It was a quiet Sunday in Death City. Maka sat by her desk at home furiously scribbling on a peice of paper.

"Attempt number two failed!" she shouted as she crumbled the piece of paper and tossed it to the floor. The shout echoed threw the house and caused a very curious kitty Blair to wonder into Maka's room.

"That was some yell Maka whatcha doing?" Blair chimed happily.

Maka jumped in surprise, not expecting Blair to be standing there. She quickly stumbled to her feet and retrieved the paper ball, nervously hiding it behind her back.

"Oh um nothing Blair. I'm studying right now so I need a little privacy."

Blair giggled. "Oh Maka I'm smarter than you think. I just saw you hide something behind your back."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Maka replied nervously while tossing the paper into a garbage can.

"Let me see!" Blair said making a dash for the trash can. "I just adore gossip!"

Maka hastily planted her foot in front Blair causing the cat girl to collide with it.

"Ouch, come on Maka! I thought you said no more secrets in this house!"

"Oh yeah well what about the time you stayed out until midnight on a "secret mission" for Lord Death, but I caught you sneaking a bunch of guys into our house!"

Blair shook her head rapidly. "That's was different! It was only one time!"

Maka snorted "Just get out of here!"

"Not until I see your secret!" Blair changed back into human form and tackled Maka pining her to the ground.

"I can't breathe stop it Blair! Your huge breasts are smothering me."

Blair laughed "Thank you sexy body." she said reaching into the waist basket and pulling out the crumpled paper.

She got off of Maka and unfolded it, then read it's contents out loud.

"Plans to get his attention?" Blair read. "What is this?"

Maka sighed "I guess it's too late now. I-I have a crush on someone." Maka squirmed anxiously. "I was writing down plans to try to confess my feelings to him."

Blair squealed with delight and pulled Maka into a bear hug. "Yay! This is so great Maka! It's about time you got yourself a man!"

"Can't breathe again." Maka gasped.

"Oh sorry." Blair said releasing her friend. "So you got to tell me Maka! Who is it?"

Maka blushed "Uh I-I can't really say."

Blair smiled "Aww come on!" she said shaking the younger girl's shoulders. "Is is Black*Star?"

Maka cringed "Eww no! There's no way I'd ever like him like that!

Blair cocked her head to the side "Kid?"

"No! Ugh your so slow sometimes Blair! Who DO YOU THINK it is!"

"Umm." Blair replied looking down at the paper again and saw a name written in tiny lettering at the bottom. "Oh my god it's Soul! I have to tell him! Soul!"

Blair jumped to her feet and proceeded to leave the room. "Hey Soul! Guess what Maka mmghgh-"Maka interrupted the cat girl's loud yell and covered her mouth.

"Shut up I'm not done talking to you yet!"

"But..." Blair said muffled through Maka's hands while Maka knocked her in the head with a nearby book.

Blair slumped to the ground. "Ouchie. You don't have to be so rough you know. What's so wrong about Soul learning about your feelings?"

Maka sighed. "There's nothing wrong at all, infact I've already tried to tell him twice."


Maka paused. "He...laughed."

Blair smirked. "He laughed! Ouch rejection!" Blair's comment earned her another smack on the head.

"He didn't laugh at me to be mean." Maka looked down at the ground. "He laughed because he honestly didn't believe that I was serious."

"That's dumb." Blair retorted. "What reason would you have to make that kind of thing up?"

Maka's eyes darkened "I know right? But he didn't think I was serious. We've been partners for so long at the Academy. Over time my feelings toward him grew into more. I can picture us being more. But...I think the reason Soul didn't believe me is because he can't see me as anything more. He only sees me as a partner and friend, nothing else. The possibility doesn't even exist in his mind."

"So that's why she wrote about failed plans on her paper." Blair thought

"Well I just can't believe that!" Blair shook her head and changed back into kitty form.

Maka looked down that the cat girl. "Well it's true. I've prove it to you at dinner tonight when Soul gets home."

Blair smiled "Alright! But if what your saying is true don't worry! You have your gal pal Blair on your side now! The master at winning a mans heart! I can give you the best tips of all time!"

Maka smiled back, feeling a little better to have a friend on her side now. She knew that Blair was very good at getting men but...most of Blair's tricks where kinda hanky-panky. The emerald eyed girl didn't know what kind of tricks Blair would pull, but nevertheless she was still happy.