Well, after speaking with another KH fanfic writer by the name of Xanrivash, she agreed to let me write some one shots with the universe she has created. For most of these, I'll probably just be using Axel, Demyx, and Roxas since those are the three that she tends to focus on but I might occassionaly bring someone else into the spotlight or other characters of hers (though I'll tend to stay away from OC's since I might screw some of those up without meaning to.)

Anyway, each chapter will state at what point in her storyline these take place in, or if they just take place.

SETTING: Between "Stronger than Whiskey" and "Christmas in the Warzone"

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. If I did, I'd be insanely rich

Roxas was bored.

There was no other way to explain it. Axel and Demyx were both gone on missions…or more accurately, they were gone together on a mission. They had been sent for five days to Ala Rubra, some place that Roxas had been told that magic of just about any kind was possible. They were going for reconnaissance, meaning that if Demyx and Axel were going, there would be a lot of fun as well as investigation (as Axel had said a few times "just flexible thinking".)

I bet they're having more fun than I am right now, Roxas thought, flopping back down on his bed.

Originally, the mission had required Roxas, Demyx, and Axel to go to Ala Rubra. Roxas had especially been looking forward to it because he had been told that besides the magic factor, there was a lot of history behind the capital. The description of this place made Fantasia sound like a kiddie park.

However, the day before the trio were supposed to leave, the Keybearer had caught a nasty cold and had been forbidden by the Superior (not to mention Axel and Demyx,) from leaving The Castle That Never Was. So when the next day came, his big brothers had come to see him, said goodbye, promised to bring something fun back, etc.

So here he was, on the fifth day, bored as…well, let's just say that the kid could be watching paint dry and that would've been fun.

Roxas didn't even know why he had been forced to stay in his room so long. The cold had cleared itself up two days ago, thanks to some kind of a cure-all that Vexen had given him the first day. But both Xigbar and Xemnas had forbidden him of leaving the castle, just in case he had a relapse.

He looked at the alarm clock on the table next to him and sighed. Time to feed Connie and Sol I guess, he thought. The teenager got up, opened a portal, and made his way into Axel's room. Immediately, both cats ran up to Roxas and rubbed themselves against his legs, meowing the whole time. "Guess you two are hungry huh?" Roxas asked, smiling a little as he bent down a little to pet them both.

"Mrow," Sol answered.

"Alright, let's see what we got here," Roxas answered back, reaching for the medium sized bag of cat food.

Since Eight and Nine knew that the teenager would most likely be seeing Connie and Sol while they were gone, the two had moved the food and bowls so that they were next to each other in Axel's room. So Roxas got a handful of dry food for each cat, putting the food in each bowl. The cats watched as he put their "precious cargo" in and as soon as they heard the food hit the metal bowls, they went straight for the food and dug in.

Roxas sighed, looking towards Axel's TV and Xbox. Maybe some Halo would keep me from being-

His train of thought was interrupted when he noticed two sticky notes attached to the TV. He got up from the floor, walking over to take up the posts. Upon reading them, he smiled. The first one was from Axel.

"Don't screw up your game while we're gone!"
-Big Brother # 1

Roxas chuckled, then looked at the second post-it.

"Disregard above post from Big Brother # 1. He spends too much time with the idiot box as it is."
-Big Brother # 2

What are they now, Things 1 and 2 from Dr. Seuss? Roxas thought, as he read how each of the older Nobodies had signed their notes. He re-read the two notes, thinking about what Axel and Demyx were probably doing right now.

Well, it IS the last day of their mission, Roxas thought. So by that, they should be home soon-

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.


A corridor of darkness opened up in the hallway just outside the doors to Eight and Nine's rooms. Two figures walked out of the dark portal, one adjusting his backpack on his shoulder while the other simply let his slide down his arm to hang from his hand.

"I hope Roxas likes the stuff we brought back for him," Demyx said, smiling a bit as he thought about the books he had found. "Kinda strange that there are wizards that specialize in light magic though, dont'cha think?"

"Not really, considering the other types of magic that existed there," Axel answered. "But I bet Roxas will like that book of light spells you found for him." He smirked then when he looked at the case in Demyx's other hand. "What I don't get is why you bought that sitar off that one girl when you've got one as a weapon that can also summon water clones and control the element."

"It's a neat sitar," Demyx said. "Beautiful color, pretty much brand new, and probably has magical properties. I can play it when I can't use my normal one."

Axel thought about that for a moment. "Good point," he said. "Since there have been a few times where our powers were taken from us, I guess that makes sense."

Demyx nodded, then yawned. "Man am I tired," he said. "But I'm hungry too. Wanna go to the kitchen and see if there are any leftovers from dinner?"

"Sure, why not? But let's dump our stuff first," Axel said. "And I'm sure Connie wants to lick your hair while I check my blood sugar."

Demyx just rolled his eyes as he opened his door. "C'mon, let's get moving."

Axel just chuckled, adjusting his backpack again as he opened the door to his own room. Immediately, he dumped his stuff on his bed and dug through his bag for his blood glucose monitor. After a few minutes, Axel found said object. "Aha! There you are," he said to no one in particular.


Axel looked from the monitor in his hand to the spot next to his bag. "Hey Sol," he greeted, petting the tabby's head. "Missed me?"

Said tabby cat licked Axel's palm, then went over to the head of his bed and began to paw at something. The Flurry of Dancing Flames noticed the item in question that Solace was so interested in; apparently, someone had put a post-it note on his headboard, just high enough to be out of the cat's reach.

Please tell me that I'm not being sent out on another mission, Axel thought, sighing as he took the memo. I just got back from a five day recon mission, why send me right after I get back unless it was an emergency?

But as he read the memo, he was surprised.

"Come down to the kitchen if you're up for it."

-The One and Only, Little Brother


Axel couldn't help but snicker at the note. Wonder why he signed it the way he did. Putting the note in his pocket, Eight proceeded to the shared bathroom with glucose monitor in hand.

As Axel was doing this, Demyx was also settling back into his own room. He placed the sitar case down on the floor, his backpack going on the bed. Connie hopped onto the case and meowed. "Hey Connie, miss me?" Demyx asked, scratching the cat's ears. The cat answered by licking his hand. The Melodious Nocturne smiled. He turned and began to unpack his bag when he noticed a post-it on his headboard. I hope it's not another mission, he thought, taking up the note. I don't think Axel can take another one right after this one, nor me considering how his sugar got so low at one point and my hearing aids almost shorted out.

On the third day of the mission, Axel's insulin pump had gone haywire (perhaps due to the magic that was just about everywhere) as well as Demyx's hearing aids. Because of this, Axel's blood sugar had fallen to somewhere in the fourties or fifties and Demyx almost hadn't heard him when his friend had made a huge *thud* when he fainted. They had managed to fix both problems, but it hadn't helped anything with their mission because Axel had been out of it for the remainder of the day and Demyx had had to mess around with the batteries of his hearing aids to make sure they were still working.

But Nine was a bit taken aback when he read the note, seeing that it was not a mission.

"If you're not tired, come down to the kitchen."

-The One and Only, Little Brother

P.S. Make sure Axel checks his sugar so I can give you guys a surprise ;)

Demyx scratched his head and wandered over to the bathroom door, note still in his hand. He looked over it again as he knocked on the door that joined his and Axel's room. "Hey Axel?"

"What's up?" a muffled voice asked.

"Did you get a sticky note about going down to the kitchen?"

The bathroom door opened and Axel appeared. "Actually yeah I did," he answered. "Seems Roxas wants us down there."

"Yeah," Demyx agreed. "So shall we go?"

Axel opened a portal in the bathroom, then gestured for Demyx to go first. "After you Beethoven."

The Nocturne just rolled his eyes and walked through the portal, Axel following after…




"What do ya make of this?" Axel asked Demyx, as they both read the post-it on the kitchen door. Demyx shrugged. "No idea," he said. "I don't remember Saix or Xemnas ever authorizing the kitchen to be closed before either."

"Might as well go inside and find out before you die of hunger or I faint because of low blood sugar," Axel said. So he opened the door to the kitchen-


The Flurry and Nocturne almost fell over when they found themselves being glomped by Roxas. "Geez, happy to see us or what?" Axel asked, putting one arm around the younger one, Demyx doing the same. "I know we were gone for awhile, but I never thought you'd pull a group glomp on us."

"It's been boring around here," Roxas said, looking up at his big brothers. "I've been doing nothing around here since you guys left."

"Then you're really gonna love us for the stuff we brought back," Demyx said, smiling. "But first, what's this surprise, other than glomping us?"

"First, what's Axel's sugar?"

Axel rolled his eyes. "I knew this was coming," he said. "It's about sixty five. Why?"


Demyx and Axel just watched as Roxas let go of them both, ran around the island in the kitchen, and to the fridge with grand speed. Then he came back with a small, round cake that said "Welcome Home" on it.

"Looks good," Demyx said. "Did you make it?"

"You know I can't cook worth jack," Roxas said, going over to the table, the other two following him and taking a seat. "Xaldin made it, but I decorated it."

"Then let's not let it waste eh?" Axel said. "In history's famous words, 'let them eat cake!'"

For anyone wondering, this is a slight crossover with Negima. The name "Ala Rubra" was the name of a famous group of the Magical World (I couldn't remember/find the name of the capital) and the girl mentioned in the story with the sitar was Asakura (there's a picture of her in the manga with a random sitar, but we never see it again. That's why Demyx has it =D) So if you're a Negima fan, you probably noticed these =3