A/N I know this has been done many times but after I saw this movie(which I loved immediately!) I wanted it to end a different way so i was going to write my own version of the ending and have it just for myself. But then I decided to put it on here to see what you all think. I know it's not that good and V, Evey and finch may be a little out of character. But i hope some of you like it and review!


Chapter 1

How can this be? Evey thought to herself.

She could feel the slight pressure of V's hand on the small of her back and saw her own hand resting lightly on his shoulder. They were dancing together and it felt like a dream. A dream she never wanted to be awoken from. But, unfortunately she knew this dream was going to end soon. Too soon.

She had almost forgotten that it was the night of November the 4th and within a few hours V would blow up Parliament and start his revolution

She had almost forgotten.

She looked up into his mask's eye slits. She had always wondered what color they were, but all she saw was the inky blackness.

Were they green? Did they sparkle with intelligence and maybe a hint of mischief? Were they the color of the sky and would they look at her with understanding? Were they grey and windows to the soul? Or were they brown, filled with warmth and compassion? But she didn't know what they were, and for now they were only eyes slits in a mask.

"You've been busy," she said trying to get her mind off his eyes. And though she couldn't see them she knew they were looking at her.

"They're very scared right now," she continued. " I heard Sutler is going to make a public statement tonight."

"Oh," his voice seemed to take on a saddened tone. "It's nearly time."

"The masks were ingenious," she smiled slightly. "It was strange to suddenly see your face everywhere." She didn't tell him that after she saw the countless people wearing the fake V mask she longed to see the real one. And here she was.

"Conceal me what I am, but be my aid for such disguises haply shall be a form of my attempt."

She smiled a little more. She knew exactly where that came from.

"Twelfth Night."

"Viola," she could hear the smile in his voice.

If only I could see his real smile and not the one permanently frozen on his mask, she thought.

"I don't understand," she said and looked away from him.

"What?" His tone became curious.

She looked at him once again. "How you can be one of the most important things that has ever happened to me and yet I know almost nothing about you. I don't know where you were born, who your parents were, or if you had any brother or sisters." She reached up and grasped the edges of his mask. "I don't even know what you really look like."

They stopped dancing.

He grabbed her hands off his mask. "Evey, please," he sighed sadly.

He felt his piercing gaze searching her eyes.

He continued. "There is a face beneath this mask, but it's not me. I'm no more that face than the muscles beneath it or the bones beneath them."

She nodded. "I understand."

I understand V. I really do! She thought. But I still long to see what you really look like.

"Thank you," he said with relief. "There isn't much time and I have something I must give you."

Her heart sank, it was almost time. Why must time seem to fly past? Couldn't it see that she wished that it would freeze and she could be here with V forever?

"The Underground?" she asked when she finally figured out where they were. "I thought they closed them down."

V walked alongside her dressed in his full outfit. Hat and all.

"They did," he said. "It took me nearly ten years to clear the tracks and lay a bit of my own. Let me show you."

Ten years? How long had he been planning for this day?

He led her to a train and she walked inside and gasped at what she saw. Explosives! The train was filled with them. Then it dawned on her.

She turned and faced him. "These tracks lead to Parliament."


"Then it's really going to happen?"

"It will...if you want it to."

"What?" she gasped.

Had she heard him right? Was he really asking her to make this decision? But this was his revolution, he should be the one deciding. He had been working on this for years. He should be the one to do it. Shouldn't he?

"This is my gift to you, Evey," he said. "Everything that I have, my home, my books, the Gallery, this train I'm leaving to you to do with as you will."

She looked at him in disbelief. Was he really giving her all that he owned? Why?

"Is this another trick, V?"

He shook his head. "No. No more tricks. No more lies. Only truth. And the truth is you made me understand that I was wrong. But the choice to pull this lever is not mine to make."

"Why?" Why was he giving her this choice? This was his day, his revolution! He should be the one to make this world-changing decision.

"Because this world, the world that I'm a part of, and that I helped shape will end tonight. And tomorrow a different world will begin, that different people will shape and this choice belongs to them." He took a step back, off the train, and began walking away, his cape billowing behind him.

"Where are you going?" She asked stepping out of the train herself. Was he really going to leave her standing there? Was he even going to say good-bye?

He stopped and faced her. "The time has come for me to make my maker and to repay him in kind for all that he has done." He turned to leave again, but once again she stopped him.

"V, wait!" she ran up to him. "Please you don't have to do this! You can let it go, we can leave here together!" Please, I want you to be with me forever!

"No," he said sadly. "You were right about what I am. I have no tree waiting for me. All I want, all I deserve is at the end of that tunnel."

"That's not true," she said and lifted up and kissed him. Though she had kissed the mask and not him himself, he received it as the same.

He stood there gently holding on to her. They were looking into each other's eyes. All he wanted to was stay there forever. But he couldn't. He had planned for this way too long for him to not go through with it.

"I can't," he finally said and quickly turned from her and made his way down the tracks.

Not once did he look back at the woman he had fallen in love with.

Sutler was dead and he was almost finished.

Creedy stood across from him, his men all had their guns trained on him.

"Now that's done with it's time to have a look at your face," said Creedy. "Take off your mask."

"No," V said. No one was going to see face. Especially not Creedy.

He saw two of Creedy's men begin to approach him. He swiftly took out his knives and cut them down. Creedy now had two less men.

"Defiant to the end, huh? You won't cry like him, will you? You're not afraid of death. You're like me," Creedy smirked.

"The only thing you and I have in common, Mr. Creedy, is that we're both about to die."

"How do you imagine that's gonna happen?" The smirk grew wider as if he already thought he had won.

"With my hands around your neck," V said in a matter of fact tone.

The smirk quickly fell away. "Bollocks. What are you gonna do, huh? We've swept this place. You've got nothing. nothing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate gimmicks. We've got guns."

"No, what you have are bullets and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing because if I am you'll be dead before you've reloaded."

"That's impossible," Creedy huffed. "Kill him."

They all opened fire. V was struck with multiple bullets and slowly sank to one knee. But when all the guns were finally emptied he, to the astonishment of Creedy and his men, stood up.

"My turn."