
Autumn's Farewell

A/N- Greetings! Well, I promised a sequel and here is the prologue. The first chapter will be short to follow.

I was (and still am) amazed at how many people liked "Fly Away Home" so I decided to follow through with writing the plot bunny that had been in my head for a while since I began writing "Fly Away Home."

This prologue will pretty much explain itself, but I'd like to make a few notes before I begin (for those of you who are new to reading my work):

I write mostly AU type stories (though my pairings are typically canon and I never write slash).

I have a really wacky imagination and when there are gaps to be filled, I will fill them in as I see fit (sometimes this comes across as a little far-fetched, but that's why this is fantasy and not reality).

There will be some new OCs (so I might take down my current poll on my profile at some point so you guys can decide what OC from this story and "Fly Away Home" you like best). At the end of this story I will take the poll down and post the results in the last chapter.

This story (as its predecessor) is subject to a rating change depending on how the content pans out. I am rating it as T for now, but if something drifts over the line, I will change it accordingly.

I am running many multi-chapter stories and writing one-shots at the same time as this fic, so the gaps between the updates might vary. I also have college work, so sometimes there might be a week or two where I can't update for one reason or another.

Any questions, comments or if you just want to talk, please feel free to message me, I don't bite and I receptive to critique (as long as it's balanced and isn't flaming). I haven't had any problems with that so far, but I'm just letting you guys know that I don't really like flaming any more than the next person. Think of it as me handing you ice cream and you telling me you hate that flavor and slapping it to the ground. It's not nice and I wouldn't know what kind of ice cream you like unless you tell me and even then, being respectful and courteous is a virtue.

This story takes place three years after "Fly Away Home."

That said, I doubt I'll run into issues with flaming, but I'm giving you guys a head's up that I don't appreciate flaming at all.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported "Fly Away Home" and I hope you enjoy this sequel. =)


-Don ^_^

The leaves had just begun to fall as Berk went into another one of its beautiful Autumn seasons. Among other things that Berk was known for, its Autumn was the most stunning in all the lands. Anyone who lived there wouldn't argue. The golden leaves were as crisp as potatoes on the fryer and the breeze was that nice in between of cold enough to need a jacket and still walk out one's front door and enjoy the scenery.

It was the perfect season to be born in. As an Autumn baby, Hiccup knew better than anyone what it was like to celebrate his birthday when it was beautiful out. He also knew better than anyone how great Autumn was for flying. There was enough wind to make a ride on a dragon blissful and enough warmth to put a hearth to shame.

Except this year he wasn't happy to see the appearance of the leaves, nor was he happy to have gone through another year of his life. Because this year he was of age and he knew that meant he would be leaving.

Autumn was now a somber prelude to Winter.

Hiccup squared his shoulders. He cast a glance back into his lodge. He had been up and staring out the window watching the leaves fall off the trees for a while. It was as though they were tempting him to go out and jump in them and forget his worries for a while. But Hiccup was now the Chief of more than one group of people.

He would honor his promises. With one last look at the leaves, he turned and pull his scarf from the coat rack and threw on his fur coat. By the time the reconstruction of the castle would get underway, it would be Winter already and Hiccup wanted to be prepared. He sighed and threw his scarf loosely around his neck before heading back into the den where he found Astrid dozing off on the couch.

Gently as possible, he lowered himself onto the couch and slipped his fingers into hers. She mumbled and a smile appeared on her face. His fingers stroked her cheek and for a second he let the calm moment wash over him before he found himself staring into Astrid's open blue eyes.

"It's Autumn," She stated quietly.

"I know," Hiccup said as calmly as his voice would allow. Astrid sat up slightly and grasped his hand in hers and placed it over her stomach.

"You'll be back before you even miss being here," Astrid said firmly. Hiccup smiled.

"That's supposed to be my line," Hiccup said with a wry smile.

"Nobody's keeping track," Astrid said with a shrug. Hiccup couldn't help but laugh at that. "What?"

"Nothing," He said, shaking his head, "I'm just happy with being here right now."

"That's all the more reason why you have to leave, we can't have you being happy," Astrid said and kissed him on the cheek. "Go. The longer you wait, the harder it'll be."

"What about you?" Hiccup questioned. He knew that Astrid was the strongest woman in Berk and there were few who could match her level of confidence or courage. She was also the fiercest warrior in the village, despite Tuffnut's claims that he was.

"Hiccup," Astrid said exasperatedly, "I think I can manage." A low growl came from the hall and Hiccup turned his head to see Toothless slowly creeping over and lowering his head sadly. He could tell from the scene that something was going on.

"Hey, Bud," Hiccup said, bending over to rub the dragon's neck. "I'm going on a trip. You need to stay here and protect the house for me, okay?" He glanced back to see Astrid's eyes glaring at him. "Er, when she's not looking."

He stood up and grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulders. Astrid noted that in the three years since he'd returned home from his quest to find Toothless' family he'd grown taller and his entire body had become a statement of his complete journey into adulthood. His shoulders were broader, but he still had a skinny frame and the lankiest body she'd ever seen.

"The sooner you come back, the sooner you get to meet your daughter," Astrid said firmly. Hiccup frowned.

"Wait, how do you know it's a girl?"

"Call it a mother's intuition," Astrid stated wistfully. Hiccup decided he didn't want to go into asking her what that meant, so he leaned in to kiss her on the lips instead.

"I will be home soon then," Hiccup said and grinned his toothy grin and with one last glance back, he walked out the door.

That afternoon five of Berk's ships sailed for the Castle. Three months later, only four returned, with black sails flying.

A/N- Don't worry, this is far from being over and this whole sequence will be expanded on in the next chapter. Thanks for reading! =)