Warnings: Spoilers for Portal 2 AU's, run on sentences, death threats, run on sentences, punctuation abuse, different AU's...
She didn't really know what she was doing, but she knew she had to keep moving, turrets seemed to drop down into every corner she turned and she was starting to get paranoid that the AI was going to send some with legs after her soon.
The Enrichment Centre was cool and crisp, at least in the official parts of it, and Chell often felt herself trying to solve the puzzles faster simply so she could keep moving and get warm: somehow she suspected the AI knew this.
She has a few memories of when she was little, of lab coats here and there and a woman with a warm smile and long brown hair.
The last thing she wanted to do was to listen to the AI in anyway shape or form, but she was still trapped here and it appeared for the time being she was going to have to play along.
"Oh I'm sorry subject, that is the incorrect answer, please enjoy your death."
The gentle tone in the AI's voice as she calmly informs Chell she is going to kill her just makes it all the creepier.
She's not sure she's the only one here, but the emptiness of the offices and glances she has seen of various test chambers makes her wonder if she truly is alone here with that computer program.
She has hundreds, thousands of thoughts going on at any time, but she's had to put a great many of them away so she can concentrate on the test subject running around her facilities and it's another reason she wants the subject to just die.
Chell glares at the board, she didn't know why playing chess with a supercomputer had ever sounded like a good idea…. she wishes the AI couldn't laugh.
GLaDOS watches annoyed as the subject uses the portals to knock out another turret, she's learning.
After a while, days go past in a blur of orange, blue and murder while GLaDOS continues to be stuck in limbo, somehow already plotting her revenge on the test subject.
Chell knew that it was foolish, but as she and Wheatley were approaching the door, she couldn't help but worry that she's in there…waiting for her.
The change in the AI is disturbing and Chell's not even thinking about the potato part, it's the way that GLaDOS is talking, thinking….the fact that she's on the end of her portal gun guiding her along, that's different.
It's hard to believe that she's now fighting and risking her life to get GLaDOS back in control of the facility.
She could feel the vacuum of space pulling her away from the portal as Wheatley spun off into the void and she felt one moment of utter terror before she was grabbed firmly by GLaDOS's robotic arm.
It was an uncomfortable position to be put in, on one hand she knew better than anyone else that GLaDOS should not be trusted; but on the other hand she really had no other choice and it seemed that GLaDOS didn't either.
Her vision swims in a mess of metal and steel and for the first time she feels relief when she recognizes the imposing form of GLaDOS in front of her.
She was almost glad GLaDOS stayed quiet for most of the test chambers, it was hard enough to pay attention to the surrounding with a potato stuck on the end of the portal gun, let alone a talking one.
They'd put Caroline into a computer and Chell had to wonder how much of this woman was left in the seemingly inhuman construct that was GLaDOS.
They both look up at the picture of the man and the woman and the wall and while GLaDOS voices her confusion, Chell feels it as well….why do these people look familiar?
Chell had believed GLaDOS when the AI had told her about why Wheatley was built, but it was only when they arrived back in the Enrichment Center and saw the facility falling apart around them that she realized that GLaDOS hadn't been exaggerating the dangers of having an idiot running the place.
#22- Mad
As GLaDOS rants about lemons with the man on the intercom, Chell has decided that everyone and everything connected to Aperture Science is utterly insane.
She remembers a small child with a happy grin looking up at her with such trusting eyes, and GLaDOS wonders yet again, whether or not it would have been better to have deleted Caroline and the memories of hers that were slowly starting to come back.
She's currently jumping on what looks like blue paint, with a homicidal AI turned potato stuck to the end of her portal gun; Chell doesn't think anything would surprise her right now.
Walking around behind the scenes of the enrichment center had been bad enough, walking around in the dark with only a flashlight to guide the way, which had the added affect of making random shadows look like something dangerous, was so much worse.
She almost collapses at the sight of the four turrets in front of her on the elevator but when they start to sing and the lift continues sailing up, she realizes, somehow, in her own way, GLaDOS is saying goodbye.
#27- Hide
She could stay in some of the random holes she'd found around the facility and hide, but she's come so far, she isn't going to back down from confronting the AI now.
Chell isn't sure what she must have done to deserve this, but for the moment she's stuck playing along with the AI that just spent the last part of her day trying to kill her.
At least when she was running through GLaDOS's tests, the entire place wasn't falling apart around her.
Chell freezes as GLaDOS replies quietly to the ranting man's final words, she's not sure what to think anymore and decides to leave it to GLaDOS to piece together what's going on, she needed to concentrate on keeping them alive.
Chell has to agree with GLaDOS disbelief of the test chamber, classical music and books weren't going to convince them Wheatley was smart, not when the entire facility was raining down around them.
She isn't sure what it is with Aperture and giving all their mechanical creations only one eye, though she supposed GLaDOS had many more then that if you counted the camera s.
As Chell lands on her feet and immediately turns to figure out what she did wrong, even though this is the fifth time they've failed, GLaDOS has admit, for once she's glad the test subject is as stubborn as she is.
She still isn't sure why GLaDOS taught the turrets to sing, but the idea that she did it just to scare her when the doors opened isn't out of the realm of possibility.
One moment she's on her way to freedom and then the next thing she knows she's plummeting down in the earth with a sarcastic potato.
She doesn't know why GLaDOS bothers yelling at her, she's knows better than to stop and listen to the AI by now.
Part of Chell wished they could explore the older buildings underground and figure things out more, but they hardly had enough time to get out of there let alone look around for too long.
Chell is pleased to find a pipe that has water in it, actual water and not the acid stuff that GLaDOS claims is harmless.
As she falls from the portal, vision fading, she's torn between relief that she didn't get sucked into space, and utter terror that she is now completely at GLaDOS's mercy.
At the deleted notice, Chell freezes, she's already been almost killed by a power hungry AI once today and considering her past with GLaDOS, things weren't looking good.
After what happened to Wheatley, Chell's starting to believe that it's not GLaDOS that's utterly evil, but the building and the power it has.
#42- Bother
It starts to bother Chell that she and GLaDOS seem to be remembering similar people, Chell however stays quiet about it.
The floor snaps up in front of her as she continues into the test chamber, and as she watches the room reassemble itself, Chell realizes for the first time, just how much power GLaDOS has over this building.
The walls move in closer around her, forcing her into the main room with GLaDOS, if she hadn't been trying to find her in the first place, she'd have been annoyed with herself for being caught like that.
It's strange to see GLaDOS so vulnerable, even when she'd been fighting her and throwing parts into a fire, the AI was still large and in control of most things, and now she barely had enough energy to think.
Chell has no idea what they're going to do to stop Wheatley, but that's not going to stop her from figuring out a way back for them, and after all, this time she doesn't have to figure out a plan entirely by herself.
The fact that the small voice in the back of her head, the one telling her not to kill the test subject and the one that's making her feel things about her past actions, it's doing a lot more damage than any morality core could ever hope to.
GLaDOS looks down at the unconscious woman in orange on the floor in front of her, part of her wants to just throw Chell into the incinerator, while the other part is yelling at her to quickly help her; in the end she sends the robots over to stabilise her, arguing that death by this point wouldn't be from her but from that idiotic core, and she isn't about to let the moron get one over her by killing her friend.
Chell is more than a little disturbed by Wheatley's voice as they continue doing the tests and she's suddenly glad that the last time she was running them, it was GLaDOS giving her instructions, even in her final room the AI hadn't sounded this creepy.
She isn't sure what sounds less believable, that there was a portal on the moon, or that GLaDOS saved her life.