elliot nodded as the carriage jerked to a halt. "Go and have a rest in the dormitory – the house elves will send up dinner and you'll be filled in on any important announcements by your peers."

I walked into Hogwarts and to the dorms in a numb sort of way, bumping into a new professor on the way in. He had red hair and bright orange robes, but he seemed nice enough and gave me a kind look on his way past.

Rowena Ravenclaw gazed upon me curiously from her portrait. "What walks around all day on its head?"

I took a deep breath. Riddles? At a time like this? Did the whole world want to remind me of that infernal person?

"A nail in a horse shoe." I responded after a moment of thought.

"You may pass." She opened and I ran into the dorm, heading to my bed when I felt the bangle vibrate a little and burn hot for a moment, stinging my wrist.

Unused Dungeon below the Astronomy Tower, after the feast.

I sighed, changing into my regular clothes before waiting for the telltale sound of a stampede of students coming back from the feast and slipping down to the dungeon below the astronomy tower.

"Good evening, Adler." Riddle smirked from the doorway.

"What do you want, Riddle?" I snapped.

"Manners, Adler. Else poor Natasha might just have an accident."

A stab of fear shot through my heart.

"Okay, okay. Fine." I said quickly, glaring at him. "What did you call me here for?"

"I want you to make me Baselisium Potion."

I frowned. "Baselisium? What do you need protection from a Basilisk stare for? The Basilisk attacks stopped last year, you know-"

"I did not tell you that you could ask questions." He responded with an annoyed look.

I scowled at him. "Fine."

"Oh, and have some for yourself once you're done brewing." He moved to leave.

"You don't mean brew it right now, do you? It takes six hours! I won't have any time to sleep-"

"Not my problem, Adler. But I want the potion by tomorrow. There is a wealth of ingredients here, as well a book with the recipe." With that, he left.

I pushed my sleeves up, pulling out the ingredients for the Baselisium, before pulling out the ingredients for Pepper-up. If he was going to make me lose sleep for his potions, I was going to use his potions ingredients to keep myself awake.

Ta-da! Remember, review if you want me to keep going.