Won't Back Down

Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own Jamie. I wish I owned Terry Gerin. That would be awesome.

"You really know how to make me smile," Terry softly said, combing his fingers through Jamie's hair.

"Yeah?" she asked, looking up at him.

He nodded, giving her a small smile. "This has been the greatest date that I've ever been on in my entire life."

She grinned. "I agree."

After the two had sex, Jamie gave him a pair of sweat pants to wear, seeing as she had a vast collection of very oversized men's sweats. She always opted for men's because they didn't shrink in the dryer, but even when they did, they were still too big on her. She loved that. Besides, men's sweats were so much more comfortable than women's, anyway. She had lent Terry a pair of gray fleece sweatpants and wore her own pair of black sweatpants with a fitted red tank top. They were on the couch, Terry stretched out with Jamie sitting in between his legs, her back against his chest.

They'd ordered Chinese food, which was delivered to her house. They ate their dinner on the couch, with the television on, though the two spent a lot more time focusing on each other, as opposed to what was on the television screen.

Currently, they had Jamie's choice of "The Princess Bride" on. Though they were actually watching this movie, as opposed to how they practically ignored "Superbad" when it was on earlier in the evening. They still managed to focus a lot of their attention on each other. She had her arms wrapped around his left arm, which was resting across her torso. His other arm was propped up on the back of the couch, as his fingers affectionately ran through her brown locks.

"I'm sorry I was such a prick to you when you first came to TNA," he apologized, sincerely.

A smiled crossed her lips. "Terry, did you really think that I was still hostile towards you about that?" she asked him with a laugh.

"No. I now you weren't pissed about it, but I still owe you an apology for it. I mean, I picked on you your first day there."

Jamie laughed. "You were such a dick to me," she agreed. "It wasn't even that long ago. That's the best part of this whole situation. Things changed very quickly between us, in a good way."

"How can I resist someone as incredible as you?" he asked, his lips grazing against her ear.

She giggled. "Terry, you're too cute."

"I'm not trying to be."

"But you are," she said, looking up at him. He leaned down a bit and gave her lips a kiss.

"I didn't want to care about you so much," he admitted.

"I know."

He wrapped his arms around her. "My plan to take you down backfired."

"That it did."

"I never expected to fall for you."

Jamie turned in his arms, straddling his lap. His arms loosely circled her waist. She placed her hands on his bare chest, leaning her forehead against his. "It's hard for you to deal with all of this," she spoke. "Right?"

He closed his eyes and nodded. "Very hard."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Terry," she told him.

"I want to believe you," he said. "But my ex-wife said the same things, and obviously that didn't work out very well."

"Terry," she said his name softly, as she brought her hands onto his face. "You can trust me."

"I want to."

She placed a gentle kiss to his lips. "Well, until you do, I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that you can trust me," she said with sincerity.

"You're not like most women. You do know that, don't you?"

She shrugged. "I'm just being me. Terry, I care about you a lot, and I hope you know how serious I am."

Terry's arms tightened around her body a bit. "Jamie, you know that I want to. I want to so badly," he whispered.

She nodded slowly. "And I want you to."

Jamie leaned in and pressed her lips to his both passionately and affectionately. Her thumbs caressed his cheeks gently. "You don't know how much I really want to trust you," he whispered against her mouth.

She pulled back slightly, a small smile playing on her lips. "We're gonna be okay," she assured him. "I can be patient, if I know it's gonna be worth it."

"I'm lucky."

"So am I," she reciprocated, leaning in again, bringing their lips together. She ran her tongue along his lower lip.

Terry knew that he could trust Jamie, but knowing he could and actually doing so were two very different things.

Jamie and Terry were woken up the next morning by the phone ringing. She groaned and glanced over at the clock, on the night table next to the bed. "Who the hell is calling me at eight fucking thirty in the morning?" she growled, grabbing the phone off of the night table, as it was situated next to the alarm clock. She quickly pushed the talk button, ready to chew out whoever it was.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Jamie! How'd the date go?" Trisa immediately questioned.

"Please tell me that you're kidding right now. You are not calling this early to ask me about the date," she groaned.

"Tom and I wanted to know really badly. We were gonna call you earlier, but I insisted that we wait, but I couldn't wait anymore."

"Gee thanks for the consideration. You and Tom are that nosy that you had to call me and wake me up?"

Terry laughed. "Really?" he mouthed. She nodded, rolling her eyes about the phone call. He placed a hand underneath her tank top, on her abdomen, his thumbing rubbing across her skin.

A smirk crossed her face. "It didn't go very well," she lied, giving Terry a smirk. "We got into an argument at the restaurant and left. That was pretty much the end of it. I don't want to see him again."

"Wait. What?" Trisa asked, seemingly in disbelief.

"Yeah. We had some stupid little disagreement, and it escalated. He was being such a fucking dick to me, and I snapped. The two of us kind of made a scene and got into a fight at the restaurant. I…ugh. I don't ever want to speak to him again. I'm completely done with him. It's out of my system."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tom yelled. They were obviously on speakerphone, as they both had wanted to hear the details of the date.

Terry heard his outburst and laughed. She smiled and caved in, happy that she had caused her friends just a little bit of grief, for having woken the two up early, just to ask about their date. "Yes. I am kidding you," she replied with a laugh. The man next to her motioned for the phone. She handed it to him. He pressed the speakerphone button, so they could both talk to the couple.

"Good morning, you two nosy, early birds," Terry greeted them.

"Oh my God. You bitch. You gave me a fucking heart attack. I was about to go to your house, Terry, and beat the fucking shit out of you." He paused for a moment. "Wait a second. Terry, you're at Jamie's this early in the morning? And we all know she just woke up. So, exactly how good was this little date? Cause it seems like it went pretty well," Tom said, the smirk was apparent in his voice.

"It was amazing," he replied. "We had a great time."

"Obviously. You're still there," Tom replied.

"You're the one who asked," he pointed out.

"So, what'd you guys do?" Trisa asked, not caring so much about the dirty details, as she did about the romantic story behind what happened.

"We ended up not getting to the restaurant. We ordered Chinese and hung out here for the night," she explained.

"Did you guys have sex?" Tom questioned.

"Mind your business, pervert," Terry snapped.

"That means they did," Tom commented, his words laced with happiness and excitement for the two, who were seemingly making a go of things. He and his wife high fiving each other could be heard over the phone. Jamie laughed, climbing on top of Terry, straddling his lap, as he laid back down on the bed. She took the phone from him, holding it in her hand. His hands rested on her sweatpant covered thighs.

"Worry about your own sex life and not ours," Jamie scolded him, her free hand resting on Terry's abdomen.

"Hey, our sex life is awesome," Tom told her.

"I wasn't asking. I didn't want to know that."

Jamie leaned down, placing a kiss on his chin. He smiled, as she sat back up. "Well, you know me. I'm a good guy. I like to share with my friends," Tom replied.

"Tris, I'm gonna punch your husband in the face when I see him," she warned her friend about the impending violence against Tom.

"I'm right there with you. I'm about to punch him, if he doesn't stop talking about our sex life."

"We're gonna go now," Jamie told them.

"Ohhh. I see how it is. Well, I'm sure you two will have plenty of fun. We'll be seeing you soon, then," Tom said.

"Shut up, Tom. Leave them alone about it already," Trisa reprimanded her husband. "Bye guys. Have fun."

"Bye," Jamie and Terry spoke in unison, as Jamie pushed the off button. She tossed the phone to the side. It fell off the side of the bed. Neither of the two cared to pick it up. She pressed her upper body against his, her hands resting on the pillows underneath his head. He smiled.

"Tom is such an douche when he wants to be," she groaned.

"I'm gonna beat his ass, babe. Don't you worry."

Jamie grinned. "I'm thinking that the fact that he brought up us having sex had quite an effect on you," she commented, feeling his growing erection pressing against her, as she wiggled against his lap slightly. His eyes rolled back in his head, upon the feeling of her moving against him like that.

"I just kept thinking about how much fun we had with each other last night," he replied, his voice husky. She ran her tongue across his bottom lip. He moaned, his fingertips pressing into her legs.

"Do you have any plans for today?" she asked.

He shook his head, slowly.

"Good because we've got a lot to take care of," she said, closing the space between their lips.

A/N: Hello, my loves! Hope you enjoyed. I know it was a bit fluffy, but I couldn't help myself :o) If only Rhino was still in TNA, I'd be seeing him tonight at the show :o( At least I'll be seeing the one and only Tommy Dreamer :o) Yayness! Let me know if you guys enjoyed it, and I'll work on getting you another chapter! Ready the short stories collection. It's awesome...I promise...well, I've been told. Of course I think it's awesome, but there are some other people who do, too! :o) Love you! XoXoXoXoXo