"I miss you," Katie whispered to the photo of Travis on her desk. "So much."

Going to different colleges in completely different states, on completely different coasts isn't the easiest thing to cope with. Sure, technology gives you pretty good ways to communicate, like e-mail, Facebook, calling, texting, Skype, etc, but you can't replace the feeling of just lazily laying at home on Sunday morning entangled with each other. And that was the exactly what Katie has craved to do for the past six months, 16 days, 9 hours, 48 minutes, and 23 seconds.


It made her heart ache every time she thought about how long it was until she gets to see him again. To fill that void no technology could fill. They knew, they know that most long distance relationships rarely work. But they also know that if they didn't, they could never be completely happy. It was hard though, they have been going out since freshman year and have never been apart for more than a month.

Katie heard a faint ringing from the other side of her dorm and dashed out of her room towards the phone.

"Hey, I miss you!" she said into the phone with a smile.

"You haven't forgotten me yet? I'm touched," Travis teased.

"Shut up. When are you flying in?"

"Soon, soon," he said. She could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"When? I'm dying over here."

"What are you talking about?" he questioned. "It's really nice here."

"What are you talking about?" She heard a knock on her door and walked towards it.

"Hold on there's someone at the door, I think it's Kaylee. she is always forgetting her key."

Her phone landed on the carpet with a quiet thunk when she saw the face standing in front of her. She jumped onto Travis tackling him with a hug.

"Katie. Can't breathe," Travis choked out.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here already?"

"It was a surprise," He said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, I love it."


A/N: I'm currently working on fixing all of the grammar on my oneshots because it's absolutely ghastly. While I'm doing that, I'll tell you guys if I'm suddenly struck with a brilliant idea for a new Tratie.

Also, I'm super un-busy, so if you guys need or know anyone who needs a beta, read my beta thingy on my profile and send me a PM. Bye guys!