Ron: The Director wanted the image of NCIS to be one of authority and integrity, leadership…

AN: Sorry I missed last weeks folks, got a bit busy, but I may try and back track. Until then, here is the first installment for Short Fuse. Enjoy!

Ziva thought her mention of his shoulder would be enough to put the whole ordeal to rest.

She was wrong.

"Okay so, I'm not authoritative enough?"

McGee had already left for the evening and Ziva was left alone to humor him.

"Or what? I lack integrity? I'm a DiNozzo…and leadership? I'm Senior field agent…and was offered my own team once...yeah, not public knowledge, but it's true…and it's not like I didn't 'lead' well enough while Gibbs was on his Mexican fiesta…sure, I blew one case but everyone makes mistakes…it's not like I'm just some Indian…I'm a chief…"

Ziva did not bother interrupting, but thankfully she didn't have to when Gibbs presence alone had the uncanny ability to quiet Tony.

"Oh hey boss…"

"Good night," Ziva saw her opportunity and made a swift move for her jacket and hat before moving towards the elevator.

Gibbs nodded his good night before staring back at his lone Agent.

"Something on your mind DiNozzo?"

"No, why would you say that?"

"You're breathing hard."

"I just took the stairs."

"And you're lying."

"Trying to say I lack integrity?"

Gibbs stopped the rapid fire. "I miss something?"

"Like that ever happens." Tony took the glare in stride. "Just saying…"

"Well say it quickly, I'm tired."

"You really don't know?"

"Know what?"


Gibbs polished off his glare and hoped it would bring the conversation to a swift end.

"You're uh…you're on the front cover of the new brochure."

"Yeah, and…?"

"And? Vance said he wanted it to represent this Agency…authority, integrity, leadership…" Tony watched as Gibbs moved behind his desk and figured it was pointless. "Never mind…"

Gibbs stood up after reading his Agents expression. "You figure he thinks you lack those things?"

"Just another nail in the coffin, the guy has had it in for me since day one…"

"Yeah, and we get along great." Gibbs added with a hint of sarcasm.

"Let's face it boss…not worth competing with the Almighty Gibbs…realized that a long time ago…"

"Didn't know it was a competition."

Tony shrugged. "Then maybe you do miss some things after all."

Gibbs watched him gather his things and move toward the elevator before calling him back. "A picture with some words on it doesn't dictate who you are…"

Tony gave a small smile before nodding in agreement. "Except in this case..."

Gibbs accepted the compliment. "Night DiNozzo."

"Night poster boy…"


Tony begged the elevator doors to close. "Nothing…"