
A Happy Ending

The sound of the metal door slamming shut was something Court was beginning to get accustomed to. He had just gotten off his laundry shift and would now be in lock up for the next twelve hours. If someone had told Court a year ago that he would be looking forward to doing someone else's laundry he would of thought they were high. But now that time of the day was one that he looked forward to.

He had been incarcerated for the past five months but it felt like years. Prison was a sort of hell that Court could never have imagined. Part of him wished he could just die and get it over with, after all he would be here for the rest of his life. Yes all the money and power in the world hadn't been enough to keep him out of jail or stop the judge from giving him a life sentence. The irony of the situation was that with all the horrible things he had done in his life he was being put away for something he didn't do.

It hadn't taken long to figure out who had set him up. After the night he was picked up by the police he stayed awake all night in his jail cell thinking about how they did it. When he thought back he realized all the signs he should have noticed. Starting with that damn box and those so called divorce papers. When Valmont had given him the box he had never actually scene what was in it. He had purposely taken it behind the bar so it was blocked from view. And those god damn papers. He had never actually looked at them just the front page. He had taken everything on faith from the one person he shouldn't of trusted.

He had pleaded to his father that he didn't do it but the man didn't seem interested. He had defended him and even tried to bribe a judge to get him released but that had only backfired when the papers got wind of what he tried to do. Court was fairly certain they were behind that as well. To make matters worse he had also accidentally confessed under oath that he had been hiding Annette. That alone would have put him away.

Annette, Christ she had gotten off easy in his mind. Shortly after his arrest Court had heard of her suicide. Suicide yeah right. He knew damn well that Kathryn and Sebastian had arranged it or done it themselves, twisted mother fuckers. Court had tried to explain how they were obviously setting him up and that they were probably responsible for Annette's death as well but no one would listen. Once when he was temporarily released for an afternoon he overheard two society ladies talking about his case. They had said even if it was true what Court claimed, he had it coming. The cards where stacked against him from the start. Even if he had by some miracle gotten released, Kathryn and Sebastian would of seen to it that he would be ruined in there society. Hell even the world if they so choose. His last hope had been that maybe Cecil would return and tell the court what the Valmonts were capable of. He had gotten in touch with Mrs. Caldwell but all she would tell him was that there had been no change in Cecil's condition and she promptly hung up.

So he was found guilty and on the day of his sentencing they had shown up. It was the first time he had seen them since his arrest. Kathryn and Sebastian sat in the back of the court room hand in hand with small smiles on there faces. He had glared at them but that had only made them smile more. The judge then told him that he would be sentenced to life and Court had almost fainted. He knew there was no way in hell he would ever make it out alive. He turned around and took one last glance at the happy couple. Kathryn was laughing and as they exited the room she gave him a small wave and Sebastian kissed his middle finger and flipped him off.

That image of the two of them haunted him almost every day. He had done some truly awful shit in his time but they truly were evil. They ruined his life and the sad fact of the matter was there was nothing he could do about it. He knew his parents had given up on him and he never really had any true friends, he was completely alone.

As Court sat feeling sorry for himself the guy who delivered the mail dropped some in his cell. He immediately got up and grabbed it. There was a letter from his attorney that he already knew was telling him that his appeal had been overturned. He didn't even bother to open it and instead he tossed it aside and glared down at his other mail. It was a post card of a white sandy beach. Even before he turned it over he knew who it was from. He flipped it over and it read:

Wish you were here. Actually wish you were dead. Here's hoping! Love Sebastian and Kathryn Valmont.

Court crumpled it up and threw it across his cell. God he hated them.

* * * * * *

Thousands of miles away Kathryn stretched herself out on the hot sand. It was a beautiful day, but then again it was always beautiful in Martinique. She loved the feel of the hot sand under her small body. It truly was paradise and it was a shame they would have to return shortly.

Since the incident with Court and Annette, Kathryn and Sebastian had made it a ritual to go away once a month for a few days. They had the money to do it so why not? But this particular trip was actually for Sebastian's work. He was shooting at yet another exotic location and she had agreed to come along. At the moment he was off shooting with some air head model and she was laying on a private beach in a small bikini. On occasion a waiter who Sebastian had hired to look after the house they had rented would come over and ask if there was anything she needed.

Kathryn closed her eyes and started to drift off to sleep when she heard the sound of a flash in front of her. Her hand went immediately to her face "stop it!"

"Why? Your so beautiful when you sleep" Sebastian replied as he pulled the camera away from his face.

She laughed "how was your shoot?"

"Christ, I hate models. I'd like to have all of them fucking shot." Kathryn laughed at his attitude. Most women would be threatened if there husband was around beautiful women all day, but not her. Sebastian had a huge contempt for all models especially the ones he worked with. "So how was your day?"


"Yeah, good" he said with a smile as the waiter came over with a couple of drinks. "Here want one?"

"No thanks"

Sebastian rolled his eyes "oh come on, don't make me drink alone. I know you want one."

"I do I just can't"

"Why the fuck not? You know I would think-" Sebastian stopped his rant when he noticed the small smile on Kathryn's' face. He remembered the last time when she refused a drink. His mouth fell open slightly "are you? I mean...are you pregnant?"

Kathryn's smile became larger "according to the doctor I'm due in June."

"Holy shit!" Sebastian got up and threw his arms around her. "Where going to have a baby?"

She laughed at him "well technically I am, but yes. I take it your happy?"

He smiled and kissed her "ecstatic." They kissed some more then he pulled away "oh there's some other news. Blain sent this" Sebastian grabbed the New York paper from off the table. A picture of Court was under the heading 'Reynolds Appeal Overturned'.

Kathryn's smile widened "I love a happy ending."

The End