If you were to go up to Matthew and Gilbert while they were stranded on the ski lift and asked

"How are you doing?"

Matthew would reply "I can't feel anything, My hands and feet are tingling, and every thing's numb. I don't know how we're going to make it!

Gilbert would reply "How did you get up here? Get me down! I feel funny!"

With that in mind, lets continue the story. In an attempt to keep Gilbert from falling asleep, Matthew had tried his hardest to keep him awake.

"Hey Gilbert are you ticklish?" Matthew asked quietly
"Nooooo" Gilbert drew out his answer
"Really?" Matthew reached over and started tickling Gilbert's sides
"Ack No! I said No!" Gilbert squirmed and giggled, trying to push Matthew away, eventually punching Matthew in the face. "Haha, sorry Matthew! Heehee"

"I spy with my little eye something that is red!" Gilbert cried enthusiastically.
"Is it...my hoodie?" Matthew sighed.
"It is! My turn again!" He cried gleefully."I spy with my little eye something that is red!"
"Is it my hoodie?" Matthew said with mock enthousiasm
"Yes! You're awesome at this game. Next, I spy something...red!"

"I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing Apples." Matthew said as he rubbed his hands together.
"I'm bringing Wurst?" Gilbert thought for a moment.
"Sorry Gilbert, you can't come to my picnic." Matthew sighed. "I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing bananas."
"Can I bring oatmeal?" Gilbert offered hopefully.
"Hot chocolate?"
"Baby Photos?"
"Illegal immigrants!"
"Wh-why would you bring that to a picnic?"
"Iunno" Gilbert shrugged. "Your picnic is lame. What was the pattern anyway?"
"Alphabetical." Matthew sighed, head in palms.

"I like to eat eat eat, apples and bananas!" Matthew and Gilbert shouted at the top of their lungs. Well, Gilbert shouted. Matthew just spoke at normal volume.

"I like to oat oat oat, opples and banonos!" Their shouts boomed across the hills.

"I like to ate ate ate, aepples and banaynays!" Gilbert stopped shouting and turned to Matthew. "What's the deal with apples and bananas?"

"Big Booty Big Booty Big Booty! Ohhh, Yeah!"
"Big booty, number one!"Gilbert clapped his hands in time with the beat
"Number one big booty." Matthew mumbled
"Big booty number one!"
"Number one-" There was a pause
"OH SNAP!" Gilbert laughed as Matthew's face turned red.
"Gilbert, this game doesn't work with two people." Matthew complained.

"Knock Knock!" Gilbert knocked on Matthew's shoulder.
"Who's there." Matthew groaned.
"Knock Knock!"
"Who's there."
"Knock Knock!"
"Damn it."
"Who's there?" Matthew asked, raising his voice again.

"Gilbert, I'm tired. Leave me alone." Matthew's head rested on his arms, propped on the safety bar.

"I can't stop shaking!" Gilbert's teeth chattered violently and felt his whole body being shaken.

"What?" Matthew raised his head groggily. "Do you need a hug?"

"Yes!" Gilbert leaned over and grabbed Matthew in his arms. "You're so cold!"

Matthew closed his eyes, feeling more and more sleepy. He felt a warm tingling starting to spread across his hands and feet. "No, I fell so warm." he said softly

He felt warmth spreading through him like fire and he sighed in happiness. It had been so long in the cold...now he could take a rest.

"Hey!" Matthew struggled to open his eyes but they remained closed despite the annoying shout coming from far away. "Bruder!"

"What is it West?" Gilbert shouted at the top of his lungs. Matthew stirred slightly at the noise but remained still.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Germany's commanding tone carried up faintly to the skilift.

"I'm stranded on a Ski lift with Canada!" Gilbert began to wave his arms in excitement. "Can you get us down?"

"Yes." Germany groaned and began to trudge down the hill to the lift operating station. "He goes out skiing and doesn't even bother bringing a cellphone with him."

Gilbert turned to Canada and pushed him upright. "We're saved! Germany's here!"


"Germany! And he brought...a helicopter?" Gilbert looked up to see Italy and Japan above them sitting in a helicopter.

"Wow! Germany will be so happy we were able to help him rescue his brother!" Italy leaned dangerously far out of the helicopter, holding a harness

"Hai, I am so glad I was able to use my advanced technology to help him." Japan sat in the cockpit looking down on them.

Italy dangled the rope with a harness attached. He lowered it down until Gilbert could grab it. He stuck his tongue into the cold air in frustration then drew it in as it started to freeze. His numbed fingers had trouble unfastening the clips. Finally, managing to undo the harness, he started putting on Matthew.

"Wake up Matthew." He found no response and continued pulling the straps around the Canadian. "Hello? He's not waking up!" Gilbert shouted up as Matthew was brought into the helicopter.

"What?" Italy shouted over the helicopter's blades. Gilbert sat and waited for his turn to get rescued. In a minute, the harness was passed to Gilbert. He started the dificult process again. Opening the buckles, shifting his body, closing the buckles. His fingers could barely move and he just felt so tired.

"Okay!" Gilbert shouted weakly. He felt himself being carried away, up into the clouds. He got inside and was overwhelmed by the feeling of warmth inside the small cabin. Yawning, he sat in his seat, shedding his extra mittens and jacket.

"Hey Japan, it worked!" Italy popped into the front seat with Japan

"Very good Italy, I told you my plan was perfect." The helicopter lurched and started flying away

"Should we get Germany now?" Gilbert's eyelids felt so heavy

"I have already called him. He will meet us back at our base." He looked over at Matthew's unconscious form

"But I'm hungry, can I make pasta?" He fell asleep, the throbbing of the motor carrying him off.

Gilbert awoke the next day to find himself in his brother's spare room. His body tingled all over and his joints felt incredibly stiff. He blinked once, twice then sat up straight. What in the hell had happened yesterday? He got out of bed and opened the window, to be met with a giant ladder. He stuck his head into the cool morning air to see that the ladder was not just big, it was huge. Silver and tall as...a skyscraper, it was leaning against Germany's house.

"West! Where did this ladder come from? Russia?" Gilbert shouted to his brother who was in the garden, tossing a stick to his dogs.

"Huh? America brought it. He says he invented the world's tallest ladder. A fan girl gave it to him." Germany turned back around and ruffled the ears of a dog.

"Oh." Gilbert looked up again. Then he turned around to go make himself some breakfast. When he reached the kitchen he saw Canada, sitting at the table eating a doughnut.

"Hello." Gilbert walked over to Matthew.

"Hello Gilbert, how are you doing?" Matthew chewed on the doughnut sadly

He grabbed himself some cereal "Umm good. What are you eating?"

"A doughnut." Matthew finished one and reached for another from the box

"Is that Canadian?" Gilbert sat at the table with his bowl and snagged a doughnut from the box.

"Not Anymore. It's Swiss." Matthew stared at it sadly. Gilbert looked at the doughnut with a raised eyebrow then shrugged, eating it whole.

"How are you feeling?" Gilbert looked at Matthew's hands that were a pale white

"I'm actually pretty good. Countries heal fast." There was an awkward silence where only their eating could be heard.

"Umm listen." Gilbert put down his spoon. "I only vaguely remember what happened yesterday and it kinda sucked."

"Oh, yeah." Matthew said quietly. "Sorry about that, it was my-"

"Lets go next week." Gilbert said firmly

"What?" Matthew looked at Gilbert incredulously. Was he brain damaged?

"I'm not letting any chair get the better of me! Lets go again, same place, perhaps not the exact same time." Gilbert looked at Matthew smiling proudly, begging slightly with his eyes.

"Sure, I mean yes! Yes that sounds..." Matthew found his tongue tied in knots from happieness


Author's Note- It's over! I can take a bit of a break now. I also have some explaining to do now.

The games- Common kids games (where I live) sorta like day camp things you learn

"They're Swiss" - Canada's trademark coffee/doughnut store is exporting it's famous doughnuts so they're made in switzerland, frozen and then shipped to Canada. Canadians are upset as their signature 'canadian' store isn't really canadian anymore.