Just a short cuddly piece. It's ambiguous in it's slashiness, cuz it could be friendship, but I like Jogan too much to thin of it like that...

The screen blinked eerily, blueish light pouring off into the main room. James whimpered and burrowed deeper back into the couch between Kendall and Logan. He couldn't believe they had convinced him to watch this movie. Horror movies weren't his thing, he avoided them like the plague.

The only comfort he felt as the movie progressed was Logan's arm wrapped around his waist, with the smaller boy using him as a pillow. One of Kendall's legs were sprawled across his lap, half comforting and half preventing him from running off and hiding.

The climax of the movie flashed through the screen. James let out a blood-curdling shriek and turned into the couch, burying his head like an ostrich. Logan and Kendall paused, staring at the trembling figure. Carlos chuckled from his upside down position and opened his mouth to make a comment. Logan glared and slapped a throw pillow down onto his face before turning back and wrapping his body around the taller boy's back.

Eventually, James brought his head back up out of the couch and managed to watch the rest of the movie. It ended well enough, but the ambiguous last line had shivers going up and down his spine. He laughed his terror off with the other guys as they scattered to their respective rooms.

He woke up with another of his soon to become trademark blood curdling shrieks. Cold sweat trickled down his back as he sat bolt upright in his bed. Kendall grunted from the bed next to his and rolled over. James trembled as he rolled over and tried to close his eyes, shutting away the terrifying images.

Someone came through the door and walked to his bed. As a warm hand closed around his bicep, James jumped and yelped.

"Shhh, it's just me, scootch over," Logan murmured and pushed James over. James blinked and shifted, turning toward the wall. Logan climbed under the covers and scooted towards his back, wrapping an arm around the taller boy's waist and lining up their curves. Warm breath heated the back of James's cold neck and slowly the heartbeat in his throat disappeared. His eyelids slowly closed and this time no monsters were behind them.

Hope you liked :)